First-class daughter

Chapter 824 A Long Time

Chapter 824 A Long Time
Chapter 824 A Long Time
"I wish to have one heart, and the white head will not be separated. Like the moon, Yunzheng is willing to promise with his life that in this life, he will never betray you, never abandon you and leave you..." Feng Yunzheng uttered this thrilling vow.

"I wish to have one heart, and the white head will not be separated. Yun Zheng, Siyue is also willing to promise with his life that in this life, he will never betray you, never abandon you..." Lian Siyue said, with determination and courage shining in his eyes.

In the previous life, her world was fragmented, and in this life, she will never repeat the same mistakes.

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng's heart was surging when he heard her steadfast oath, and flames flickered in his eyes.

If it is said that he lost all these in the previous life, then he gained more in this life.

"So, my Ah Yue can't die, she must live well, be with us, and have her own happiness." Lian Siyue felt that in the future, everything about her would be closely related to this younger sister.

"Your Highness, Concubine, there is someone called Mrs. Jing'an asking to see you outside." At this time, the voice of the housekeeper announced from outside the courtyard.

Mrs. Jing'an?

Lian Siyue glanced at Ah Yue who was on the bed, and immediately said, "Please!"


After a while, the door opened, Master Jing'an and disciple Lingmiao walked in together, saw Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, bowed and said: "Amitabha, Your Highness, Wangfei."

Feng Yunzheng nodded.

Lian Siyue stepped forward, nodded and said, "Master, did you come here for my little sister, Ah Yue?"

Mrs. Jing'an said, "The poor nun and his apprentice passed by here, and they realized that this place was covered by bloody disasters. They learned from the people that His Highness and Princess are here, so they came to bother them. I never thought that the person who had the accident was my old lady." Lingyu, his disciple."

"So that's how it is. I think this is God's guidance. Teacher, please come here." Lian Siyue saw this teacher Jing'an for the first time and felt that she was extraordinary. Extraordinary temperament is not something that ordinary monks can have.

Mrs. Jing'an clasped her hands together, walked to the window, and saw the dying person on the bed, she closed her eyes slowly, and said, "Amitabha, you are so kind, the villain actually did this to my disciple. Come to think of it, that person's blessings have come to an end. My disciple's passing through this ordeal is actually a kind of blessing."

The little senior sister Lingmiao couldn't help weeping when she saw her former companion turned into such a state, she said puzzledly:
"Master, my junior sister has become like this, why do you still say it's a blessing, I have never seen such a blessing."

"When misfortune comes, good fortune rests on it. When good fortune comes, misfortune rests on it. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other and transform into each other. This is the law of all things in the world, and no one can escape. After this catastrophe, the Lingyu will be extremely prosperous. "Master Jing'an has always been very indifferent.

"Master, if this is the case, it would be great. Junior sister is innocent and kind, and should enjoy the blessings." Lingmiao wiped away her tears and said.

"Blessings are all exchanged for misfortunes, so there is no need to worry too much about gains and losses in life's ups and downs." Master Jing'an said.

Lian Siyue listened to these words, and felt that Master Jing'an was a rare person with great wisdom in the world.

"Lingmiao, unpack my bag." Master Jing'an ordered.

"Yes." Lingmiao put the bundle on the bed and opened it.

I saw a bowl, a string of Buddhist beads, and a small bluish-white porcelain vase inside.

Mrs. Jing'an picked up the porcelain bottle, unscrewed it, poured out a black pill from it, put the pill into Ah Yue's mouth, and said, "This medicine is a gift from Master Poor Nun, it is used to prolong life. , because Master Nian has a relationship with you, I will give this medicine to you."

As she spoke, she stood up, and after chanting another sentence of Amitabha, she asked Lingmiao to pack her bags and prepare to leave without any delay.

Lian Siyue stepped forward, clasped his hands together, and said, "Master, thank you for saving my sister."

Mrs. Jing'an turned around and looked at Lian Siyue, with a certain meaning in her eyes.

Lian Siyue was taken aback, and said, "Master, what do you want to say to me?"

Master Jing'an shook her head too, and said only one sentence, "If you see through, don't tell the truth, if you tell the truth, there must be something wrong" before leaving with Lingmiao.

Don't tell me if you see it through?
Lian Siyue frowned slightly, Mrs. Jing'an's words were obviously warning her of something, she is too proud now, so should she be more cautious?
That’s right, what Master Jing’an said is justified in that, “When there is misfortune, fortune rests on it, and when fortune comes, misfortune rests on it.”

It should be more cautious.

After Ah Yue took the medicine from Mrs. Jing'an, Feng Yunzheng carried Lian Siyue to the room to rest, and Nanny Tai and Qing Dai, who were absolutely trustworthy, stood by the bed and kept an eye on Ah Yue's situation.

The imperial physicians did not dare to slack off, and came in every half an hour to check the pulse.

Even Siyue couldn't sleep, but being held in Feng Yunzheng's arms, whispering with her, stroking her back for her, he finally fell asleep.

Feng Yunzheng also fell asleep in peace.

When the sky turned pale, the little maid outside hurriedly knelt outside and said, "Your Highness, Wangfei, Miss Ayue has made a movement."

"Ah Yue!" Lian Siyue sat up abruptly, and Feng Yunzheng also sat up.

After passing the clothes on, the two hurried back to Ah Yue's room, Lian Siyue walked over quickly, and was pleasantly surprised to see Ah Yue's mouth trembling slightly, not knowing what she was muttering.

"Ah Yue." Lian Siyue moved her ear close to her mouth excitedly, she vaguely heard Ah Yue shouting, "It hurts..."

It turned out that she was in pain!
Lian Siyue hurriedly stroked her face, and said softly, "Ah Yue, sister knows that you are in pain, sister knows it all, but don't worry, sister will do everything possible to wake you up quickly, so that You no longer hurt.

Ah Yue, sister will accompany you. "

"..." Ah Yue's mouth moved again, as if making a sound similar to "sister". Then, she saw his tears rolling down the corners of her eyes, as if she felt her surroundings.

"Imperial physician, imperial physician!" Feng Yunzheng shouted hastily.

When several imperial physicians heard the movement, they immediately treated him seriously, entered the room as quickly as possible, and began to diagnose Ah Yue's pulse.

After a while, Physician Jiang knelt down and said:

"Your Highness, Concubine, Miss Ah Yue's pulse condition is much better than before, and I believe that there will be no more danger to her life. Now I just need to wait quietly for her to wake up, and then slowly heal and recover. "

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue both heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, their lives were finally not in danger.

"However..." Doctor Jiang paused, and said, "Your Highness and Wangfei, you two need to be mentally prepared first. Miss Ah Yue's hand is severely damaged, and there may be some problems in the future. To restore it, you need to recover." It's been a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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