Chapter 821
Chapter 821
It turns out that only this daughter is truly reliable!
Feng Yunzheng stood aside and witnessed the farce of the Lian family with his own eyes, but what he loved the most was his Yue'er——

In her previous life, she grew up in such a family. No one around her gave her warmth and strength, and her life after leaving this home was even more miserable.

Lian Siyue was keenly aware of Feng Yunzheng's thoughts, she smiled, and said like the wind, "Everything is fine now, that's enough, Yunzheng."

"Yes, it's enough." With him watching, it's enough.

"In this way, we will have to look for that child again." Lian Mu said sadly.

The eldest lady wept softly, crawled up to Rong, took her hand, and said, "Mother, don't lie to me anymore, tell me quickly, where exactly did you take that child back then?" gone?"

Mrs. Rong was in a trance, and she had aged a lot. Of course she knew where the child was now, but now that girl was injured, and her life and death were unknown. If they knew, she was the real second daughter of the Lian family. I'm afraid he will be executed on the spot!

So she murmured:

"If only I knew, it would be great! It was the mother who was sorry for you, causing you to lose a daughter, and now a son is sick!"

Lian Yanqing walked over a few steps, and said very angrily, "Now that things have happened, you haven't clearly explained what happened at that time. I will make it impossible for the Rong family to keep a single bloodline!"

Lian Siyue stared closely at this scheming and cruel grandmother, and narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes seemed to flicker——

"..."Suddenly, Lian Siyue seemed to be hit hard by something, her mind seemed to light up suddenly, and she seemed to be hit hard again.

She turned around and quickly walked in the direction of Xianheyuan.

"Yue'er!" Feng Yunzheng quickly chased after her!

Grandmother asked her to carry her back to Ziyunyuan, and even Siyu framed her, all their actions were aimed at Ah Yue alone!

Originally, she thought that Lian Siyu would teach Ah Yue a lesson, to make an example of others, to give her, who is an older sister, a blow, and to provoke her relationship with her mother!
"I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Lian Siyue walked quickly and said,

Her heart, like a boiling lava, was tumbling, and her steps became more and more cheerful and faster!

Confusion appeared on the faces of Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing——

"What's wrong with the princess, it's rare to see her so excited." Liu Shi of the third room asked curiously.

On the other hand, Mrs. Rong is already sweating profusely!

What are you really afraid of, what are you coming to.

As the prime minister, Lian Yanqing is also very perceptive. From the words and deeds of the calm old lady, he saw that she still hadn't told all the truth, and finally said:

"Forget it, everything in this world is predestined by fate, don't think that you can hide anything just by opening your mouth.

Someone, put her in temporary custody.Tomorrow morning, I will report to the imperial court to make the Rong family pay the due price for this time!
Like a gust of wind, Lian Siyue returned to Xianhe Courtyard, and Feng Yunzheng followed closely behind.

At this moment, Feng Jue was still sitting in front of Ah Yue, dragging his hands, with a dignified expression, and his picturesque eyes were filled with scattered sadness.

The servant girl boiled the medicine and came over, but she didn't reach her mouth bit by bit with a spoon, but she fed it very slowly, because her body was really weak.

Lian Siyue stumbled into the room, and as soon as she entered the room, she stopped!She tried her best to calm down the ups and downs in her heart, but, for the first time, she couldn't control her heartbeat, couldn't control her body, her hair was hot, and her eyes were moist!
She looked at the little girl lying on the bed, clutching the door frame tightly with her hands, her nails almost digging into her flesh, she looked at Ah Yue without blinking.

Hearing the movement, Feng Jue turned around and saw Lian Siyue with tears on her cheeks, she was startled for a moment——

"Sister, are you crying for Eleven?"

Lian Siyue heard Feng Jue's words, more tears fell down, wet her eyes and her heart, she murmured sadly: "It's me, Jue'er, I'm crying for her, Weeping for the poor little girl, she's so poor, isn't she?"

Feng Jue turned her head and looked at the girl who looked like a fragile and broken porcelain doll, "What an arrogant and domineering princess in the past, but now she has fallen to such a state. will die."

As Feng Jue said, her heart throbbed.

"..." More tears fell down.

Lian Siyue walked to the bed step by step, with heavy steps, she looked at the pale face in front of her, at her tightly closed eyes, at the palm of her embrace.

Finally, she slowly stretched out her hand, trembling, and buttoned the next two buttons of her skirt, revealing the delicate and smooth skin on her neck.

Seeing this, Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng who had just run in were slightly taken aback, wondering what Lian Siyue was going to do, they turned their faces away at the same time,

"It's okay, don't look away, just watch." Lian Siyue said.

Both of them turned their faces in doubt. At this time, Lian Siyue had already lifted off the clothes on Ah Yue's shoulders, and suddenly, a pale pink crescent-shaped scar lay in front of their eyes!
Lian Siyue gasped, clutched her skirt tightly, and stared at the crescent-shaped scar!




This scar is crescent-shaped!
On Ah Yue's shoulder, there is a crescent-shaped scar!
At the same time, when Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng saw the scar, they were also deeply stunned, their eyes widened, and they stared at the crescent-shaped scar for a long time——

"This, this scar, Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng's voice trembled.

"Eleven's crescent-shaped scar, sister, is this, could it be, could it be that she is..." Feng Jue seemed to be beginning to understand something,

"Yes, that's right! She is my sister, she is my real sister!" Lian Siyue was so excited that tears fell one by one!

"This poor child, she is my little sister." She bent down and hugged the little girl who was still in a coma tightly in her arms, as if she was holding a rare treasure, carefully holding her in her arms. In his arms, he closed his eyes deeply.

Afterwards, Lian Yanqing, Lian's mother, and the eldest lady who came in to make amends to His Royal Highness Feng Jue happened to hear Lian Siyue's words—

Suddenly, as if they were struck by lightning, they stood there in a daze——

The eldest lady opened her mouth and murmured, "What, what, Yue'er, what did you say, you said her, she is, she is..."

(End of this chapter)

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