Chapter 823
Chapter 823
She is really, officially, the baby girl who was taken away from the Lian family back then. She is the second daughter of the Lian family and the sister of Princess Heng.

"Things in this world are actually such a coincidence. After a long circle, the person I was looking for is in front of me." Lian's mother put her hands together and said Amitabha a few times, "Now that you have recognized your ancestors and returned to your ancestors We will do our best to heal her."

Lian Siyue let go of Ah Yue's hand slowly, stood up, with an extremely cold face, and asked, "Is Lian Siyu dead?"

Leng Mei stepped forward and said, "Go back to the princess, not yet."

"Don't let her die right away, let my sister wake up and teach her a lesson herself, and it won't be too late before she dies." Her cold voice sounded ruthless, but it was the domineering protection of someone who cared.

Bullying her little sister, she just wanted to die like this, there is no such cheap thing!
"According to the wishes of the princess." Feng Yunzheng explained to everyone.

"Yes." The crowd took orders.

At the same time, the little maid Ani Xiang was also rewarded for her meritorious service in helping Ah Yue, and Nanny Tai arranged for a doctor to treat her foot.

Lian's family left Xianheyuan, and a group of imperial physicians came to the palace. Feng Yunzheng also ordered Ye Feng and Lengmei to set off in person to find Dong Shen who was traveling abroad. (He had healed Lian Siyue in the previous life, and in this life, Lian Siyue found the miracle doctor who worked for her and His Highness the Ninth Prince in advance.)
Soon, Lian's mother sent someone from Qing'anyuan to bring the thousand-year-old ginseng that would extend her life.

His Ninth Highness, Eleventh Highness, and Princess Heng are all so important to someone, how dare the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion be negligent in the slightest, even came several times during the Yanqing period to inquire about his illness.

However, Ah Yue kept her eyes closed and did not wake up, her body was very weak.

"Prince Jiang, Physician Rong, even Siyu suffered the same torture, even her fingers were pinched off, why is her spirit much better than my little Ayue?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Returning to the princess, this person's physique is strong or weak. I just made a detailed diagnosis. Miss Ayue's physique is cold, she has been displaced for a long time, and is malnourished. Therefore, her body is much weaker than that of Lian Siyu. , the symptoms are more serious than hers."

After listening to the imperial doctor's words, Lian Siyue felt even more distressed, "Yes, after a long period of wandering, I even worked as a little nun. I haven't suffered any hardships."

Lian Siyue looked at the pale person on the bed and said distressedly.

Outside Xianhe courtyard.

The moon hung on the treetops, and the world was cold. Feng Jue stood in the middle of the courtyard, the faint moonlight poured on him, faintly exuding a luxurious Qinghua.

After so much time, so many things, and the days and nights of walking on thin ice in the palace, he has grown from a bright boy with smiles all over his brows and eyes to a man who is seriously condensed with wisdom.

"Don't worry too much, Ah Yue herself doesn't know her background yet, she will be fine."

At this time, a voice came from behind, Feng Yunzheng walked to his side, patted Feng Jue on the shoulder, and said.

Feng Jue looked at the moon on the treetop and said, "Brother Wang, tell me, is it destined to come to us early in the eleventh day?"

Feng Yunzheng nodded, "Everything has been planned for a long time, just like you, didn't you come to me long ago? At that time, who would have known that you were my younger brother."

Feng Jue's eyelashes trembled slightly, he turned his face, and said, "Yes, in the dark, there is a destiny. It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen." He was young, but already With the vicissitudes of life feeling.

"Now, there are more important things. According to the law, the prime minister's family has to report to the Ministry of Rites for registration when they find a second-in-law daughter. In the future, how to designate marriage and how to get married will be decided by the emperor.

The previous Lian Siyu was delayed because of Yue'er and I's wedding, but once the time for us to return home is over, we can't delay any longer. "Feng Yunzheng said the most realistic question at the moment, "At the beginning, the emperor himself said that Ah Yue would never enter the palace and never appear in front of her. Do you have any thoughts on this matter? "

"Actually, I just stood here and was thinking about this matter. I will never let her hide and hide from others. I want her to live a bright and honest life as the second daughter of the Lian family.

She can go wherever she wants, like any young lady from aristocratic families, the palace, Lianjia, or any other place, where she should go, she will not be missing.

She has suffered too much, and most of it is because of my Eleventh Highness.

She can't suffer anymore.

She must have what those ladies have, and she must have what they don't have. There can be no less, only more. "

Feng Jue said firmly.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, with a smile on his face, and said, "I think Yue'er thinks the same as you, she won't let her beloved little sister hide from others.

Presumably you also have plans, and in this case, you can do it according to your ideas. "

He patted Feng Jue on the shoulder again.

Feng Jue nodded, and walked out of Xianhe Courtyard.

When they returned to the room, the imperial physicians had already gone to the side room to rest in order to see Ah Yue at any time.

Qingdai and Mother Tai were still guarding in the room, while Yue'er was still sitting in front of the window, looking at Ah Yue lovingly, and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hands, the movements were so gentle and cautious, for fear of disturbing her. It hurts her.

Feng Yunzheng came over, took the handkerchief from her hand, and said, "It's very late, you've been tired all day, it's time to go to rest, if she is exhausted, she won't be able to see a If she is healthy, she will be sad."

Lian Siyue obeyed Feng Yunzheng's movements, put her face on his palm, and said, "I am a little reluctant to rest, I just want to see her for a while. I was here just now, thinking of many things, thinking of her past. I. She died so early, she didn't know her true identity until she died, and she never recognized me.

Now I suddenly feel that God let me live a new life, not only let me get rid of my enemy, but also let me find the person I love.

God treats me well. "

Feng Yunzheng nodded, "Yes, among the people I love, there is me, right?" He bent down, held her in his arms, and said affectionately.

Lian Siyue leaned in his arms, closed her eyes slightly, and said, "Yes, and you, you, you all come to my side one by one, I will never let you leave me again gone."

"No, we won't leave you, my Yue'er."

(End of this chapter)

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