First-class daughter

Chapter 830 Wronged You

Chapter 830 Wronged You
Chapter 830 Wronged You
"Also." Lian Lingyue looked at her sharply, and said, "In the future, if I hear you scolding my sister again, be careful that I will cut off your rotten tongue!"

If Feng Yunzheng is an arrogant wife-protecting madman, then Lian Lingyue is an arrogant and arrogant sister-protecting madman.

Lian Siyu was frightened by Lian Lingyue's aura, so she didn't dare to say a word.

Lian Lingyue looked at her coldly again, and said, "If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die, Fenix, let's go."

Not long after Lian Lingyue left, several nuns suddenly came to Qingquanyuan and dragged Lian Siyu up from the bed. Lian Siyu panicked and said:
"You, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Hmph, what do you think we want to do? You are a female branch girl, and you want to be the lady of the prime minister's mansion. It's wishful thinking! Remember, a chicken will always be a chicken, and it can't fly to a branch to become a phoenix." One of them Mammy laughed viciously.

"Who sent you here, who sent you here!" Lian Siyu watched in horror as another nun came over with a bowl of soup medicine, she shook her head in horror, "What is this, you want to eat it for me What? Uh, uh..."

Her eyes were wide open, but being held hostage by several Kongwu powerful nuns, where there was no room for resistance, she could only watch herself being poured down a large bowl of soup.

After the medicine was poured, the nuns let go, and she fell to the ground, shaking a few times like a dying fish, and then stopped moving again——

A pair of eyes were opened tightly, and red foam was left in the mouth.

"Dead, terribly dead." Mammy touched her breath and said.

"Wrap it in a straw mat, find a place to bury it, no one is allowed to mention this person again in the future, just pretend that this person has never appeared in the mansion, everyone understands."


After dark, a straw mat dragged a corpse and left Qingquanyuan. After that, Qingquanyuan was blocked.

The news spread to Qing'an Courtyard, the maid in charge of taking care of Lian Siyu said that this fake young lady couldn't think about it, she bit her tongue and killed herself, even her mother didn't go into it after hearing it, she was a person who wouldn't stay, and she would die if she died up.

In the end, I only warned everyone, "You guys, one by one, remember them all for me, don't think about things that don't belong to you, otherwise, you won't lose money by stealing chickens."

Finally, Xianheyuan.

Nanny Tai said to Lian Siyue, "Miss, everything has been done according to your instructions, then Chun Qiniang also took the money and sent her away, and told her that Lian Siyu became a young lady in the Prime Minister's mansion, so that she would never forget her." Don't come to the capital, she took the money and left."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Understood, it's done well, you should go and rest too."

"Yes, Missy." Mother Tai stepped back.

That's right, eradicating Lian Siyu is Lian Siyue's meaning——

She never believes that evil people can do good, especially for such a vicious person as Lian Siyu, if she is given a chance, she will definitely find another chance to bite back fiercely.

She knew very well that her younger sister was smart, but without her ruthlessness, it was inevitable that she would not suffer from Lian Siyu in the future.And she was going back to Prince Heng's Mansion, and she would not be with Ling Yue from time to time, so the only way to completely avoid the harm caused by Lian Siyu was to cut the grass and roots.

As for leaving a glimmer of life for Chun Qiniang in the end, she was also touched by her mother's heart. After all, she was also the mother of two children in her life like a month ago. She understands the heart of being a mother, so, Chun Qiniang would never know that her daughter was buried in the wilderness wrapped in straw mats.

After the servants all retreated, Lian Siyue suddenly felt a little tired, and after counting, another life was lost in her hands.

She lay down on the bed and rested with her eyes closed.

At this time, she only felt that the bed beside her had collapsed, she opened her eyes, and accidentally bumped into a pair of deep eyes, which were like a spring, nourishing her heart.

"Are you here? Have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, I'm going back to the palace." Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt, and hugged the two of them. One of his subordinates exerted a little force, and even Siyue's quilt was pressed against his chest.

No matter when, he always wanted to give her wings, let her fly, and protect her well.

"Do you think I'm too cruel, and I'm still cruel to a person who seems to have no threat." Lian Siyue closed his eyes, greedily absorbing his breath, which made people feel unprecedented peace of mind.

"You did the right thing, don't leave any room for the bad guys.

In the past, we believed that human nature was good, so we left room for others in everything, and as a result, we ended up in a complete failure.

Therefore, we understand the dangers of human nature better than anyone else, and we are so ruthless not only to protect ourselves, but also to protect those we care about.

You have done so much for Lingyue today, no wonder she regards you as a god. "

As he spoke, a smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face.

He was happy for his princess. In the previous life, she was weak, and in the end she had no friends around her. In this life, there are more and more people who love her, protect her, and care about her.

Even Siyue smiled, "This child has never been so thoughtful, I hope she will continue like this.

To be as enlightened as I am is a transformation after going through hell and enduring endless suffering.

I don't want her like me.

So, in this life, as my elder sister, I want to take good care of her and keep her so heartless forever.I don't want any blood on her hands, so, let me level her path. "

"She has a sister like you, which can be regarded as compensation for her previous life. She is lucky." Feng Yunzheng was moved by Julien Siyue's sincerity to her beloved.

"Thinking of her early death in the previous life, I can't help but want to treat her better." Just like how I felt about Lian Jue when I was resurrected, I just want to make myself strong enough to protect them.

Day two.

The day to return home has come, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue are about to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Early in the morning, even the family members began to prepare for the farewell.

Lian Lingyue went to Xianhe Courtyard to guard before dawn, and seeing that Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue hadn't woken up yet, they sat at the table outside and lay down on it to wait.

Her hands are still not healed, and she can't even touch them. The doctor said, it's hard to recover, but she seems to be unaffected by this matter, immersed in the joy that she and Lian Siyue are sisters every day , this joy masks the pain of the body.

When there was the sound of Lian Siyue getting up, she jumped up like a grasshopper and ran to her room.

Feng Yunzheng saw it, and teased, "You girl, did you guard our yard last night?"

"I thought about it, but Fennel wouldn't let me, for fear that I would catch the cold." Lian Lingyue walked in front of Lian Siyue and said, "Sister, you are going back today, if I miss you, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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