Chapter 838
Chapter 838
Besides, Ben Gong is his mother and concubine, so naturally everything is for his own good, so he will understand.

The most important thing is that if you and her form a husband and wife, it will be the most perfect for Ye'er to be assisted by the power of the Wei family. "

"Then...just listen to my aunt for everything." Wei Ruhao lowered her head, although she was a little shy, her heart was full of anticipation and joy.

On the carriage back to the palace.

Feng Yunzheng kept his eyes closed all the time, thinking in his mind that his father was ill today, shaking the government and the public, and the current situation was not good for him and Feng Jue.

The carriage drove all the way, and he slowly opened his eyes. There was a sound of jingling bells outside the carriage. He lifted the curtain of the carriage, and his eyes fell in front of a jewelry shop, where many girls were looking at jewelry.

He put aside the past affairs in his heart, with a moving smile on his face—ah, speaking of it, the most important thing today is that his little Yue'er has finally grown up and can truly become his little wife.
Today, there is nothing more important than his Xiaoyue'er becoming an adult.

"Stop!" he ordered.

Night Breeze came over immediately, bowed, and asked, "Your Highness, what can I order?"

Feng Yunzheng pointed to the shop on the side of the street, and said, "These girls are all around here. I think the jewelry here is what the girls like. I'll go and have a look."

Night Breeze was taken aback, "You want to buy it yourself?"

Feng Yunzheng nodded.

Night Breeze looked at the place and said, "Wait a moment."

With that said, Night Breeze stepped forward, and the girls were startled when they suddenly saw a stern and heroic man in black appearing. They all backed away automatically, but their eyes couldn't help showing curiosity.

Night Breeze turned a blind eye to these adoring eyes. He walked up to the shopkeeper and whispered a few words into his ear. When the shopkeeper heard it, he was immediately flattered.

Then, he stepped forward and said to the people who were around to buy things, "Everyone, let's go, please come back tomorrow, the shop is closed today, please come early tomorrow."

When everyone heard this, they were very upset, but when they saw Night Breeze, they knew that this was someone not easy to mess with, so they put down their things one by one and left.

After the venue was cleared, the shopkeeper bowed and said, "My lord, you can welcome the distinguished guests now."

"Yeah!" Night Breeze nodded coldly.

Then he walked to Feng Yunzheng's carriage, opened the carriage door, Feng Yunzheng got down, and walked into the hall.

The shopkeeper immediately knelt down and said, "Your Highness is a thousand years old."

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and said, "Excuse me, step back, I will see for myself."

"Yes!" The shopkeeper was so flattered that he immediately closed the shop door and retreated, so that Feng Yunzheng could choose without being disturbed.

Feng Yunzheng looked around, and finally, his eyes fell on the crescent-shaped lock. With a slight smile on his face, he picked up the crescent-shaped lock. Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Dagger."

"Yes." Night Breeze took out a dagger from his waist and handed it to him.

Feng Yunzheng turned the name lock over and carved something on it with a dagger, every stroke and every picture was carved very carefully.

Then, he took off a priceless red gemstone from the jade belt around his waist, asked the shopkeeper to take tools, lit a candle, and inlaid the ruby ​​gemstone on the crescent moon.

Until the end, looking at the signature lock he processed, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and said:
"Okay, let's go."

This little thing was given to Yue'er, as a gift on Jiji's day.

On the carriage, Feng Yunzheng tightly held the signature lock he made himself, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Prince Heng's mansion, his heart became more and more excited——

Xiaoyue'er, my husband is coming...

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue was only wearing thin silk clothes and was stuffed into the quilt, waiting for Feng Yunzheng to enter the room.

With a slight smile on her face, she closed her eyes.

The room was lit with her favorite incense, and the faint scent lingered in the room, which made her feel doubly pleasing to the eye.

With a creak, the door opened, and she heard a familiar and steady footstep approaching from a distance, and there was a hint of her extremely familiar breath in the air.

This is his footsteps.

This is his breath.

Even at such a long distance, she can really feel the ground.

Lian Siyue's face turned red, her small transparent earlobes were as red as crystal clear jade, her heart also jumped up, and she couldn't help but tightly clutched the bed sheet under her body.

Feng Yunzheng walked into the room with excitement and apprehension, and at a glance he saw Lian Siyue wrapped into a rice dumpling and placed on the bed.

There was a doting smile on his face, and the deep affection in his eyes seemed to melt Lian Siyue.

He walked over, and saw that his Yue'er had her eyes closed, her cheeks were flushed red, she had the romance of a girl, and the charm and beauty of a woman——

Her skin is like a peach blossom in March, pink and attractive, her lips are slightly open, like a fresh and tender cherry, silently inviting him, waiting for his picking——

The waterfall-like black hair hung down her side, making her skin whiter and tenderer.

Her arms were exposed, white, tender and smooth, and the red silk dress wrapped her graceful figure. .

He likes every part of her so much, can't put it down so much, wants to have it so much, and wants to cherish it so much.

He sighed softly, bent down, picked her up from the bed, and whispered, "Yue'er, I'm back."

Even Siyue felt the man's approach, and her nervous heart was about to jump out. She opened her eyes slightly, and saw his unparalleled and incomparably handsome face, his eyes like a deep pool of water, with The magical power spanning thousands of years seemed to suck her whole body in.

She slowly raised her hand, reached out to touch his hair, forehead, bridge of nose, eyes, and finally stayed on his moist lips, caressed gently, and said, "I felt it when you were still outside the door."

Feng Yunzheng's heart skipped a beat, and he murmured, "I've been thinking about you all the time today."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "I've been busy all day, are you tired now? Are you hungry? Would you like me to ask Grandma Tai to bring you something to eat?"

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said seriously, "Well, I'm really hungry, and very hungry." He stared at Lian Siyue, with a certain look in his eyes.

Lian Siyue understood what she meant, blushed thoroughly, stood up on purpose, and said, "Then I'll ask Nanny Tai to come in and get you something to eat."

"No!" Feng Yunzheng approached her with a low smile. ,

Lian Siyue snuggles into his arms, at this moment, she still doesn't know about the turbulent court affairs outside.

(End of this chapter)

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