Chapter 836
Chapter 836
The Eighth Prince has just finished the battle with King Anping. This time, the battle against Khitan will be handed over to the Ninth Prince and the Eleventh Prince. The Eleventh Prince will be in charge of the expedition. The Ninth Prince will accompany the army as a military advisor. Lian Yanfu will assist the Eleventh Prince. Set off for Shanhaiguan, I am waiting for your good news. "

Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue looked at each other, then knelt down together and said:
"Yes, my son obeys!"

Lian Yanfu then knelt down to accept the order, "I will follow the emperor's order."

"Retire!" Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Everyone knelt down and shouted.

Emperor Zhou Cheng turned around and left, but suddenly, his eyes went dark, he fell forward, and fell directly from the stairs of the Golden Luan Hall!



"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

All of a sudden, there was chaos in the Golden Luan Hall. After Zhou Chengdi fell off the dragon seat, he kept his eyes closed, his face turned pale, and his teeth clenched his lower lip!

"An imperial physician, an imperial physician!"

"Quickly, first move the emperor's holy car back to the Rongyuan Hall."

Everyone was busy, Emperor Zhou Cheng was carried back to Rongyuan Hall by the sedan chair, and all the princes and ministers hurriedly followed behind the sedan chair, each with their own thoughts.

His Highness the Eighth Prince, Feng Ye turned around in a panic, and glanced at Feng Jue, but Feng Jue's eyes met Feng Yunzheng's.

There are also the second highness, six o'clock, the tenth highness and others, who are also plotting something in their minds.

After Emperor Zhou Cheng was carried into the Rongyuan Hall, all the princes and ministers knelt on the ground outside the hall.

Feng Degui ordered people to slowly close the door of the main hall, and the imperial physicians entered one by one, kneeling in front of the dragon bed, and took turns rectifying for Emperor Zhou Cheng.

When the ladies in the various palaces heard the news that the emperor had suddenly fainted in the Golden Luan Hall, they rushed over and knelt on the ground, gradually waiting for the news.

A moment later, the Queen Mother also came in a hurry, and she passed the crowd and entered the Hall of Rongyuan. ,

Everyone outside the hall knelt on the ground, waiting quietly.

Concubine Xu Xian was prostrate on the ground, with a pair of far-sighted eyes resting on Concubine Liang, Concubine Feng De, Lian Zhaoyi and others. If Lian Jue's background hadn't been exposed, she would have been able to rely on her good son Feng Ye's hard work. It is very possible to sit at the head of the harem
But now, because of Lian Jue, she is still a guilty body, and Lian Zhaoyi gave birth to a prince a while ago, the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao insisted on writing letters to the emperor, and the emperor's attitude softened a bit .

Now, she might not even be able to compete with Zhaoyi!
Thinking about it, she clenched her fist hard, and her nails sank deep into her palm!No, no, she has plotted for so many years, and she has such an excellent son, she must not be easily defeated in this battle for the post, she must think of a way!

The atmosphere outside the hall seemed to freeze, and everyone did not dare to breathe.

Feng Yunzheng looked in the direction of Rongyuan Hall, looked at the Gui placed at the door, he thought to himself, today is still the day of the moon and the day, when he got up early this morning and went out to go to court, he was very reluctant , whispered something in her ear——

"wait me back."

At that time, Yue'er was sitting on the bed, wearing a white coat, her face blushed when she heard what he said.

His heart moved, he stepped forward, bowed his head and gave her a long and affectionate kiss, and after Night Breeze urged him in every possible way, he reluctantly left the room, and Night Breeze said, "Your Highness, why are you like this?" It’s also like His Ninth Highness who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain.”

He scolded, "What do you mean by turning your hands into clouds and turning your hands into rain? If you have to add a limit to my name, it would be Yue'er's Ninth Prince."

Night Breeze made goose bumps.

For the next whole day, when he arrived in the palace, he also returned home like an arrow. When he thought of her shy and flushed face this morning, his heart was agitated, and his body involuntarily produced certain changes and reactions.

Can't wait for time to pass faster, faster!
However, today is another eventful day, from Xiao Zhenhai being the Southern Prime Minister of the Khitan people, to Xiao He being about to become the Khitan man's son-in-law, and to the fact that the father is unconscious now, it seems that there is no way to return home on time today.

"..." At this moment, the palace door opened.

Feng Yunzheng came back to his senses, and the rest of the people sat upright, only to see Imperial Doctor Rong and others appearing at the door.

Doctor Rong said, "Your Highnesses, my lords, I am humbled by the order of the Empress Dowager to report to you the situation of the emperor's dragon body.

Now, the emperor has woken up, but due to overwork, the dragon's body is not in good condition. The emperor said that he doesn't want to see anyone at the moment. Please don't worry too much. The imperial hospital will do its best. The emperor will recover in a few days. It was ordered that without the permission of the emperor, no one is allowed to enter the palace to visit, and those who violate it will be regarded as rebellious. "

"Yes! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

After Imperial Physician Rong finished his report, Feng Degui stepped forward, holding an imperial edict in his hand, and read out:
"Following the emperor's decree of Chengyun, my dragon is not in good health, and I really can't bear fruit. From now until the day I recover, the eighth prince Feng Ye will supervise the country, and he will assist the government with Liang Guogong! The nine princes and eleven princes will go to Shanhaiguan as scheduled. Prepare for the battle against Khitan! I am waiting for your good news!

Appreciate this! "

After Feng Degui read out the imperial decree, everyone had different thoughts. Unexpectedly, the Eighth Prince Feng Ye supervised the country. Everyone thought that because of Concubine Xu Xian's matter, the Eighth Prince would be left out for a while. Unexpectedly, the emperor made such a decision when he was seriously ill. Such a choice!

Moreover, he still insisted on transferring the Ninth and Eleventh Princes away from the capital——

What does he mean by that?
"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Amidst the shouts, the Eighth Prince Feng Ye, Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, and Eleventh Prince Feng Jue respectively received the imperial decree and knelt down to give thanks!
Then, Feng Ye stepped forward to receive the imperial decree, he lowered his head, a slight smile gradually appeared on the corner of his lips, and when he turned around, he saw that Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue's expressions were more dignified than his.

Concubine Xu Xian who was kneeling on the ground was overjoyed!
Very good!
The emperor letting her son supervise the country at this time has already shown that in his mind, from the beginning to the end, Ye'er is the most suitable candidate for the future heir.

And at this time, Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye were transferred away, obviously to allow Ye'er to centralize power without interference!

Very good!
Then, she can take advantage of this time to regain her glory in the harem!She knew that although Imperial Physician Rong said that the emperor's dragon was not in good health, it would recover in a few days.

But she has already keenly smelled a trace of breath - the emperor is afraid that something will happen to be seriously ill, this time, it is rare to recover!
Because, the empress dowager has never shown up in it!
Here's her chance!
(End of this chapter)

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