First-class daughter

Chapter 855 What's the Meaning

Chapter 855 What's the Meaning
Chapter 855 What's the Meaning
The soldier who whipped him saw that he not only didn't beg for mercy, but laughed instead, he was taken aback for a moment - how could anyone laugh when they were being whipped?
"He must have been fooled! Hahaha, there are still five lashes, continue to beat me hard!" The leader soldier Hu Du (du, third sound) smashed the other shoe on Xiao Xiao's head. On the face of the river, he scolded loudly.



One whip after another, mercilessly lashed at Xiao He's body. His body was gradually covered with bruises, but he remained as firm as a mountain, never wavering in the slightest.

After the whipping, the executioner was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, but Xiao He was still majestic. He gave the soldier sitting on the ground panting contemptuously, and threw the reins in his hand on the ground.

There was a natural deterrent force in this look and movement, which made Hu Du feel a little fear in his heart. His eyes flickered, and he said:
"Put, push, squeeze Xiao He to the barracks, and obey the treatment of soldiers."

"Yes!" The two escorted Xiao He to the barracks.

Hu Ducai realized that he was covered in cold sweat, and muttered to himself, "Isn't this Xiao He the indestructible body of King Kong? Ten lashes with such force would kill most people, but he didn't know anything at all." No?"

It seems that this Central Plains man is more powerful than he imagined.

But, for the sake of his master Jin Wu, he must double treat Xiao He well in the remaining days!It's time to invite credit and receive rewards.

Thinking about it, he put away the fear in his heart and walked over to the barracks.

Xiao He took off the brocade robe on his body, and put on the gray-black clothes of ordinary low-class soldiers. The whip marks on his body were covered up, but the whip marks on his neck, the back of his hands, and his face were still clearly visible.

But these clothes can't conceal the heroism and courage exuding from his whole body - Xiao He will always be Xiao He.

When he appeared, the soldiers who were eating were stunned for a moment when they saw him—isn't this Xiao He from the Central Plains who made a big splash in the hunting ground a few days ago?

How did he get here?
"Come on, listen up, everyone, because Xiao He offended our most respected empress dowager, he was demoted to a soldier. The empress dowager ordered him to stay here from now on. Brothers, please greet me well." Hu Du walked away He came over, folded his arms around his chest, and ordered meaningfully.

He glanced at Xiao He again, snorted coldly, and said, "You dare to disobey the Queen Mother's will, you really don't know how to do it!"

After explaining, he swaggered and turned to leave——

Xiao He sneered, secretly aimed at a stone on the ground, and secretly exerted force on the one under his feet - the speed was so fast that no one noticed.

"Ah!" I saw that Hu Du, who was about to walk out, was hit on the back of the head by a hard object, and he threw himself forward, fell to the ground in embarrassment, and felt dizzy for a while.

"My lord, my lord!"

Several soldiers ran over in a hurry, and it took Hu Du a long time to recover. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the position where Xiao He was standing just now, only to find that he had already sat down on the other side.

"Who, who, who hit me?" he demanded sharply, but everyone shook their heads.

Suddenly a feeling of nausea came to his heart, and Hu Du staggered, "Quick, help me, help me to the doctor, and settle the score later."

The corners of Xiao He's lips curled slightly, and an evil smile condensed on the corner of his mouth——

What he just hit was the key acupuncture point on the back of this ignorant Khitan man's head...

South Prime Minister's Mansion, Xiao Zhenhai's study.


Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly.

"Father, think of a way quickly, the second brother was demoted to be a last-class soldier, and he has to be whipped three times a day!" Xiao Hu said anxiously.

"What's going on? The last hunting competition was fine!" Xiao Zhenhai walked out of the study room quickly.

"Second brother... He rejected the Queen Mother Renyi's will to betroth Princess Yan to him, and the Queen Mother made such a decision in a fit of anger." Xiao Hu glanced at Xiao Zhenhai cautiously, and said.

"He! He is so confused! He openly defies a gift that others can't even ask for!"

"Master, master, I've heard about it, you should think of a way to save He'er." Mrs. Xiao hurried in and said.

"Ma'am, no one can save him except himself!"

Xiao Zhenhai hurried to the palace, his angry voice changed.

"Princess Yan is the queen mother's favorite princess. She takes her with her wherever she goes. The queen mother took a fancy to him and made him a concubine. Having Princess Yan will be of great benefit to our Xiao family's status and reputation in Youzhou. Those Khitan nobles will truly recognize our Xiao family!"

"Father, don't be angry, you also know that the second brother..."

"Obviously he is a man who attracts women's liking, and the ones who like him are always high-ranking and influential people. He was the thirteenth princess in Kyoto, and now there is another Princess Yan. Everyone is infatuated with him. What a great opportunity! But don't know how to use it!

And it just happened to be ruined by him. For so many years, there is only one fake princess in my mind!The last time he said he wanted to break up with her, I think he said all the stupid things to me on purpose, for fear that I would hurt his sweetheart! "

Xiao Zhenhai really hated iron for being weak, his face was full of anger.

Xiao Hu bowed his head in silence, not knowing what to say.

When he arrived at the palace, Xiao Zhenhai asked to see the Empress Dowager Renyi, but was told——

If Nan Xiang came to intercede for Xiao He, there is no need. It's not that Aijia didn't give him a chance, he had already given him two paths, one is to be brilliant, and the other is to be demoted to be a soldier. He has already made a choice.

Xiao Zhenhai couldn't say anything, so he could only leave resentfully.

He went all the way to the barracks, asked several people, and finally saw Xiao He's shadow. He was sitting among other soldiers, wiping the spear in his hand, with a cold and expressionless face.

Xiao Zhenhai hurried over, Xiao He slowly raised his head——

"Come here for me!"

Xiao He put down his spear, and followed Xiao Zhenhai to a deserted place.

Seeing the scars on Xiao He's body, Xiao Hu hurriedly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "Second Brother, are you seriously injured?"

There was a smile on Xiao He's face, and he comforted him, "Third brother, mere whipping will not trouble me."

"Hmph." Xiao Zhenhai sneered, staring at Xiao He.

Xiao He nodded and said, "Father."

"How long do you have to wait?" This time, Xiao Zhenhai didn't get angry enough to punch and kick Xiao He as before, but looked into his eyes, looked at his wound, and asked.

Xiao He was slightly startled, pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Enough, Xiao He, really enough!
You clearly know better than anyone else, and you also understand better than anyone else that you can't wait for her at all. From the moment you left the Central Plains, you have completely lost her.

She is in Kyoto, and you are in Youzhou. You may not even see each other in this lifetime. What's the point of being so infatuated?
(End of this chapter)

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