First-class daughter

Chapter 854 The Torture Begins

Chapter 854 The Torture Begins

Chapter 854 The Torture Begins

"You lied." Empress Dowager Renyi looked at Xiao He with a sneer and said.

Xiao He was slightly taken aback.

"You don't want to marry the good granddaughter of the Ai family, not because you want to help your father, but because you already have someone in your heart. Her name is Feng Lingyue. The Ai family said it, right?" Empress Dowager Renyi Said.

Xiao He was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Yeluchu, he must have said these things, as he had personally seen the separation between him and Ling Yue'er.

He nodded slightly, and said, "Since the Queen Mother already knows the reason, why bother to make things difficult for her. In fact, I had an engagement with that woman a long time ago, but because of sudden changes, we couldn't get married. This is also a pity in my heart."

As Xiao He said, a wry smile appeared on his face involuntarily, Yeluyan turned his face away, tears glistened in his eyes.

"You young people always take these feelings and loves too seriously. You always think that meeting someone for a few years is a lifetime. How can a lifetime in this world be so simple.

In this world, there is something more important than love and love - that is to live, to live with dignity.

If you don't even have the qualifications to live, and you don't even have the dignity to take a breath, then you will realize that these love affairs are so small and useless. "The Empress Dowager Renyi said.

Xiao He remained silent.

He knew that Empress Dowager Renyi would take measures against him today, she was the most prestigious woman in Khitan, she would not allow anyone to disobey her, this was the dignity of a queen mother.

Therefore, he does not argue with her, and there is no need to let these irrelevant people know his affection for Ling Yue'er.

"Xiao He, what if the reason for your persistence is gone?" Empress Dowager Renyi suddenly showed a cold expression.

No more reason?
Xiao He was taken aback, and immediately asked, "What did the Empress Dowager do to Ling Yue'er?" His heart beat for no reason, and he suddenly felt very panicked. .

"You really care about her. There was a flash of panic in your eyes just now that Ai Jia has never seen on your face." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

Xiao He secretly clenched his fists in his sleeves again, and said, "Queen Mother, yes, the love in my heart is indeed Ling Yue'er, yes, she used to be the wife I proposed to marry, but, later, my elder brother Xiao Shan died because of him. Die, when I knew the truth, there was no way I could be with her anymore, at that time, I had already broken with her in front of the little prince." t
He said that because he didn't want Empress Dowager Renyi to attack Ling Yue'er!

He is not in the capital, and Khitan's dead warriors will lurk beside Ling Yue'er at some point, she is alone and weak, there is absolutely nothing she can do at that time.

Empress Dowager Renyi's eyes fell on Xiao He's body, she said calmly:

"The Ai family will give you two choices today. One is to accept the order of the Ai family and marry Yan'er on a certain day, and become my Khitan's consort. From then on, you will be rich, rich, prestigious, and rich;

two is……"

She paused and said:

"Starting today, I will step down as a general and be demoted into the army as an ordinary soldier, and will be whipped three times a day!" Empress Dowager Renyi's tone was cold, leaving no room for it.

Upon hearing this, Yeluyan couldn't bear it any longer, shook off Yeluchu's hand, walked up to the Queen Mother, and said:

"Grandmother, it's Yan'er who wants to get married. Didn't you say that Yan'er's engagement is first of all a matter of Yan'er's willingness? Yan'er, Yan'er..." Yeluyan looked at Xiao He, with a hint of heartbreak in her eyes, But when he looked at Empress Dowager Renyi again, he had regained his determination, "Yan'er doesn't want to marry Xiao He, don't want him to be Yan'er's son-in-law!"

Empress Dowager Renyi raised her hand to help Yeluyan up.

"If grandma refuses to agree to Yan'er's request, Yan'er won't get up!" Yeluyan said resolutely with a stubborn face and red eyes.

"Yan'er!" Seeing that she did not hesitate to "threat" the imperial grandmother, Yeluchu hurried forward and said.

Empress Dowager Renyi raised her hand, touched Yeluyan's cheek and said, "Look at the good granddaughter of the Ai family, her eyes are already red like this, but she is still trying her best to speak for you, Xiao He."

"Grandmother!" Yeluyan's tears were about to fall.

Empress Dowager Renyi sighed softly.He said, "Yan'er, the emperor's grandmother still said the same thing, it's not time for you to express your opinion, get up and go back to the emperor's grandmother's palace."


"Xiao He, tell me how you want to choose." However, before Yeluyan could say anything, Mother Renyi asked Xiao He again.

Xiao He raised his hands.

Seeing Yeluchu, anger appeared on his face!
Seeing Xiao He made such a choice, Yeluyan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she tightly held the embroidered handkerchief.

"Come on, take Xiao He down. From now on, he will be demoted to a low-ranking soldier and will be whipped three times a day!" Empress Dowager Renyi ordered loudly, with a fake look in her eyes.

"Go!" Two soldiers came over, tied Xiao He's arms with an iron chain, and dragged him to be whipped!
Xiao He's hand supported the position of Fuxin's mouth - here is the little figure he carved, the little figure is Ling Yue'er -

"Ling Yue'er, stay with me!" He murmured, with that look and tone, as if Ling Yue'er was right in front of him at this moment.

At that moment, he saw that bright and romantic smile, and when she smiled, it was as if the whole world opened up.

"Go back to the palace!" Empress Dowager Renyi stopped staying, turned around abruptly, and ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone said loudly.

All the soldiers knelt on the ground and shouted, "Respectfully send off the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother will be a thousand years old."

Yeluyan walked back with the queen mother and Yeluchu, and couldn't help but look back at Xiaohe——

I saw that his hands were turned upside down, and he was tied to a thick pillar.

He looked at the front with a cold face, his eyes remained fixed, and he exuded an unshakable aura.

Some of the soldiers who executed the execution belonged to Jin Wu's subordinates. Now, those who offended their master will be whipped, so naturally they will not be lenient!
"Hehe, Xiao He, you think you are so great that you even dare to disobey the Queen Mother's will, you really deserve to die!"

"How noble is Princess Yan, how dare you refuse to marry her in front of so many people, do you know how many people dream of this?"

As the soldier said, he took off his shoes and slapped Xiao He's face forcefully, with a contemptuous expression on his face.

This is what Empress Dowager Renyi said, speaking without dignity!


One command.

The thick whip was raised high in the air, then it was slammed down, and it slammed on Xiao He's body with a slap, and his skin was ripped apart immediately!

Those soldiers were furious, and threw him over and over again. Soon, his clothes were torn and stained with blood.

However, a smile gradually appeared on Xiao He's face.

(End of this chapter)

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