Chapter 826
Chapter 826
Three days later, Xianheyuan.

Ah Yue slowly opened her eyes, as if she had had a long, long dream.

Qing Dai, who was turning around to wipe her face, saw her black eyes looking around, and immediately dropped the handkerchief in her hand, and said happily, "Miss, you're awake, you're finally awake! Tai Mommy, hurry up and inform His Highness and Princess Wang."

Ah Yue opened her mouth and wanted to speak, only to realize that her throat was so painful that it was cut by a knife, she could not utter a word, her brows frowned.

Qing Dai quickly said, "Miss, don't worry, you just woke up, don't rush to talk, the princess will be here soon."

Miss?Ah Yue was puzzled when she heard that Qing Dai called her so openly in the prime minister's residence.

"Ah Yue." At this time, a familiar voice came to her, and she saw Lian Siyue walking in quickly, followed by Brother Jiu.

Even Siyue's expression was not as calm as before. When he walked in front of her, tears were still shining in his eyes, and his face had an excited expression of regaining what was lost.

What's going on here?
She felt that the atmosphere after waking up was a little strange.

Lian Siyue raised her hand and gently held her wrist, she felt the princess's hand trembling slightly——

"Lian..." She finally made a sound, but her voice was dry, as rough as cutting a tree.

"Don't talk, the imperial doctor said, if you insist on talking, it will damage your throat, be good, wait for a while before you speak." Lian Siyue hastily urged.

Ah Yue felt very painful and tired, so after waking up for a while, she fell asleep again, and it was too late to say anything to her.

This time, she slept for more than two hours. During this period, the imperial doctor boiled the medicine, and Lian Siyue fed it bit by bit, so when she woke up again, her throat was much more comfortable and she could speak .

She also remembered what happened before she fell into a coma. She remembered that when she finally couldn't hold on anymore, it was Lian Jue who came to rescue her in time.

"His Highness the Eleventh has been in the palace for the past few days." Lian Siyue said, seeing who she was looking for.

"Oh." She nodded.

look down at your hands
"How is Lian Yan?" Ah Yue didn't ask about Lian Siyu's fate, but she was the first one to care about that chubby child.

"He's fine. It's just that he's still feeling unwell. He'll whimper and cry. Now he's being raised by his grandmother in Qing'an Yuan. My grandmother and my father have already said that Yan'er won't be brought to my mother in the future, and will be raised by my grandmother." " Lian Siyue said.

"Then your mother should be very sad. I think she cares about Lian Yan very much." Ah Yue said, thinking about how the eldest lady behaved towards Lian Yan's accident at that time.

"Ah Yue..." Lian Siyue said with a trembling voice, "It's also your mother."

Ah Yue was taken aback, raised her head abruptly, and then looked at Lian Siyue in doubt, but didn't come back to her senses for a long time, "What are you talking about, mother? Who is whose mother?"

"I know, it may be difficult for you to accept this fact all at once, but... Ah Yue, little Ah Yue, you are the first daughter of our Lian family. The baby girl taken away by the family, the baby girl exchanged with Lian Jue, is none other than you."

Lian Siyue said clearly.

Ah Yue's heart skipped a beat, her eyes were full of disbelief, she said with a trembling voice, "Lian, Lian Siyue, what are you talking about, how could I be your sister, how could the Lian family be my family?"

Did she see that she was seriously injured and sympathized with her, so she wanted to officially recognize her as her younger sister?
"Yes, Ah Yue, you are my sister, and my family is also your family. I know you can't accept this fact at once, so let me start from 14 years ago..." Lian Siyue said , holding her hand lightly, and started talking about the stormy night 14 years ago, how she was taken away, how she fell into the hands of Concubine Xu Xian, how she became a princess——

Lian Siyu's real identity, and how Lian Siyu was impersonated, was explained in detail.

Listening to Lian Siyue's tactful and powerful narration, Ah Yue's heart was shocked by what she had done before. If the person who was talking to her was not Lian Siyue, she would never believe this absurd and bizarre thing anyway.

However, because it was Lian Siyue, she had to believe the truth of this fact.

But everything is amazing——

Lian Siyue tore off the clothes on her shoulders a little, revealing the crescent-shaped scar, and said, "You have been by my side for so long, and I have never seen this scar."

"It's usually not revealed casually. It's normal not to see it." Ah Yue said, but——

"I'm actually... your sister." She couldn't believe it, but there was a faint joy in her heart——

Lian Siyue is actually her sister.

"Yes, Ah Yue, you are my sister, I am your sister, everything is clear." Seeing her childish look and the smile gradually revealed on her lips, Si Yue couldn't help but also smiled. up.

"I'm your younger sister. I'm actually your younger sister. This is my home. My family members are all here. My surname is no longer Feng, but I believe in Lian, that's how it is, right, Lian Siyue. "As she spoke, a big smile appeared on her face, completely forgetting the pain on her hand.

"Yes, you are my younger sister, and I am your older sister. Your name is no longer Feng Lingyue, but your name is Lian Lingyue." Lian Siyue looked at her little sister dotingly, and she smiled , the world is in full bloom.

"Lian Lingyue, Lian, Ling, Yue..." Ah Yue read her name word by word, "I like this name, I really like this name, because my surname is Lian just like yours!
I like it because I have the same last name as you, sister. "

In the end, Lian Lingyue cautiously called out the word "sister" with a hint of hope, a hint of happiness, and a hint of joy. The word slipped from Lian Siyue's heart like a feather.

With tears in her eyes, she carefully took these two words into her heart, and slowly melted them into the deepest part of her heart with sweetness and hope.

"Sister." She possessed herself, touching Lian Lingyue's face with her hand.

Lian Lingyue leaned her head gently on Lian Siyue's shoulder, she was still shocked, but the shock was slowly overwhelmed by sweetness, she murmured happily, "There is nothing better than this, I turned out to be your sister."

"Yes, there is nothing better than this." Lian Siyue closed her eyes and said.

Feng Yunzheng let go of his hanging heart, walked in, and said, "Finally it's all right, you're fine, your sister is the only one who can feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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