Chapter 853
Chapter 853
Yin Huai sighed softly, asked what love is in the world, and taught life and death to agree.

Khitan, Youzhou.

The last time Xiaohe fought Jin Wu, the prospective son-in-law, his prestige in the entire Khitan royal family rose. Immediately afterwards, Empress Dowager Renyi decreed to annul the marriage between Jin Wu and Princess Yeluyan.

Therefore, there were rumors that the Empress Dowager Renyi wanted to marry Yeluyan to Xiao He, so that he could stay in Youzhou wholeheartedly and be used by the Empress Dowager.

on the school field.

The soldiers were divided into two rows, the Empress Dowager Renyi stood on the high platform, the young prince Yeluchu, the princesses Yeluyan and Xiaohe stood on both sides.

I saw that the Empress Dowager Renyi was dressed in a golden military uniform, took the bow and arrow from the hands of the soldiers beside her, aimed at the sword target in the distance, narrowed her eyes slowly, and let go of her hands——

The arrow feather disappeared instantly, hitting the bull's-eye!

"The Empress Dowager is a thousand years old!" The soldiers of the three armies knelt down on the ground and shouted repeatedly.

Even Xiao He who was at the side was also secretly surprised, he had heard earlier that this Empress Dowager Renyi was also a heroine, she was very familiar with archery and riding and shooting, and was made a hero among women by the late emperor.

Unexpectedly, at this age, he still has such momentum and courage. It seems that this Empress Dowager Renyi is more difficult to deal with than he thought.

"Grandmother's archery was the best in Youzhou back then, and now it's even better than before!" Yeluchu said with a smile on his face.

Empress Dowager Renyi chuckled, and said, "The Ai family is old, how can it compare to the past, you, don't make fun of me."

Yeluyan took Empress Dowager Renyi's hand, put her face on her arm, and said, "Grandmother, you are not old, you are the most powerful woman in our Khitan, and the god that all Khitan women respect."

"You, this small mouth, makes the Ai family happy all day long. Ai's hair has grown white this morning, and I am old! From now on, this Khitan will be handed over to you young people." Empress Dowager Renyi said He handed the bow and arrow in his hand to the soldiers on the side, and walked down from the high platform.

Yeluyan and Yeluchu followed.

Yeluchu looked back and saw Xiao He was still standing in the distance, and he winked at him, motioning him to follow.

Empress Dowager Renyi looked at the distant world while walking, and said, "Back then, when our ancestors opened up the territory, that area was not ours. Our warriors had no women, and there were no sticky blankets in our tents. We also had no beef in our pot.

Today, after several generations of hard work, this place has finally become ours. Aijia can faintly hear the neighing of cattle and sheep even when sleeping in the palace, which makes Aijia feel very at ease. "

The Empress Dowager Renyi slowly told about what happened in this land in the past, and the two brothers and sisters Yeluchu and Yeluyan listened carefully.

At this time, Empress Dowager Renyi suddenly turned around, Xiao He, and said, "Xiao He, before Chu'er told Ai's family that you are a rare talent, so he gave in to you in every possible way. Recently, Ai's family began to Understand why he wants to do this.

Aijia appreciates your arrogance and principles in dealing with things, but at the same time, Aijia is also worried. If a talent like you can't be really used by me, it will be a heart disease for Aijia. "

Xiao He remained calm, nodded slightly, and said, "Xiao He is already in Youzhou with his father, and both parents are here."

"No." Empress Dowager Renyi shook her head, "This is not enough."

"I wonder what advice the Empress Dowager has?" Xiao He asked.
Empress Dowager Renyi looked at him, then at Xiao He, a deep smile gradually appeared on her face, and said, "Do you know why I ordered Jin Wu and Yan Er to divorce?"

After hearing this, Yeluyan was slightly taken aback, and held the Queen Mother's hand tightly.

"This is the Empress Dowager's family matter, Xiao He doesn't know." Xiao He said indifferently.

Empress Dowager Renyi suddenly reached out and took Xiao He's hand, Xiao He retreated subconsciously, wanting to withdraw his hand, but Empress Dowager Renyi did not intend to let go.

At the same time, he held Yeluyan's hand and folded their hands together. Yeluyan felt the temperature belonging to Xiao He pressing on the back of his hand, and immediately retracted his hand subconsciously, and his heart beat faster.

Empress Dowager Renyi said, "The Ai family wants you to marry Yan'er, to be Yan'er's son-in-law, and to live in the Princess Mansion."

When Yeluyan heard this, she suddenly raised her head, "Grandmother? You, you have never mentioned this to Yan'er, why suddenly..."

Xiao He was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then slowly pulled out his hand, saying, "Thank you for the kindness of the Queen Mother, but Xiao He is afraid that he will not be able to climb high, so please ask the Queen Mother to take back his life."

Seeing that Xiao He didn't even think about it, Yeluyan refused directly, still feeling a little hurt in her heart.

Empress Dowager Renyi didn't seem annoying, she always had that deep and calm smile on her face, and asked, "The Ai family has never minded such things as birth, the Ai family has never shy away from it, and the Ai family's own background is not good. So, you Don't worry about anything else, Yan'er won't mind."

Empress Dowager Renyi insisted that Xiao He accept this will.

Yeluyan glanced at Xiao He quietly, and saw that his fists were slowly clenched, with a stiff expression on his face.

Her heart moved, she quickly knelt down and said, "Grandma, please take it back..."

"Yan'er!" Empress Dowager Renyi stopped Yeluyan from continuing. She patted her granddaughter's hand and said, "What grandma wants to know now is not your attitude, but Xiaohe's. Don't be in a hurry."

"But..." Yeluyan looked anxious and embarrassed.

"Yan'er, listen to grandma first." Yeluchu grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back a little.

Dowager Renyi then asked, "Xiao He, the Ai family has already said that as long as you are willing to marry Yan'er and be my Khitan's consort, everything else is fine. You can answer the Ai family now."

Yeluyan secretly clenched her fists in her sleeves, feeling extremely nervous.

"Forgive me." In the end, Xiao He bowed his hands and said these four words.

"Sure enough, it's forgiving, not daring to climb high." The Empress Dowager Renyi smiled indifferently, and said, "Yan'er is the most beloved granddaughter of the Ai family, and all the Khitan warriors want to marry her, and you How dare you refuse so simply in front of all the officials and soldiers, without giving Aijia and Yan'er any face, are you really not afraid that Aijia will kill you immediately?"

"I'm afraid." Xiao He said, "But it's still hard to follow."

"Why? Do you think Yan'er is not good enough for you?" Queen Mother Renyi asked.

"Xiao He has never thought of getting married to the princess, and naturally there is no question of whether he is worthy or not. However, with Xiao He's current state of mind, he really doesn't have any plans to get married. I just want to help my father train soldiers. Other things, I don't even want to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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