First-class daughter

Chapter 825 It's Raining

Chapter 825 It's Raining
Chapter 825 It's Raining
Lian Siyue still felt a dull pain in her heart when she heard it——

She picked up Ah Yue's hands, she still remembered these hands, the fingers were calloused, thick, and felt very rough when touching the back of her hands.

However, the back of the hand is still smooth and delicate, white and soft like a piece of fine jade, very like the fingers are carved from jade, very beautiful hands.

"Yue'er, there will always be a way." Feng Yunzheng comforted, "There are many miracle doctors and medicines in the world, so Dong Shen is also one of them. In time, Ah Yue's hand will return to its original state." Feng Yunzheng stood aside said comfortingly.

"Master Jing'an said, whether Ah Yue will come in a happy life, I hope it will be so." Lian Siyue comforted herself.

"Good news, good news! Well, the young lady knows she has moved. Although she hasn't woken up yet, the imperial doctor said that her life is not in danger." The housekeeper hurriedly sensed Lian's mother's safety, and reported.

In Qing'an courtyard, even Yanqing and even Yanfu Deng were waiting with the old lady for Ah Yue's awakening, and everyone was worried.

When they heard the good news from the butler, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mother Lian stood up, twisted the beads, and said sentence by sentence, "Amitabha, goodness, goodness, God bless, it is finally saved!"

Even Yanqing's heart was finally relaxed——Ah Yue's identity was too complicated, not only was he Lian Yanqing's first daughter, but she was also the eleventh princess who was brought into the palace. Growing up as the emperor's daughter, at the same time, His Eleventh and Ninth Highnesses value her so much!

His Eleventh Highness even uttered harsh words that if something happened to her, she would definitely wash the Fu'an Courtyard with blood. It was this sentence that made the Lian family feel anxious and restless.

And her eldest daughter, Lian Siyue, who is very protective of the calf, it is obvious that if this younger sister has something, she will dig out Lian Siyu's "ancestral grave"!
It's true that even Siyu is his flesh and blood, if she wants to dig deeper, he, the prime minister, will also be affected, maybe the scandal of the year will be exposed!

Now, she is not in danger anymore, she has removed a big rock in everyone's mind.

"Yanqing, about Ah Yue, we still need to let the emperor know." Lian Mu said.

"Mother, you old man can rest assured, His Ninth Highness and Eleventh Highness will arrange this matter well." Lian Yanqing said.

Lian's mother sighed, and said, "This child is also poor. When he wakes up, how will he face his mother?"

Speaking of the eldest lady, Lian Yanqing was filled with anger, and said, "It's not enough to succeed, it's more than failure! Everything today is thanks to her in the past! If it weren't for worrying about Prince Heng's face, my son would have divorced me a long time ago. Give it to her!"

"She really doesn't know what blessings she has accumulated in her previous life. She gave birth to a daughter like Yue'er. If it wasn't for Yue'er, her fate would not be better than that of Xiao Shi!" Lian Mu shook her head and said.

When Lian Yanqing walked out of Qing'an Courtyard to see Ah Yue, he saw the eldest lady kneeling outside——

He suddenly turned cold, and said, "Why are you here, go to your Fu'an courtyard and stay! Now Ah Yue is fine for the time being, you go to burn incense and worship Buddha to thank Buddha for blessing you, stupid woman!"

Lian Yanqing scolded her mercilessly in front of all the servants, the eldest lady turned pale, and said, "Master, it's my fault, everything is my fault, I have harmed a few children, so I kneel down Here, waiting for you to pass by, I beg your forgiveness."

"Forgive?" Lian Yanqing sneered, and said, "Don't worry, I will forgive you, who gave you a daughter like Princess Heng? Don't thank anyone, thank her, if it wasn't for her..." Lian Yanqing paused, and said, "The name of you and me as husband and wife has long since disappeared!"

"Master..." The eldest lady gasped, and looked at Lian Yanqing weepingly, "Now I completely understand, it's Yue'er, it's Yue'er."

If it wasn't for Yue'er, she would never have the opportunity to kneel here to plead with Lian Yanqing again.

"Rong Xue, just listen, Princess Heng's mother must be an upright and upright Mrs. Xiangfu, so I won't divorce you!

However, the fate between you and me as a husband and wife is over, and you will still be the eldest lady in the future, and I will never have you as a wife in my heart!

If you still think about Princess Heng, I warn you, just stay in your Fu'an courtyard and don't come out, otherwise..."

Lian Yanqing looked at her pale face coldly, and left quickly.

The eldest lady sat down on the ground and cried bitterly again.

She lost the trust of her children and also the respect of her husband. She lost everything!
"Yue'er, it's mother's fault, it's all mother's fault." She was crying, but who wants to hear it?

Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Jue had been standing outside the hall for half an hour.

Feng Degui said that the Eighth Prince was playing games with the emperor in the next round, and he would summon anyone soon.

Therefore, he waited for more than an hour, but Emperor Zhou Cheng still did not receive him, so he stood there without moving, with a resolute expression on his face.

At this moment, his eyes could not help falling in the direction of Changchun Palace——

In his mind, he recalled the day in a trance, when he decided to leave the capital and go out to make contributions.

At that time, he saw Empress Duanwen for the last time, but he didn't even know that she was his mother at that time. Thinking about it, this must be a secret arrangement.

Also, Eleven at that time was still a princess in the cold palace, and she had to do a lot of things every day.

He remembered her saying, Lian Jue, from now on, I hope someone with fresh clothes and angry horses will accompany you to fight the sword to the end of the world, and I hope you will cherish it well.

As a result, when we met again, things were different, he became His Highness, and she became a nun...


"His Eleventh Highness, Eleventh Highness..." Feng Degui called out twice when he was in a daze.

"Eunuch Feng, has your father finished playing chess?" He asked.

Feng Degui shook his head, and said, "Your Highness Eleventh, this old servant is here to deliver a message on the order of the Emperor. The Emperor said that it is getting late. Your Highness Eleventh, please go back to Ming'an Palace first, and come to see me tomorrow."

Feng Jue was startled——

Father is not obsessed with playing chess, why is he so reluctant to play chess today?What kind of chess did Brother Eight Wang play with him?

He asked Feng Degui, said. "Eunuch Feng looked at Father's chessboard. Is it the upper hand or the lower hand?"

Feng Degui thought for a while, and said, "Your Highness, the old slaves of the emperor's chess game don't dare to talk too much. If your highness wants to know, you can come and play a game with the emperor tomorrow."

Feng Jue knew that today was not a good time to talk about the eleventh day with his father, so he kowtowed and left first.

Feng Degui looked at the sky in the west, it was gloomy, and it was going to rain heavily again.

(End of this chapter)

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