First-class daughter

Chapter 828 Analysis of True Feelings

Chapter 828 Analysis of True Feelings
Chapter 828 Analysis of True Feelings
Nanny Zhou sighed, and said, "Ma'am, now the old lady and the master are angry with you. If you ask now, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive. It's better to wait for a while until the old lady and the old man are both angry. Go. Now, you can relax and take good care of yourself."

Zhou Nanny's words elicited more tears from the eldest lady, "Zhou Nanny, how can I relax, three children, all three have left me. Especially Yan'er, he is still young, who will take care of him? Who is he with? If he leaves me for too long, he is afraid that he will become estranged from me and deny me as a mother.

Didn't the old lady plan to take Yan'er away at such a time? "

"However, if the old lady insists on doing this, there is nothing the lady can do." Now, the Rongguo Mansion cannot protect itself, the old lady Rong is in a cocoon, ruined the Rong family, and the eldest lady is not close to the wife anymore, who is required to do this?

"On this matter, only Yue'er can help, but..." Thinking of her thoughts on Yue'er when Lian Siyu was here, I am afraid that the clever Yue'er has already understood as clearly as a mirror.

Nanny Zhou waited on the eldest lady to drink the medicine and then left the house.

When she walked out the door, she saw the new young lady Lian Lingyue standing in the courtyard. When Nanny Zhou saw Lian Lingyue's hand still wrapped in gauze, her hand slipped in fright, and the bowl fell to the ground and shattered.

She quickly knelt down, "Miss, you are here. Slave, servant, please go and inform Madam."

"No need, you go down." Lian Lingyue said.

"Yes." Nanny Zhou looked anxiously at Lian Lingyue walking into the house.

Thinking back, the scene of the young lady being tortured that day is vivid in my mind.

Lian Lingyue walked into the room, walked to the bed of the eldest lady, and looked inside——

I saw that she was haggard and was slowly moving down from the bed, walked to the front of the cabinet, opened the box underneath, took a few clothes for the little dolls in her hands, stroked them, and wept secretly, looking It looks very sad and pitiful.

Lian Lingyue felt a tingling pain in her heart——

This is her biological mother, the person she has thought about and hoped for for a long time after knowing her life experience.

Looking at the woman who was no longer radiant, she felt very contradictory in her heart, as if a needle was pricking her heart.

"Mother Zhou, why are you back again? I asked you to go and see how Yan'er is doing. Have you gone yet?" The eldest lady noticed the movement at the door of the room, and thought it was Mother Zhou who left and returned.

"Nurse Zhou went to Qing'an Courtyard to inquire, but she hasn't come back yet." A voice replied.

The Da Furen stopped holding the child's clothes, and the voice——

She turned around slowly, only to see a girl standing in front of her, with almond eyes and a pair of walking shoes on her head, she looked very cute, but her hands...

Da Furen's eyes flustered, and she said, "You, you are here."

Lian Lingyue stepped forward and said, "I'll come and see you, please sit down."

After the lady sat down, she looked at her hands, feeling remorse and uneasiness in her heart, and asked, "Is your hand... better? Look at me, what are you asking, fingers connected to heart, it must be very painful ,then……"

She remembered Lingyue's screams again and again that day.

Lian Lingyue lowered her head and looked at her hand, it was indeed still in pain, "It's a heart-to-finger connection, it's an injury, and if it's an injury, it will heal sometime, it will definitely be fine."

My sister said that her finger was injured so badly that she was prepared to never heal, but she firmly believed that it would definitely get better.

It was the first time for the eldest lady to talk to her at such a close distance, and she found that this child was optimistic and bright, and there was no self-love and self-pity after being persecuted, which was completely different from that of Lian Siyu.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "It's all my fault. Back then, I was obsessed with ghosts and obeyed your grandmother's orders to have you taken away.

Now, you are right in front of me, but I was misled by the villain and hurt you with my own hands, causing you to lose half your life.

I really don't have the face to face you. "

After hearing this, Lian Lingyue asked, "I'm here today to ask, if you do it all over again, will you let someone take me away?"

The eldest lady raised her head sharply, "No! I won't let anyone take you away. Over the years, I have been suffering day and night, always waking up in the middle of the night crying secretly, always thinking about where you will be, what will happen in the future? What kind of life do you live, worrying that you will not have enough food and clothing, worrying that you will be bullied..."

As the eldest lady spoke, she began to cry again.

Lian Lingyue sighed deeply and said, "Everything is in the past, we don't want to be bound by the past anymore.

I came today to tell you another thing. "

"What's the matter, tell me." Seeing that Ling Yue didn't mean to blame her, the eldest lady felt a little better. She thought she came here to question her.

"It's about my sister," she said.


"At first, when everyone thought that Lian Siyu was the second daughter of the Lian family, you had a special preference for her. I also noticed that you seemed to be striving to train her well, so as to compete with my sister. You said it, right?" Lian Lingyue looked at the "mother" and asked.

The eldest lady was startled, with a trace of uneasiness on her face, "Lingyue, I..."

"Besides, Lian Siyu even had bad thoughts about my ninth brother and wanted to rob my sister for her husband, you know that too." Lian Lingyue asked again.

The eldest lady was taken aback, "That little bitch actually had feelings for His Highness Ninth Prince. I didn't know this. If I knew, I would never allow it."

"At that time, she was not a little bitch, but your little daughter." Lian Lingyue reminded.

The eldest lady felt a little uncomfortable, "Yes, what you said is true. However, I really don't know that she has such thoughts, and I only mentioned it to your father, to train Xiao Yu well, and marry His Highness the Eleventh as a princess in the future."

Hearing this sentence, Lian Lingyue was stunned for a moment, it turned out that they had also planned Lianjue.

"Anyway, I want to tell you that-

A sister is a sister, no one can surpass her at will, and no one can replace her. As for coveting her happiness, it will never be allowed to happen.Even if she doesn't care about it, I won't do anything, no matter who that person is.

I know, you feel guilty towards me, just like you thought Lian Siyu was your daughter at the beginning, you feel owed, you want to make up, so you don't hesitate to use your sister as your target, you may feel that everything your sister has is worthless That's great, the younger daughter can't be worse than her.

To me, you must not do this.

A sister is a sister, I am me, we are different.

I want to tell you, don't feel bad about my sister. If one day, she and I can only save one person, I will protect my sister without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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