Chapter 845
Chapter 845
Feng Ye was dressed in a bright yellow brocade robe and a white jade crown on his head. His fierce and unruly phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, looking at the mighty Zhou army.And Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye stood side by side on the horses under the high platform, waiting for Feng Ye to issue the order to set off.

Feng Ye took two steps forward, and slowly looked around for a week with sharp eyes. Finally, he took the long sword from Yin Huai's hand behind him, pointed directly at the sky, and said loudly:

"Soldiers and soldiers, I am hereby sending you to Shanhaiguan by the emperor's order!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The soldiers of the three armies raised their swords high and shouted, the sound almost shattered the sky.

"My good men of Zhou Dynasty are all upright, even if there is an abyss in front of you, you are not afraid of being smashed to pieces! This king hopes that you will come back with victorious flags in the future. At that time, the emperor will stand on this Zhengyang gate and personally welcome you all to return in triumph!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The soldiers of the three armies once again made a roar like a tsunami.

Feng Ye handed the sword in his hand to Yin Huai, and then, under the eyes of everyone, he stepped off the high platform and came to Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye. Feng Ye cupped his hands and called out:
"Brother Eight Kings."

"You two emperors, this journey is far away, and the road ahead is unknown. I hope you can guarantee along the way. Brother Wang will wait for your safe return."

"Thank you, Brother Eighth Prince." Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye clasped their fists at the same time and said.

The chief eunuch Feng Degui brought three bowls of wine, and the three of them picked them up separately, holding them high——


All three of them were so proud that they threw their heads up!

Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye quickly returned to their horses. Feng Ye stared deeply at the imperial city in the distance, and finally raised the sword in his hand——

"set off!"

"set off!"

The horses were stepping forward, and the army finally headed north. Feng Ye stood where he was, watching the two brothers gradually go away.

"Lian Jue! Lian Jue!"

At this time, on Zhengyang Street behind him, there was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and a pretty and bright girl came hurriedly on horseback, shouting the name of His Highness the Eleventh.

"Lian Jue! Wait!"

"Miss, miss, be careful, don't fall!" The servant girl shouted anxiously after her.

"Lian Jue!" Lian Lingyue saw Lian Jue's figure slowly disappearing, she gritted her teeth, lashed the horse's back vigorously with the whip, kicked the horse's belly, and the horse suddenly galloped forward at a desperate speed .

Feng Jue faintly heard a voice calling his name, he was startled, he pulled the rein tight and stopped, turned his horse's head, and looked towards the place where the voice was shouting_
There was dust flying in the distance, and a snow-white steed was galloping. The girl on the horse's back was flying, and her face seemed to be filled with anxiety.

"Eleven?" He was taken aback, and quickly jumped off his horse.

At this time, Lian Lingyue's horse had already arrived in front of her, and before the horse could stop, she slid off the horse regardless of the danger. ,

Feng Jue's eyes froze, and she immediately flew forward, stretched out her hand to support her body, spun around, and she fell into his arms——

"Don't worry, be careful of getting hurt!" Feng Jue whispered.

Lian Lingyue's heart was pounding, this was the first time she was so close to Lian Jue, she could clearly see every mark of the scar on his face, and she could smell his unique breath.

But, she came to see him off!
"I'm fine!" Feng Jue helped her stand up, and she said hastily, "Lian Jue, you are leaving so soon, I just got the news that you are going to Shanhaiguan to lead the army to fight again, Your Majesty I named you Grand Marshal and let you lead one hundred thousand elite soldiers, you are really powerful, Lian Jue."

A flash of guilt flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, and he said, "Eleven, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."

"It's okay." Lian Lingyue shook her head vigorously, "I don't blame you at all, when you were going to Shanhaiguan last time, you came to Changchun Palace to tell me, this time, it's the same if I come to see you off. "

"Eleven, take care of yourself." Feng Jue stared at her, his eyes were red, and he wanted to cry, but he still talked to her with a smile on his face. ,

"Don't worry, Lian Jue, I will take good care of you, and so will you." Lian Lingyue nodded solemnly.

"If you feel that there is no one in Xiang's mansion who can talk, remember to go to sister, you know?" Feng Jue knew that her heart was always naive, and she would never look back if she didn't hit the wall.

"Don't worry, I will. That is my own sister. Ninth brother is not at home. I will definitely go to accompany her often." Lian Lingyue said, and took out half of the Pisces jade pendant from her waist. There was a warm color shining under the gloss, a slight smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Lian Jue, do you still remember this? There is still half, and I'll give it to you."

"Remember." Feng Jue also took out the other half from his waist.

Lian Lingyue put her own half together, and the two halves of the jade pendant overlapped and became one piece.

"At that time, I gave you half of the jade pendant and told you that whenever you come to me with this half jade pendant, no matter what kind of request you make, I will promise you and do it for you. Do you remember Did I say these words?" Her eye circles were even redder, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"I remember, eleven." Feng Jue nodded.

"Actually, I was in a hurry to catch up today because I wanted to say something to you: Lian Jue, this half-jade pendant, this promise will always count, and please don't forget it. Please remember that I, who promised you, will never forget it." Please remember me who saw me off today." She raised her head and looked eagerly at the person she loved so much, the tears finally couldn't be controlled and fell down.

Feng Jue's heart was hurting faintly, he didn't understand, and he couldn't remember when, when he saw this girl, his heart ached inexplicably, and he couldn't control it.

"Eleven, don't cry, I promise you, I will remember, whether it is you who made the promise, or you who gave me today, I will remember." He raised his hand and wiped the tears on her cheeks with his fingertips. Wiping away bit by bit, there was distress and care that he didn't even notice.

"En!" Hearing Feng Jue's words, Lian Lingyue nodded vigorously, with a smile on his lips.

Lianjue, you know? ——

Because I love you, there will always be tears in my eyes and a smile on my lips.

I want to smile at you, but I can't help but cry, this is how I love you...

"Can you give me something?" she asked with a choked sound.

"Okay, what do you want?" He didn't know what she wanted, but he had already agreed. , for some reason, he didn't want to refuse her request.

(End of this chapter)

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