First-class daughter

Chapter 832 Look up

Chapter 832 Look up
Chapter 832 Look up
"Hey." Liang Shumo sighed, and said, "Even you bully me, what's the point of me being alive, Liang Shumo?"

"You are young, why do you have to put your heart on an impossible person, what's the point of that?" Lian Lingyue said.

Liang Shumo glanced at her leisurely, and said, "Girl, when I put my heart on someone, I never thought about the impossible. This is called love."

Lian Lingyue was going to reprimand Liang Shumo, but when she heard this sentence, she fell silent and put her heart on the impossible person. Isn't she talking about herself?

After expressing his heart to Lian Jue under the extreme pain, Lian Jue didn't respond to it. He seemed to have completely ignored this matter, but she was a little embarrassed to face it.

"What's the matter with you, what's on your mind? Could it be that you're in love with someone you can't love?" Seeing that the tempered girl suddenly stopped talking, Liang Shumo leaned forward and asked.

Lian Lingyue came back to her senses and said, "I don't have anything on my mind, don't talk nonsense. Hurry up, otherwise, my ninth brother will not let you go."

She said, turned and ran away.

Liang Shumo stood on the spot and murmured, "Ninth Brother? She calls His Highness Nine like that. It seems that she is by no means an ordinary person."

"Master Liang, this is our lady, she just came back." The nurse at the door said.

"Miss who just came back?" Liang Shumo blinked his eyes thoughtfully.

After breakfast, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue left the Prime Minister's Mansion as scheduled, and went back to Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Lingyue was still reluctant to part with her, and had been watching their sedan chair disappear from sight before Cheng Huayuan.

Suddenly, when everyone left, she felt cold and cold, and then began to feel that she was really the lady of Xiangfu, and she would spend her days here.

Because of the deterrence of the Ninth Highness, the Eleventh Highness, and Princess Heng, everyone was very respectful to Lian Lingyue, the second-in-law daughter. The old lady was afraid that she would be lonely, so she added four maids, two women, each Send clothes and jewelry to her Chenghua courtyard.

"Miss, when I went to Qing'an Courtyard to get your clothes today, I heard the old lady was discussing with the third lady about finding a good marriage for you. You have finally come to the end of all hardships." Fenix ​​was arranging the clothes , said to Lian Siyue who was lying on the table and being fed lotus seed soup by the mother.

Lian Lingyue was startled, and the lotus seed soup that reached her mouth paused before swallowing, looking for a marriage for her?

"I'm still young, I don't want to get married, and my sister just got married." She muttered, lowered her head and continued to eat lotus seed soup, but the speed of eating slowed down, and she gradually lost consciousness.

"Miss, what the old lady means is not to ask you to marry immediately, but to find someone for you first. You like it, and your status is suitable." Fennel said, puzzled by Lian Lingyue's thoughts.

Lian Lingyue bowed her head and stopped talking.

"Miss, the Eleventh Prince is here." At this moment, Nanny Yi said outside.

Lian Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, her ears turned red quickly.

As soon as she stood up, she saw that icy blue figure walking in. He didn't know when, but he grew so much taller than her. It was obvious that a year ago, they were the same height.

"Lian Jue, why are you here?" She asked.

With a slight smile on Feng Jue's face, he said, "Is your hand feeling better?"

Lian Lingyue raised her gauze-wrapped hand, "I need the help of the maids to eat and drink water. You can't touch it. Sometimes it will get hot. The doctor said it will take some time to remove the gauze."

"Ten fingers connected to your heart, you have hurt your muscles and bones again, so the recovery time will naturally be longer. Don't try your best, don't run around, and leave everything to the servants to do." Feng Jue warned.

Lian Lingyue nodded and asked again, "Did you come here to tell me this?"

"I'll find you and go into the palace together."

"Enter the palace?" Lian Lingyue's heart was pricked lightly by something, she turned around, looked out the window, and said, "At that time, the emperor issued an order that I was not allowed to step into the palace again in this life. You will never see me again in your life, so you agreed to let me go.

Now that you are talking to me about entering the palace, you must want to say something for me in front of the emperor, so that I can be upright and unrestrained.

Lian Jue, I know that you are quite favored by the emperor now, whether it is court affairs or palace affairs, he trusts you quite a lot, the emperor will listen to what you say.

However, it is precisely because you have such hard-won trust from the emperor that you should cherish it even more.A companion is like a tiger, and you should not do anything that will endanger this trust, and I will not allow you to do it.

So, don't say anything about me going in front of the emperor, I am already very grateful for what I am now, if I can't go to the palace, I won't go. "

"Since you are the second daughter of the prime minister's mansion, your name will be on the list of the Ministry of Rites. When you reach the marriageable age, the emperor will appoint you to marry me. Therefore, you will meet the emperor father one day. Why don't you let this matter go first?" It's settled, and in the future, we can do whatever we want," Feng Jue said.

"But, you..."

"Don't worry, although father's preferences are very important, my eleventh son can gain trust from father and have a certain influence in the court, not because of flattery to father.

So, I went to talk to my father, the consequences are not as serious as you think, so you don't have to worry too much. "Feng Jue explained and comforted.

Lian Lingyue turned around and looked at Feng Jue. She actually wanted to ask him why he did this for her, but she swallowed the words again, afraid of hearing the result that would disappoint her.

"Let's go, the carriage is ready." Feng Jue said.

Rongyuan Hall.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was admiring some rare artworks that were tributed by the surrounding small countries. Feng Jue had been waiting patiently. After a long while, Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his head and said, "I have also heard about the family's recognition of the second daughter. She came to meet me? Could it be that this person has something to do with you?"

"Father, you will know when you see it." Feng Jue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng put down the utensils in his hands and said with a smile, "So mysterious? Then let her in."

"Yes." Feng Jue turned around and said to the outside, "Come in, Father has promised to see you."

"Yes." Hearing a small voice, Emperor Zhou Cheng saw a pink figure walking in from outside the hall.

Stepping into the old place again, Lian Lingyue's mood is very complicated, tension, anticipation, fear... emotions are intertwined in her heart.

She came all the way to the front of the hall, Feng Jue nodded to her, she knelt down, and said, "My daughter pays homage to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

When Emperor Zhou Cheng heard this voice, he felt a little familiar in a trance, raised his brows slightly, and said, "You raise your head."

(End of this chapter)

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