First-class daughter

Chapter 822 Here Comes

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Chapter 822 is back

Tears rolled down.

"Yue'er, please explain clearly, what do you mean she is your little sister? What little sister." Lian Mu had already realized a certain idea in her heart, but she still couldn't believe this fact.

Lian Yanqing felt that he was overwhelmed!
Even Siyue couldn't say a word, she kept holding her and refused to let go, tears fell one by one, and she murmured, "My little Ayue, my sister found you, my sister finally found you Now, it turns out that you have been by my side for a long time. In the dark, we have already trusted and depended on each other. From now on, I will never let anyone bully you and insult you. Those who are sorry for you, I Not one will be let go!"

And Feng Jue looked at the crescent-shaped scar on her shoulder, and even after listening to Si Yue's words, she couldn't recover for a long time——

"In this world, there is such a coincidence. I am His Royal Highness the Eleventh, and I am the grandson of the Lian family. She is the second daughter of the Lian family, and she is the eleventh princess. God has arranged our fate like this. "

Facing everyone in the Lian family, Feng Yunzheng said:

"Ah Yue is the real second daughter of the Lian family. After she was carried out of the Lian family, she was carried into the palace by Concubine Xu Xian to replace Feng Jue.

In this way, it can explain why Mrs. Rong lured Ah Yue to Ziyun Court that day, and it can also explain why Lian Siyu framed Ah Yue and tortured Lian Yan to extract a confession.

Because, they were afraid that they had already noticed the crescent moon mark on Ah Yue's shoulders and knew her true identity. "

"Come on, quickly leave Mrs. Rong behind!" Lian Yanqing ordered immediately.

Soon, Mrs. Rong was brought here. Seeing that the matter had been revealed, there was nothing to hide.

The old lady Rong didn't struggle anymore, and explained everything about how Lian Siyu discovered the crescent moon mark on Ah Yue's body, and how she wanted to use the eldest lady's hand to get rid of Ah Yue.

After hearing what Mrs. Rong was saying, and seeing Ah Yue lying on the bed dying, she finally collapsed and threw herself on Mrs. Rong, beating and cursing——

"Mother, mother, how can you be so cruel, one is your own granddaughter, the other is your own grandson, and now they are all unknown!"

Old Madam Rong knelt on the ground and closed her eyes deeply.

Regret, regret, but it's too late!

The eldest lady got up from the ground and walked towards Ah Yue's bed. With trembling hands, she approached her step by step, whispering, "My child, my child..."

Feng Jue stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand, blocked her way, and said coldly, "Don't get close to her."

"Your Highness..." The eldest lady raised her head and looked at Feng Jue sadly, "I didn't know she was my child. If I knew, I would never be fooled by that little bitch Lian Siyu, and I wouldn't be fooled by her." Lead by the nose, won't..."

Feng Jue's eyes flashed with deep resentment and hatred, "If, if you had any compassion, if you had any sense of right and wrong, you wouldn't torture a living person like this.

Once, you were my favorite person in Xiangfu. I like the dishes you cook for me and my sister. Every time we dine with you, I feel very happy and satisfied.

So, when I know I'm not your son, you know... how sad it was for me?I'm sad why I'm not your son, and I'm afraid I won't be able to eat with you and eat my favorite side dishes after I'm sad.

However, you started to guard against me everywhere, and you even wanted to..."

How could he not know that she had more ruthless thoughts on him!
"I am thinking of your kindness in nurturing, and I think, I should forgive you for everything, because you may be confused for a while.

But today, I realized that I was wrong. You are a cruel person, a very cruel person. You can be so cruel to a defenseless child!
You can watch her from life to death!
What does that have to do with whether you know whether she is your daughter or not?

Could it be that she is not your daughter, so she deserves what she is doing now? "

"..." Feng Jue analyzed her heart so coldly, and said such words, the eldest lady felt ashamed.

Feng Jue said with a cold face, unprecedented indifference, "When she wakes up, when she is willing to recognize you, come again, now, please leave here immediately, she and the one who tortured her like this You won't be happy when you're together."

"..." The lady's face turned purple, she looked at Lian Siyue as if asking for help, and whispered, "Yue'er, look, I..."

"Mother, this is the order of the Eleventh Highness, don't you understand? This is the Eleventh Highness, no one else, not even me, can disobey the order of a Highness." However, even Siyue's expression seemed But even more indifferent and alienated than Feng Jue.

At this moment, all she could think of was her little sister.

"..." The eldest lady had no choice but to stand up and leave the room step by step.

As soon as she stepped out of the room door, her legs and feet were weak, and she fell on the ground and cried in a low voice——

How ruthless she was to that girl back then, now she feels so regretful in her heart.

"Ma'am..." Nanny Zhou came over.

The eldest lady seemed to have aged many years in an instant, and the nobility and dignity on her face had disappeared, "Nurse, I have caused her to be like this, she may never forgive me.

At that time, Lian Siyu wanted to torture her, she begged me in every possible way, but I, and I ignored it.

Thinking about it now, she is really a smart child, every word made Lian Siyu speechless, but unfortunately at that time, I didn't listen to her, I was blinded by Lian Siyu.

Now, His Highness the Eleventh has no affection for me, Yue'er is more indifferent to me than before, and this child will not forgive me, I... what should I do, what should I do. "

The eldest lady was crying, but Nanny Zhou had no choice but to comfort her in a low voice——

No one thought that things would be like this.

In Xianhe courtyard.

"In order to make Ah Yue's identity clear, clear, and connected, it's better to recognize it again with a drop of blood under the witness of this king and His Royal Highness the Eleventh, so as to save any tongues in the future, what do you think? Liaison." At this moment, the overall situation of Xianheyuan has been controlled by Feng Yunzheng, and even Siyue and Fengjue's thoughts are on Ah Yue.

Lian Yanqing nodded and said, "What His Royal Highness said is reasonable, let's do this."

So, Qing Dai brought the water, and recognized it again with a drop of blood. There was no suspense—the blood of the two people fused together, and Ah Yue's identity was confirmed——

(End of this chapter)

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