First-class daughter

Chapter 844 Farewell

Chapter 844 Farewell
Chapter 844 Farewell
He pulled his cold eyebrows away, walked to the wall beside him, and looked at her intently, "It's my bounden duty to protect Your Highness, and I will never take it lightly. But now..." Night Breeze's voice trembled slightly , "Lengmei, I don't know how long it will take to go. I have something to say to you."

Although Night Breeze was the most powerful hidden guard around His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, much more powerful than her, but he was humorous and always spoke erratically, which made people forget his indifference and ruthlessness.

Her cold brows trembled slightly, she had never seen him with such a serious demeanor——

"Night Breeze, what do you want to say?"

Night Breeze stared deeply at Leng Mei, and said:
"I just remember that I knew you when I was very young. I can't remember how old I was when I met you. I just remember that when you came to Master, you didn't speak for more than two months. Once I said a word, my seniors, including me, thought you were a dumb person who couldn't speak.

Until one day, because of too much training, you were exposed to the sun for a day and rained for a night, and you fell ill.I heard you talking in your sleep and calling your mother, that's when I realized that you are not dumb, you are taciturn.

You train longer than anyone else, and you are harder on yourself than anyone else!

You said, you want to become the most powerful hidden guard!I asked you why, you just said, if you are not good, you will be killed!
At that time, I thought, I should protect this little girl. A person who is afraid of being killed at any time, what kind of life did she live in the past. "

Leng Mei raised his face, looked into the distance, and said, "I still remember the training when I was a child. At that time, I almost died several times, but I survived hard. But, what happened before I came to Master's side , I actually can’t remember much, those years are blank, I think, maybe it’s too hard to recall, I’ll forget it once I’m sick.”

She seldom said so many words at one time, maybe because of the pain in her body, or maybe the night breeze is very different today, which made her feel emotional, and she said so many words at once, which was worth what she said in the past ten days.

Night Breeze's voice trembled.He put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Now, you don't have to be afraid of being killed, because you are already strong enough!

However, once I leave, I don't know when I will be able to come back.In my whole life, I always want to marry you and follow Your Highness.Lengmei, if you let me marry you, you will have both! "

"Marry me?" Leng Mei was surprised.

Night Breeze took her hand, held it tightly, and said eagerly: "I'm just a secret guard, I can't give you the red makeup like your highness gave the princess. All I can give you is my blood. My life! I swear to God, I, Night Breeze, only live for two people in my life, one is Your Highness, and the other is you!"

Leng Mei was slightly horrified by his passionate oath, his demeanor was so solemn, and the tears in his eyes were not fake.

"This is all my property, all of it is for you, and you can dispose of everything." Night Breeze reached out again, took out bank notes, title deeds, land deeds, etc., and stuffed them into Leng Mei's arms, "That's it More, oh no, there is still me, and I will give it to you completely.

You accept it, and when I return with His Highness, I will ask His Highness and the princess to make the decision and formally marry you!You will be my Night Breeze's wife. In my life, I only want you and never want anyone else. "

Lengmei has always been cold-hearted, but Night Breeze has been dishonest for a long time. It was the first time she heard such a heart-to-heart statement. She knew that he would not lie. people.


Leng Mei looked at the bank notes in his arms, the title deed and the land deed, all of which were returned to Night Breeze, and said:
"Night Breeze, you know, as secret guards and killers, we are never used to waiting too long. Since you don't know when you will return, I don't want your dowry."

"Lengmei..." Night Breeze's heart was broken when he heard her reply, and the hands holding her shoulders trembled slightly.

"So..." Leng Mei continued, "If you can come back intact, you can come to me again."

Night Breeze originally lowered his head, but when he heard Leng Mei say this, he suddenly raised his head, with surprise flashing across his eyes, "Xiaomei, you mean, you promised me, But I have to come back.”

Leng Mei didn't nod or shake her head, she looked at Ye Fang carefully for the first time, and said, "Protect Your Highness, protect yourself, the princess will wait for His Highness to return safely."

"Okay!" Night Breeze nodded vigorously. Suddenly, with both hands, he pulled Leng Mei into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said, "Yes, Leng Mei will wait for me!"

Night Breeze hugged for a while, let go, and took another deep look at Lengmei, the time has come!

He turned around and walked quickly to Feng Yunzheng's room, ran a few steps, then looked back, standing there with cold eyebrows, looking at him, he smiled!
Finally, there was someone waiting for him!

From now on, his heart no longer needs to wander around, and he knows more about the reasons for living!

The corners of the cold eyebrows and lips raised slightly, revealing a vague smile: Night Breeze, I hope you leave with vigor and come back with vigor.

Night Breeze walked into the yard.

Coincidentally, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue came out hand in hand, and he saw His Highness Ninth Prince had changed into a silver military uniform, exuding a godlike aura all over his body.

He stepped forward, bowed and said, "Your Highness, the hour is almost here, it's time to go."

He couldn't bear to say these words. After all, His Royal Highness and the concubine just got married not long ago, and the two are so affectionate. I really don't know what the emperor thinks in his heart, and wants them to leave in such a hurry.

Feng Yunzheng nodded towards Lian Siyue, what should be said has already been said in the room, but it is still reluctant to part with it.

"Yun Zheng, go, I am responsible for everything in the palace, so be careful outside.

I will still stand here when the time comes, waiting for you to come back. "

Feng Yunzheng clenched his fists by his side tightly, then strode away without saying anything.

Night Breeze clasped his fists and bowed to Lian Siyue, and then, closely following Feng Yunzheng's pace, the two figures walked towards the gate of the palace together.

Lian Siyue stood where she was, watching their figures gradually disappear at the gate of the palace, and her heart gradually became heavy——

Companion to the monarch is like companion to the tiger. The emperor's two orders immediately changed the entire pattern of court affairs. Every step of the current road must be taken with extra caution.

Outside the Zhengyang Gate, on a high platform.

The soldiers of the three armies held the handsome flag and made a rustling sound in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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