Chapter 846
Chapter 846
"Give me your dagger." Lian Lingyue stretched out her hand towards him and said.

"Okay." Lian Jue took out the dagger stuck in his boot and handed it to her.

Lian Lingyue took the dagger, pulled it out with a swipe, walked to Feng Jue's side, picked up his hair, raised the dagger, and slid it lightly, a strand of black long hair fell into her palm.

"You want my hair?"

"Yes!" Lian Lingyue resumed her usual playfulness and cunning, as if she was going all out, ignoring the shame of any girl, and said, "The other day I heard a story from my third aunt, she said that Qingsi is Qingsi, I want your hair to give you love."

Seeing how bold she was, Feng Jue was taken aback, "Eleven." Moreover, he didn't realize that his earlobes were red.

"Don't talk, listen to me, I thought about it all night, I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know, if I don't say it, maybe I won't have the courage to say it again, maybe I won't have the chance to say it again. "

Lian Lingyue was still hesitating just now, but when Feng Jue's hair fell into her hands, she finally made up her mind to say it.

"When I was hurt that day, I showed my heart to you. In fact, I have always been ashamed to see you because of this time. However, I have figured it out now. If I like it, I like it. There is nothing to hide! Lian Lingyue likes Lian Jue , I have liked it since a long time ago, and there is nothing to hide."

So, Lian Jue, from now on, listen carefully to what I say, and don't miss a single word. "

She is very domineering, like a heroine who does not give up to her husband!

The generals and soldiers waiting for Feng Jue were stunned when they heard this little heroic confession!
We all know that the eldest lady of the Lian family, the princess Hengqin in cash, is a hero among girls, famous in Kyoto, but they didn't expect that the young lady they just met is also such a shocking figure, and they began to sweat for His Royal Highness the Eleventh!
And only Feng Yunzheng showed a satisfied smile. This girl finally got her senses, and she no longer shrinks back, thinking about someone sullenly all day long.

Now she is like a piece of uncut jade that will shine and is extraordinarily precious.

Everyone finds it strange, but he doesn't find it strange, because this is Lian Siyue's younger sister, so there is no reason to be surprised by shocking the world.

"Eleven, why do you..." Feng Jue didn't expect Eleven to be so bold suddenly, and everyone was stunned.

Lian Lingyue looked at him and continued:

"I like you, so I really want you to like me too.

Even if you don't like me, please don't like others so quickly, I hope you will give me half a year, and record it on paper every time you think of me.

If you miss me less and less every month, it means that I will never have another chance, just burn this paper, and I will never think about you again.

If you miss me more than a month, then when you return triumphantly, bring this paper to me, and then I will never let you go again. "

Saying that, Lian Lingyue put the stack into Lian Jue's hands, held Lian Jue's hair in her palm, ran to her horse, climbed on the horse, waved to Lian Jue, and said, "I'm going back ,Take care of yourself!"

She looked at Feng Yunzheng again, and said, "Brother Jiu, take care too, I will take good care of my sister, you don't have to worry."

Feng Yunzheng jokingly said, "Don't cause trouble."

"No way!" Lian Lingyue smiled, rode a horse, and galloped away with a lock of Feng Jue's hair.

Chic and unrestrained, refreshing.

Feng Jue stood where she was, thinking about what she said, covering her heart, letting the horse bump forward.

"Tap, tap, tap..." Feng Yunzheng kicked the horse's stomach and followed, with a clear expression on his face, he asked, "Does your heart hurt?"

Feng Jue turned around, glanced at Feng Yunzheng, put his hand down, and said, "It's very uncomfortable, I want it to stop this throbbing pain, but it can't."

Feng Yunzheng smiled, "Silly brother, the heartache is because of the heartbeat. You, already have a heartbeat for Ling Yue'er, but you don't know it."


Feng Jue trembled all over, and put his hands on his heart again, "How come, I..." It is clear that the person who has always moved his heart is his sister, and he has liked her since he knew that he is not the same as his family. They all revolve around my sister.

Just his feelings for her—

In the beginning, she tried her best to suppress her, then she couldn't like her, and then...she fell in love with Feng Yunzheng.

Therefore, all his love and enthusiasm for her have never been clearly expressed, and he has always been giving these unrequited loves in a pilgrimage gesture.

He thought that he would only love his sister for the rest of his life, why would he still be tempted by Eleven?

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "The authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are dear. I am an experienced person, and I have also walked step by step. What a person says can be deceiving, but his eyes, movements , the sound cannot deceive people.”

Feng Jue was silent.

"Brother, look ahead..."

Feng Yunzheng stared at the front. At this moment, the morning sun was shrouded, and there was a layer of red tulle inlaid around the floating clouds that day, which was too beautiful to behold.

"It's beautiful."

"Yes, it's beautiful." Feng Jue nodded.

"The scenery ahead is worth looking forward to. People, you have to learn to look forward." Feng Yunzheng said earnestly, "Don't throw away the paper Ling Yue'er gave you."

"I can't lose it." Feng Jue said.

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, Lingyue is a ghostly girl, this method is really good——

As the saying goes, when you walk by, you will leave traces. If Feng Jue records the number of times she thinks of her all day long, it doesn't mean that the more you think about her, the more you remember, unless Feng Jue really doesn't like this girl at all.

The three armies continued all the way north.

Feng Ye stood on the high platform of the city wall and watched Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye lead the soldiers of the three armies to leave until they disappeared.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty invites you to Dongxi Palace." The eunuch in the palace stepped forward and knelt on the ground and said.

Feng Ye's complexion changed, and he said calmly, "The king is going to the political affairs hall to discuss politics, and you went back to your mother and concubine, and said that from today on, the king will supervise the country under the emperor's order. Please greet Xigong, but I will definitely go there when I am free."

In the past, Dongxi Palace was his harbor and his favorite place to go, but now, he began to avoid it.

"Yes, the slave is going right now." The eunuch turned around and ran down the high platform.

Feng Ye turned around, exuding a powerful aura, and said, "Go back to the palace."

"Yes!" Yin Huai said loudly, "His Royal Highness returns to the palace!"

With an order, everyone set off to return to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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