Chapter 831
Chapter 831
She pouted, aggrieved and authentic.

Lian Siyue held her hands affectionately, and said, "Fool, Prince Heng's Mansion is not far from the Prime Minister's Mansion. I told my grandmother and third aunt, don't restrict your freedom in the future. If you want to come to the Prince's Mansion, you can come anytime." That's right."

Lian Lingyue snuggled into Lian Siyue's arms and said, "Sister, I knew earlier, I don't want you to get married so early, you..."

"Hey, hey, Lian Lingyue, be careful what you say! I've waited for so long, and I don't want to wait another day, but now you say you don't want her to marry so early, have you ever thought about my feelings?"

Lian Lingyue glared at Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Brother Jiu, my sister is yours now, you can't let me have a good time."

Feng Yunzheng grabbed Lian Siyue's shoulders domineeringly, waved her hand, and said, "Go, go, kid, you can't get enough of your mouth, any attempt to stop Yue'er from approaching me as quickly as I do will be punished." Not allowed, including you."

Lian Lingyue knew that Feng Yunzheng cared about her sister a long time ago, and seeing him so nervous and caring now, she was very happy in her heart, but said in her mouth:

"Then you put your sister in prison, and be careful that I will snatch her back."

"Okay, you two, aren't you brother and sister? There was a lot of quarreling early in the morning, and I'm afraid of you." Lian Siyue patted Feng Yunzheng's hand and said.

She feels very happy now, the person she loves the most and cares about the most, one is on the left and the other is on the right.

She pulled Lian Lingyue to the side again, told some things, and asked Qingdai and others to carry three boxes out, and said, "These things are gold, silver and jewels, you can keep them for yourself, and reward the servants." That’s fine. I’ll send someone to bring it to you when it’s used up in the future.”

"Sister..." Lian Lingyue suddenly had a sore nose and wanted to cry, "You are too kind to me, but I seem to have done nothing for you."

"Fool, you and I still pay attention to these things.

Besides, why didn't you do it for me? You did a lot for me. "Lian Siyue said.

"elder sister……"

"Okay, don't be too moved. It's just three boxes of gold and silver. My house can afford it. Your sister has whatever she wants, and you are nothing." Feng Yunzheng saw that Lian Lingyue was about to cry again. Nose, half-seriously, half-jokingly.

"..." Lian Lingyue sniffled and said, "Brother Jiu, thank you for being so kind to my sister."

"Princess, concubine, Mr. Liang from Liang Guofu is here and is asking to see you outside." At this time, a voice of reporting came from outside.

Liang Shumo?Lian Siyue frowned slightly, what is this devil king doing here? "You went back, I don't see you, and don't come to me again in the future. I am already Prince Heng, and I will never meet him in private. If he insists on doing so, I can only invite Duke Liang to come forward." She refused decisively. road.

Feng Yunzheng was obviously displeased, and said, "It seems that I am going to do it myself."

He absolutely can't bear anyone coveting his princess, especially a brave and fearless person like Liang Shumo, he must be uprooted like a weed in one fell swoop!

"No, I'll go, you stay, and be gentle with my sister. I'll cut the flowers and plants for you." Lian Lingyue had heard about Liang Shumo's provocative marriage proposal before, and this time this guy came again , what do you want to do?
As he spoke, he quickly ran out and shouted, "Fenix, get ready, let me meet Liang Shumo and see what kind of monster he is."

"Yes, miss, let's go."

"Hey, slow down." Lian Siyue said loudly quickly.

However, Lian Lingyue had disappeared in an instant.

"This guy, he was arguing with you just now, and now he defends you again." Lian Siyue shook his head and said with a smile.

"Let her go." Feng Yunzheng couldn't help it, hugged Lian Siyue, lowered his head, his lips lingered on her neck, and his breathing gradually became heavy.

Lian Siyue blushed, and then took the initiative to wrap his arms around his neck.

He bent down and picked her up horizontally, laying her on the bed, lying on top of her, buried his head in front of her chest, and stroked her hair with his hands, the fragrant smell made him unable to stop.

"Yue'er..." He murmured affectionately, "Tomorrow is the day you will reach your birthday."

Feng Yunzheng's heart was inexplicably excited, and the blood in his whole body was about to boil.

Lian Siyue's heart was beating violently, his face was blushing, his voice was blurred, and he said, "Yeah, time... flies so fast."

"Quick? For me, the days are like years." Feng Yunzheng smiled wryly.

Since the day he got married, he must get up three times every night and pour cold water on his body to extinguish the burning fireworks in his body.

This went on and on again, his nasal cavity was heavy every day, and he had to bear the ridicule of the second brother every day.

It's really... amazing!
"Then hold him like this, let's go to sleep again." Lian Siyue blushed as if she was about to bleed, wrapped her arms around his waist, and deliberately rubbed against his waist.

Feng Yunzheng gasped, grabbed her hands, "Not good."

At the gate of Xiangfu.

Liang Shumo was waiting thoughtfully for the result of the notification.

After a while, the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion finally opened slowly again, with a smile on his face, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Finally..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that the person standing at the door was a woman who looked a little familiar, but actually remembered who it was. She was dressed luxuriously, not like a maid.

But if it was Miss Lian's family, he didn't remember such a lady.

I saw her almond eyes wide open, her hands on her hips, her chin raised slightly, she looked fierce, but her expression was very lively and interesting——

"Who are you?" Liang Shumo asked.

"Who am I, and what have I to do with you? It's just that you, the one who proposed marriage to Lian Siyue, came to see her in a grand manner, and His Highness the Ninth Prince is still here, have you ever thought of any bad influence?" Lian Lingyue was not polite. typical.

"What bad influence? When I proposed marriage and was rejected back then, and when I came here today, I was upright, and I never covered it up." Seeing the girl say this about him, Liang Shumo said.

"Then let me tell you, even Siyue said that he refused to see you, and His Highness the Ninth Prince also said, if you don't listen, I will call your grandfather Liang Guogong to teach you a lesson." Lian Lingyue put her hands on her hips, road.

When Liang Shumo heard his grandfather's name, he flinched in fright, "Who are you from the Prime Minister's mansion, saying such words to scare me?"

"I won't tell you, anyway, the words have been brought, if you don't leave, I will drive you away." Lian Lingyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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