First-class daughter

Chapter 818 Do You Remember

Chapter 818 Do You Remember
Chapter 818 Do You Remember

Mother Tai looked at Lian Siyu coldly, and snorted coldly in her heart, what an ugly person!Just like this kind of thing, you can also rely on fighting with their princess?It's ridiculous!
"Bai Xing, Yinjiao, grab her arm!" Mother Tai ordered, and two tall maidservants stepped forward, and grabbed Lian Siyu's hand tightly. Pulled her fingers among those wood chips!
"No, don't, don't!" Lian Siyu hurriedly begged for mercy, she had seen with her own eyes how the lowly servant girl was tortured to death by this criminal law.


Madam Tai gave an order.

The two maids, Bai Xing and Yin Jiao, forcefully clamped the armrest into the middle——

"Ah!" Immediately, Lian Siyu screamed, curled up with her whole body, and her ten fingers were squeezed tightly together, enduring great pain!
She just felt dizzy and was about to faint.

"..." After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body, although Lian Siyu made it clear that she didn't recognize her, and even wanted to kill her!

However, when Chun Qiniang saw that Lian Siyu was being tortured like this, she was still a mother and daughter, taking a big step forward!

But, she just denied that she was not Yu's mother, now, now she can only act as if nothing happened.

Lian Siyue's slightly cold eyes glanced over the two of them, and the coldness on the corners of his lips was even worse!
"It's something that can be understood by a blood test, but you did it on purpose to avenge Ah Yue." Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyu's painful expression and said.

"How painful it is to have a drop of blood, I still like an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye." Lian Siyue said.

"The strength is too weak!" Seeing that, the powerful Taimao let Bai Xing and Yinjiao let go of the armrest with disgust, Lian Siyu's hand was relieved for a moment, and the whole body collapsed Generally fell to the ground.

Her index finger was in hot pain, she curled up, and the base of her finger was wet with blood.

Nanny Tai walked over a few steps and looked down at Lian Siyu. When Lian Siyu saw this man with a fleshy face, she shuddered in her heart!

The next moment, Nanny Tai was already sitting on Lian Siyu's waist like a buffalo. With such a weight, she felt that her waist was about to break!

Nanny Tai turned her face sideways, sneered, roared, picked up the two ends of the hand clamp, and squeezed the middle one with both hands!
"Ah!" Lian Siyu let out a miserable cry, and then everyone heard the sound of bones breaking, and saw that drops of blood, like wringing out clothes, dripped from the fingers. flow out.

"Ah!" As Nanny Tai tried her best again, Lian Siyu didn't cry out again, but her whole body was like a fish out of water, straight on the ground.

Nanny Tai was sweating profusely, and as soon as she let go of her hand, two fingers fell off the grip holder abruptly!The rest of the fingers were bloody and bloody, and only a little bit of flesh was connected to the palm, and the palm was flattened into a ball like a dead bubble.

It was even more terrifying than Ah Yue's tragic situation just now!
Rao even Yanqing frowned slightly after seeing it, Lian's mother hurriedly closed her eyes, and said a few words about Amitabha.

Lian Siyu collapsed on the ground, the strength in his body was drained, and he rolled his eyes like a dead fish.

"Hmph! When you tortured the people in our palace, you didn't expect such consequences. The old lady showed mercy, otherwise you would have all your fingers broken!" Mother Tai stood up, and Qing Dai hurriedly came forward to wipe her sweat.

"No! No!" Chun Qiniang couldn't bear it anymore, she threw herself on Lian Siyu, held her in her arms with trembling hands, cried loudly, and said, "She is my child , she is my child."

Lian Siyu vaguely heard Chun Qiniang admitting this, she sighed slightly, and closed her eyes——

It's over, it's over!
It's all over!

She worked hard, but she didn't get everything she wanted, and now, she has lost everything.

Lian Siyue looked at it coldly, but there were only four words in her heart: It's your own fault!
And when the eldest lady saw Chun Qiniang hugging Lian Siyu tightly, her eyes revealed the look that only a mother can have. She finally fully understood that she was harmed by this Lian Siyu!

Lian's mother was taken aback, and suddenly remembered another thing, and said, "She is not Rong's daughter, but she is indeed fused with Yanqing's blood, this is... what's going on here? Could it be that someone made trouble that day?"

Chun Qiniang suddenly crawled towards Lian Yanqing's direction, grabbed Lian Yanqing's feet, and cried, "Master, although Xiao Yu doesn't have the right to be a daughter-in-law, she is also a member of the Lian family!"

What Chun Qiniang said made Lian Yanqing startled, and the rest of the people also showed doubts.

Chun Qiniang raised her head slowly and met Lian Yanqing's eyes. Lian Yanqing looked at her and felt more and more familiar, but she really couldn't think of when and where she met her.

"Master, 15 years ago, Yihonglou." Chun Qiniang said with her mouth trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks.

15 years ago, Yihonglou?
Lian Yanqing searched for these memories in his mind, 15 years, that is really too long a memory.

Lian's mother looked at this vulgar girl, heard the ear-piercing three people in Yihonglou, and looked at Lian Yanqing, suddenly remembered something!

She vaguely remembered that many years ago, once, the housekeeper came to Qing'an Courtyard to report to her that there was a woman holding a child who asked to see her at the gate of the Prime Minister's mansion, saying that she was carrying the flesh and blood of the Lian family.

She was very annoyed when she heard it, and when she learned that the visitor was from the Land of Fireworks, she didn't let her in, saying that the Lian family would never admit this kind of child, saying that they didn't know if the child belonged to Lian Yanqing!

At that time, Lian Yanqing's official career was rising steadily. For his reputation, Lian's mother quietly handled the matter. At that time, she asked Nanny Song to give the money, and sent the mother and daughter back to Yangzhou. Chun Qiniang swore that she would never come to the capital again, otherwise, not only would she not be able to enter the Lian family's house, but she would also kill their mother and daughter!
Even Yanqing himself didn't know about this matter.

However, looking at Chun Qiniang and listening to her cries, those long memories slowly came to life——

When he was on a business trip in Yangzhou under the emperor's order, the local administrator arranged for a beautiful woman, Chun Qiniang, to perform piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at the place where he stayed. Later, he had a romantic relationship with this woman.

If this woman is not a firework woman, she would also like to bring her back and accept her as an aunt, but it's a pity that the status is different, so forget it after all.

When he left, he gave the woman a gold collar to hang around her neck.
I saw that Chun Qiniang slowly unbuttoned her skirt, took out a gold collar, and said, "Master, I still remember this token. It was a gift from my master when I left Yangzhou. I have been wearing it all these years." .

(End of this chapter)

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