First-class daughter

Chapter 847 Mother and Son Showdown

Chapter 847 Mother and Son Showdown
Chapter 847 Mother and Son Showdown
"Yes!" Yin Huai said loudly, "His Royal Highness returns to the palace!"

With an order, everyone set off to return to the palace.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's dragon body did not improve, this time, he did not let anyone in to visit, except for the queen mother who went in once a day, the rest were not allowed to enter the Rongyuan Hall.Only the Tai Hospital released his physical condition on time, how much he ate in one meal, how he took medication, and so on.

The affairs of the imperial court were fully entrusted to the Eighth Prince, Feng Ye.

Under that calmness, there was still an undercurrent surging.

Concubine Xu Xian sent people to stop Feng Ye for three consecutive days and asked him to go to Dongxi Palace to pay his respects, but he refused all of them under the pretext that he was already busy with state affairs.

On the fourth day, Concubine Xu Xian finally couldn't hold back anymore, she went to wait outside the political affairs hall, and when Feng Ye came out, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Ye'er, my concubine called you three times, but you refused to come to see her concubine." Once, what are you thinking?"

Feng Ye cupped his hands to his concubine and said, "Concubine mother, my son is busy with work, I wanted to wait a few days before coming to greet you, but I did not expect concubine mother to come in person, my son greets concubine mother."

Concubine Xu Xian suppressed the anger in her heart due to ministers coming in and out of the political affairs hall, and said, "Then you are done with your work now, mother concubine wants to have lunch with you today, do you have the time?"

"Yes, concubine mother." Feng Ye nodded and said.

All the way back to Dongxi Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian sent all the servants away, looked at Feng Ye angrily, and said sharply:

"Your Majesty!"

Feng Ye slowly bent his legs and knelt down, but his face was still expressionless, his eyes were looking away, and he didn't say a word.

"Ye'er, you let me down!" Concubine Xu Xian was very angry, staring at Feng Ye closely, and said.

"... I don't know how the boy disappointed the mother and concubine. Isn't the boy now following the mother's expectation and supervising the country for the father? Moreover, the ministers are both soft and hard, and the officials are also very convinced." Feng Ye raised the ice. Mou, said lightly.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Concubine Xu Xian was so angry that her heart ached, she took a few deep breaths and said, "How are you going to arrange Jian'an?"

"She's the one my concubine misses so much. Let her arrange it as her concubine does. The child won't be able to interfere." Feng Ye's tone gradually became cold.

"Crack!" Concubine Xu Xian raised her hand and slapped one on the table, "Ye'er, Jian'an gave you the most precious thing of a woman. The servants all know that she spent the night in Prince Yu's mansion. This is the end of the matter, you Don't you intend to marry her?"

"Hehe..." Feng Ye smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and said, "Mufei used my trust in you to feed me chicken soup, shouldn't she think of the current result? You lied to me, why should I follow my concubine's wishes?"

"You!" Concubine Xu Xian only felt a surge of anger and blood in her heart, and she was almost fainted by Feng Ye's anger. She gasped, stroked her chest, and said, "Ye'er, concubine mother is your mother." , Mother Concubine will not harm you, Mother Concubine admits that maybe this way hurts you, but everything Mother Concubine does is for your own good! Now, you are the prince who will be reused by the emperor in the end, Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue This confidant was transferred from the capital to the harsh environment of Shanhaiguan.

This is really your best opportunity, under the circumstances, the future throne..."

"Mother and concubine!" Feng Ye scolded coldly, "If this word gets out and my father finds out, I'm afraid you and I have a hundred lives and it's not enough to kill them!"

"Well, it's not just our mother and son..." Concubine Xu Xian also knew that she had said something she shouldn't have said, so she said softly, "Let's put it this way, we are not foolproof, and it is not as easy as picking something out of pocket. Now, you urgently need to strengthen your power, and marrying the Wei family is the best way. Besides, Jian An has liked you since she was a child. , when the time comes, with your grandfather inside and the Wei family outside, no one can easily shake you. The concubine mother has said it so many times, why can't you hear it?"

"The concubine's analysis is correct, but the only thing I need to say is that I don't love him, and I don't want to live with a woman who has no feelings for lying to me! I don't want my life to be as sad as concubine mother! "Feng Ye showed a trace of sadness on his face.

"You!" Concubine Xu Xian didn't expect Feng Ye to dare to say that about her concubine mother!She snorted coldly, "You are full of benevolence and morality, and you are full of love and love. In the final analysis, it is because of Lian Siyue, a bitch, and your heart is still on this bitch!"

"Since mother and concubine know that my heart is for her, why do you still call her a bitch?" Feng Ye said coldly.

"Why, now I can't even say a few words about her mother and concubine? If she is not cheap, can you be so obsessed with getting married, and make you not hesitate to talk back to the mother concubine for his sake? You used to How filial and obedient you are, it's because of him that you have a rift with your mother and concubine!"

The concubine mother is very strange. Before she got married, she didn't see you caring about her so much. Why did you protect her in every possible way after she got married with Feng Yunzheng? "

"Because, I didn't know until I lost her completely, how much I want to have her!" Feng Ye murmured, with a trace of deep pain in his eyes.

Concubine Xu Xian's heart trembled when she saw Feng Ye like this, "Ye'er..."

Feng Ye sighed deeply, and said, "Concubine Mother, let the child go."

"You..." Concubine Xu Xian did not expect Feng Ye to speak to her in such a pleading tone, almost pitiful.

"Brother Ye!" At this time, Wei Ruhao, who had been hiding behind the screen and listening to the conversation between the two mothers and sons, finally couldn't help but ran over. She stood behind Feng Ye, bent down, and hugged his body tightly. , crying and begging, "Brother Ye, please, please look at me, I can do even what Siyue can do. Even if Siyue doesn't love you, she doesn't love you at all. She is the concubine of His Highness Ninth Prince , She and you have no possibility in this life.

But I am different, I love you, I am willing to give everything for you!
Brother Ye, please, don’t abandon me like this, just marry me, you don’t need to love me, you don’t need to look at me, you let me be Princess Yu, let the Wei family help aunt and you, as long as I have Yu The position of the princess is just fine!
You won't be able to marry Lian Siyue in this life, you will marry a princess after all, won't you?Then marry me, I've given myself to you, haven't I? "

She lay on Feng Ye's shoulder, hugged him tightly, and cried.

"Ye'er, as you can see, you may feel disgusted by what Concubine Xu's mother did, but she is sincerely for you in Jian'an. In this regard, she is much better than Lian Siyue." Concubine Xu Xian earnestly said.

(End of this chapter)

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