First-class daughter

Chapter 839 Implementation Plan

Chapter 839 Implementation Plan
Chapter 839 Implementation Plan
The red curtain fell, and the two of them were gathered in the tent. The candles in the room made a slight sound, and the figures of the two people who were gradually joining were reflected on the tent, and a low voice sounded.

He cherishes her so much, every movement is so pity, so careful.

It seemed that after waiting for 1000 years, the two of them were finally...together.He looked down at the woman below him, his pair of deep eyes seemed to want to see her completely.She looked at him and turned around a thousand times.



The starry sky twinkled, and countless unknown secrets melted into the night.

All night long, sleepless, reluctant to let go, you and me, until it is almost dawn, before giving up.

She fell into his arms exhausted, he picked up the veil, lovingly wiped off the sweat from her head and body, and wrapped her tightly in his arms.

Whispered in her ear, "Yue'er, go to sleep."

He still doesn't have the heart to tell her that he will be parted at dawn, so let her sleep well first, and we can talk about everything after she has rested.

I don't know when, dark clouds floated in the sky, the stars disappeared, and the last bit of moonlight was also suddenly darkened.

There was a bang, and it rained heavily in the sky.

Feng Yunzheng didn't feel sleepy, took Lian Siyue into his arms, lowered his head to stare at the sleeping her, and gently brushed her hair and cheeks with his hands.

"Yunzheng..." She rubbed her body into his arms and muttered twice.

A satisfied smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face——

He will never, never forget this sweet night, this night with the wind and rain.

at that time.

His Highness the Eighth Prince Feng Ye's palace.

It was late at night, and he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

He was dressed in a crimson purple brocade robe, with a clear feather crown on his head, exuding a rebellious and noble aura. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the study, without any expression on his face.

Declining the visit of any ministers, returning from the palace, until now, he has been sitting like this, no one can get close to him.

There is wine on the table in front of him, he has been drinking, has been drinking, from dusk to dark, but, very strange, he is not drunk at all today, no matter how much he drinks, he will not get drunk, no matter how much he drinks, he will remain sober of.

He simply hugged the jug, lay on the ground, listened to the sound of wind and rain outside, and murmured——

"Your question is that there is no date for return, and the night rain in Bashan swells the autumn pond.

Why cut the candles in the west window together, but talk about the rainy night in Bashan. "

What time is it today?

He remembered that today was the day of that girl's birthday, right? Today he saw Feng Yunzheng's radiant face, even the corners of his eyebrows were flying, and even his breathing was sweet.

So, today...

It's their day.

Hehe, is everything finally over?

There was a loud noise outside the window, and a snow-white light entered his study.

His heart, too, seemed to be struck by lightning, scorched, so painful that he couldn't feel it.

"Knock, knock..." At this time, someone was knocking on the door, and after a while, a voice said, "Your Highness, the empress said that today is a good day for you, so she will find a Taoist priest and make it for you." Chicken soup, this chicken is cooked, you can eat it."

Hearing this voice, Feng Ye felt inexplicably irritated, and said coldly, "Take it back, this king doesn't need to eat these strange things! Everything this king didn't get by luck, nor did it depend on the blessing of the gods." It’s come, it’s always depended on myself!”

The servant outside felt His Highness Eighth Highness's anger, and was stunned for a moment, not daring to say anything, but only looked up at the elegant woman next to him.

Concubine Xu Xian felt angry when she heard Feng Ye's voice, and said, "Ye'er, it's the concubine mother, come here, let the concubine mother come in, the concubine mother has something to say to you."

As soon as Feng Ye heard Concubine Xu Xian's voice, he knew that he couldn't escape, got up impatiently, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, there was a smell of alcohol, which made her cough several times, frowned, walked in, and said, "Ye'er, what are you doing? If you get drunk here, if it spreads to you In Emperor Father's ears, I thought you were dissatisfied with him!
Besides, he is not in good health now, but you are drinking here, what a shame! "

Feng Ye sat down on the ground again, and said, "Concubine Mu, are you finished? The baby is here, put down the chicken soup, I'll drink it."

Feng Ye realized that he hated his mother and concubine as much as he did now.He is a filial person, and he is uneasy about having such a thought, but this thought is like a flood, raging wantonly in his heart, and he can't control it at all.

Concubine Xu Xian frowned, and ordered her servants, "Hurry up and clean it up, don't spread the word about His Highness Eighth Highness getting drunk in the mansion, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

"Yes, madam!"

Everyone hurriedly cleaned up the mess.

"Also, how do you all serve His Highness the Eighth Highness! It has become such a mess, and from tomorrow onwards, all the servants will be replaced!" Concubine Xu Xian became more and more angry as she spoke.

Feng Ye raised his eyebrows, looked at his mother and concubine lightly, and said, "Mother and concubine, if I were all yours, wouldn't the child's every move in the future be able to escape your discerning eyes? Please forgive the child, this palace It's a child's place."

When Concubine Xu Xian heard this, her face turned red with anger, and she said earnestly, "Ye'er, how could you misinterpret Mother Concubine's intentions like this, Mother Concubine did all this for your own good!

The emperor thinks highly of you, and let you supervise the country when he was in poor health, how many people are jealous, and how many pairs of eyes are staring at you again!Just thought you were wrong!
Concubine Mu must keep an eye on it, so that you don't make mistakes, and you don't get caught by your pigtails! "

"Mother and concubine, I'm worrying!" Feng Ye said coolly.

Concubine Xu Xian glanced up and down the study room, and her eyes fell on a portrait on the table. This portrait was painted of Lian Siyue, whom she hated in every possible way. She immediately became angry, but she knew Feng Ye well He didn't say anything about her temper.

"After all, there is still one mistress missing in this palace, Ye'er, it's time for you to get married, don't make things difficult for yourself."

"Mother and concubine, my son knows what's in his heart. If you don't, you have been thinking about it all the time. Besides, your father is in charge of your father's marriage. Isn't your father still quiet? Let me be quiet for another two years. My son is really afraid of being raped by a Luo Luo." The chatty woman is in charge." Feng Ye said after taking another sip of wine.

Concubine Xu Xian looked at the night outside the window, and knew that the time was running out, and it was time to implement the plan.

So he lowered his voice--

(End of this chapter)

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