First-class daughter

Chapter 837 That's it

Chapter 837 That's it
Chapter 837 That's it
Concubine Xu Xian clenched her fists tightly in secret. She has been ups and downs in the harem for so many years, and she knows that there is no permanent winner, and there is no permanent loser——

Concubine Liang, you will not always be so proud.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her lips.

Concubine Liang was slightly stunned, and she looked at Feng Yunzheng with some worry in her eyes - she was going to Shanhaiguan soon after she got married, and she didn't know how long she would go there, and Yue'er would have to rely on Prince Heng's mansion to support her in the future.

And there are too many people who are staring at her and trying to find out her fault. In the future, they will walk on thin ice.

After the decree of Emperor Zhou Cheng came down, Feng Degui passed on another decree to make everyone retreat one by one, no need to kneel at the entrance of Rongyuan Hall.

The Eighth Highness overseeing the country, the Ninth Highness and the Eleventh Highness went to Shanhaiguan to fight against the Khitans, and it can be said that the government and the public were shaken, and people were panicked.

The ministers of the Eighth Highness Party, the Ninth Highness Party, and the Eleventh Highness Party were happy and thoughtful. Zhang Yingzhi, Song Qingyang and others stayed outside the hall and waited for Feng Yunzheng's arrival.

When Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye came out together, several important officials hurried over——

"My lords." Feng Yunzheng cupped his hands.

"Your Highness, the emperor's mind is unpredictable. I thought that His Highness the Eighth Highness had lost the trust of the Emperor because of Concubine Xu Xian. I didn't expect that the Eighth Highness would eventually supervise the country. Here, only the crown prince supervises the country. The emperor let the Eighth Highness supervise the country. It was directly announced that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince would be the crown prince.

I don't know what your majesty's plan is. "Zhang Yingzhi said first.

Compared with the nervousness and anxiety of these supporters, Feng Yunzheng exudes a strategizing, everything is indifferent demeanor, said, "Tomorrow, the king and the eleventh brother will leave for Shanhaiguan, and everything in the court For any movement, several adults are required to keep an eye on it at all times, and everything cannot be taken lightly."

"Yes, Your Highness, the humble ministers will definitely take good care of His Highness the Eighth Highness, and prevent the Eighth Highness from taking advantage of the convenience of supervising the country to do things that will harm Your Highness."

Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue discussed with several ministers before leaving the palace.

"Brother Nine Kings is newly married Yaner, my father sent you to Shanhaiguan with me, my brother really can't see what my father is thinking."

Feng Yunzheng turned his head and looked at Fengjue, his face was still bright and innocent, and his eyes still had the stubbornness of that boy.

He stretched out his hand, patted his younger brother's shoulder, and said, "Go back to Prince Ming An's Mansion first, make good preparations, and leave early tomorrow morning. When things reach a certain stage, everything will be clear."

Feng Jue nodded, "Yes, then I'll go back first."

Feng Jue took two steps, thinking of Lian Siyue, he stopped, turned around——

"Is there anything else?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Feng Jue paused, and said, "No more, brother Wang will go back too."

The Winter Palace is another scene.

Concubine Xu Xian was about to make a comeback, proudly, she sat on the rosewood wide chair, and said, "It's not in vain that I have spent so many years cultivating Ye'er. Since Feng Ming was abolished as the crown prince, the emperor has a question about which prince he wants to succeed the crown prince." , was never too explicitly stated.

It is said that the emperor plans not to establish a crown prince, and when he dies, he will directly announce who will succeed the throne.

But today, he finally made a clear statement about his illness. "

As she spoke, she felt that her whole body was going smoothly, and the difficult days in the cold palace were nothing.

Wei Ruhao seemed even happier, and said, "In this way, my aunt can finally fight against Concubine Liang as before."

Concubine Xu Xian took Wei Ruhao's hand and said, "The most important thing now is to get you and Ye'er married as soon as possible, otherwise, if the will have to observe mourning for three years, and the wedding will take place after three years."

Wei Ru listened to it, blushed, her eyes sparkled with anticipation, and said, "Auntie, I've been waiting for this time for a long time, I beg Auntie to make it happen this time, I can't wait for three years."

Concubine Xu Xian caressed Wei Ruhao's cheek lovingly, and said, "I know, you are very sensible, and you have been waiting with me, an old man, for a long time without any haste, and, after I was thrown into limbo, seeing no hope of reappearing. When you returned to the position of fourth concubine, you did not waver, and you still stood by Ben Gong's side.

In this palace, there are not many women with affection like you.

Therefore, I have no reason to make you wait too long. "

Wei Ruhao asked tentatively, "Auntie, did you think of something?"

Concubine Xu Xian stood up and said, "Ye'er, don't look at him who has always been rebellious, seems to act recklessly, and doesn't care much about anything.

But in fact, he is a very dedicated and fond of nostalgic love, if he wants to forget Lian Siyue and marry other women, he doesn't know when he will wait. "

Wei Ru listened nicely, her face became cold, and with hatred in her mouth, she said, "It's Lian Siyue, who seduced Brother Ye when he was young, let Brother Ye's heart hang on her, but turned around and married His Highness Ninth Prince .

It hurt Brother Ye's precious true feelings, and it also made it impossible for me to get closer to him and help her!

I really wish I could come to the capital earlier and get rid of her early, so that brother Ye won't be so unrequited love anymore! "

"So, we can no longer let Ye'er do what we want, we have to take the initiative." Concubine Xu Xian already had an idea in her heart.

"My niece doesn't understand what my aunt means. How can I take the initiative, aunt?" Wei Ruhao asked suspiciously. In fact, it's not like she hasn't taken the initiative before.

These days, she took the initiative to embroider purses for Feng Ye, accept shoe soles, and write poems. Regardless of a woman's reserve, she committed herself to the palace when she was out of the palace. However, from the beginning to the end, Feng Ye's attitude was very cold, which hurt her several times. Returned depressed for the second time.

Concubine Xu Xian clenched the handkerchief in her hand, and said, "Come here."

Wei Ruhao put her ears close, and Concubine Xu Xian said her plan, Wei Ruhao blushed, but a look of expectation flashed in her eyes, and said, "Auntie, this, this, I am a woman, such words are really, too embarrassing gone."

Concubine Xu Xian said, "This was originally a method prepared for Pan Ruochu. Who would have thought that this Princess Yiyun would not live up to her expectations, and she would be so miserably imprisoned like a moon. If it wasn't for her father, King Anqing, she would have been executed. Brought back to Qingnan, the titles of the princess and princess were all taken away, and she also got a bad reputation, and she will never be able to come to the capital again."

"But, will Brother Ye... blame us?" Wei Ruhao was a little afraid of facing Feng Ye's anger.

Concubine Xu Xian said, "It's too late for him to blame us when the raw rice is cooked. Besides, I am his mother and concubine, so naturally everything is for his own good, so he will understand.

the most important is!

(End of this chapter)

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