Chapter 827
Chapter 827
You don't know, in the past few days, she has hardly closed her eyes.

I've never seen her care so much about anyone. "

After hearing this, Lian Lingyue raised her head and said, "Sister, you are exhausted. In my daze, I always feel that someone is holding my hand, telling me not to be afraid, and will definitely seek justice for me." , So that person is you."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Not all of them are me."

"Huh?" Lian Lingyue had doubts in his eyes.

"Your Highness the Eleventh, Yun Zheng and I were both in the temple when your accident happened. When we came back, we saw that he was afraid that you would hurt him, so he kept grabbing your wrist for a whole day and night. Later, he said he would go I left after seeing the emperor in the palace." Lian Siyue said.

Lian Lingyue was slightly stunned, it turned out that the voice that always lingered in her ears in her sleep, as well as the force from her wrists, were from Lian Jue.

Suddenly, she remembered that before she passed out of a coma, she seemed to have said something terrible to Lian Jue—she suddenly let out a sound——

She said hi, like him!

At that time, even Lingyue thought that she would not survive, so she said all the things buried in her heart.

but now……

"Your Highness the Eleventh is here!" Just as she was thinking about how to face Lian Jue in the future, there was a sound of notification from outside the door, and soon she saw a man in an ice blue brocade robe rushing like the wind. came in.

Seeing her with wide-open eyes, he paused in his steps and stopped immediately—"Eleven?"

Lian Lingyue blushed when she saw him, and said, "You're here..."

"I heard you're awake." Feng Jue stood there, tall and handsome, with picturesque eyes, and said.

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng glanced at each other and walked out, leaving them alone in the room.

Feng Jue walked over, looked at her hand in front of her, thought about the bloody look at that time, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Lian Lingyue nodded and said, "It hurts very much, and it's very hot. Sometimes I feel my fingers beating uncontrollably."

"Be more careful in the future, don't run around, and take good care of these hands so that they can recover well." Although she is the same age as her, Feng Jue reminded her like an elder.

"I miss the feeling of running around. Just now my sister said that I was not allowed to move around for a long time." Lian Lingyue said.

elder sister?

Hearing her address to Lian Siyue, he asked, "You know everything?"

Lian Lingyue nodded, "Well, I know, I never thought that such a coincidence would happen in the world.

You are the eldest grandson of the Lian family, and I am the eleventh princess of the palace, but the result is that you are the eleventh prince of the palace, and I am the second daughter of the Lian family.It was the two of us who really exchanged lives. "

"Yeah, everything was a coincidence. But now, it's finally everyone's turn. From now on, you will have a family, with the protection of your family and the protection of your sister. From now on, you won't have to live a life of wandering." Feng Jue was filled with emotions, and felt relieved about Lian Lingyue's future.

"Actually, since I took your place, I've been feeling uneasy. Now that you have a home, I'm really happy."

"Then, hello, Feng Jue, I'm Lian Lingyue." Ah Yue raised her hand, looked at him with a smile, and said.

"Hello, Lian Lingyue, I'm Fengjue." He also smiled slightly.

Lianjue, Feng Lingyue.

Feng Jue, Lian Lingyue.

So far, homing.

Everything after that is hard to say.

It's just that, in this situation, no one thought too much or looked too far.

Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing, Liu's, Hu's, Lian Yanfu, Lian Yantao and others heard that the real second daughter of the Lian family finally woke up, and soon came to recognize her one by one.

She still finds it amazing that the old Mrs. Lian and Lian Xiang became her grandmother and her father in the past, and she couldn't get used to it for a while. It was Lian Siyue who urged her in her ear, and she just yelled in a panic. grandmother and father.

Lian's mother came over, looked at her hands, touched her tears, and said angrily, "It's all my fault. At that time, I was afraid that Lian's family's bones and blood would be spilled, so I hurriedly found her back, but I didn't check it carefully. The wicked took advantage of the loopholes.

That's why you suffered such a serious injury. Grandma really feels ashamed. "

Seeing this grandmother, Lian Lingyue was rather kind, and said, "Grandmother Ling Yue'er has already returned. No one thought of the past. Grandma, you don't have to feel ashamed."

Lian Mu's eyes were flushed, and she said, "Look carefully, this looks like the flesh and blood of our cheeks."

Facing the Eleven Princesses of the past, who had suddenly turned into his own daughter, Lian Yanqing still felt a little uncomfortable, stepped forward, and said bluntly, "Recover well in the future, and the matter of recognizing your ancestors and returning to your clan will have to wait until you recover to proceed.”

"Yes, thank you father." Looking at the prime minister's father, even Lingyue hadn't warmed up all of a sudden, so he said politely.

"Okay, Ling Yue'er just woke up, don't let her talk for too long, wait a little longer, let's come and see." Lian's mother finally asked everyone to leave one by one.

Soon, all the houses sent generous gifts, which were much more grand than when Lian Siyu came home.

Who made this young lady and Princess Heng so good, and was protected by His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and His Royal Highness Eleventh, who would dare to neglect her.

Soon, the fairy lotus courtyard will be full.

Lian Siyue said that there is no need to send it over, so she just stopped.

Lian Lingyue was silently in the joy of meeting Lian Siyue, she recovered from her illness very quickly, and in a few days, she could walk on the ground, but she had to protect her hands with extra care.

Dong Shen stayed behind to give her the medicine for treating her hands, and at the same time remixed the medicine for her face. He swore a heroic oath, saying that he would cure both of these beautiful people.

In fact, Lian Lingyue has been thinking about another person in her heart these days, because no one mentioned her, not even her sister even mentioned Siyue, so she didn't say anything.

When she was able to walk on the ground, she told the new girl named Hui Xiang, "Help me to the Fu'an Courtyard."

Fenix ​​was taken aback, "Miss, that's Fu'an Courtyard, do you really want to go?"

Lian Lingyue nodded, "Get ready."

Fu'an Hospital.

The eldest lady was sitting on the bed, washing her face with tears, but within a few days, she was haggard like a fallen leaf in the wind, crumbling to the ground.

She never expected that as soon as Yan'er recovered, the old lady would take the child and said that Yan'er would return to Qing'an Courtyard to be raised.

Nanny Zhou came in, holding a bowl of medicine in her hand, and said, "Ma'am, take the medicine."

The eldest lady grasped Zhou Nanny's wrist tightly, "Zhou Nanny, quickly think of a way to get Yan'er to come back to me, I can't live without him."

(End of this chapter)

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