First-class daughter

Chapter 856 She Forgot You

Chapter 856 She Forgot You
Chapter 856 She Forgot You
For her, you disobeyed the queen mother's will and were humiliated and whipped here. Does she know the torment and pain you endured day and night for her? "

"Actually, she doesn't know anything about your infatuation for her, the suffering, humiliation and torture you have suffered for her.

It is also possible that she has already returned to the vulgar, married someone, and has forgotten about you.

You never forget her, and her love for you is over.

He'er, you have to accept the fact that the two of you are drifting apart, and stop living in your own fantasy! "

Xiao Zhenhai patted Xiao He's shoulder, and said earnestly in a fatherly tone.

"It depends on the actual situation. You are not in the capital now, and you are not the young master or the general of Tianbao. You can do whatever you want.

Now in Youzhou, we need to consolidate the strength of our Xiao family step by step so that no one can easily shake us. Princess Yan is a very good target for us to consolidate our strength.You shouldn't miss such a good opportunity. "

"He'er, it's not impossible for you to love a woman, you can love her for the rest of your life without wavering, and my father doesn't want to object.

However, the person you love in your heart is her, and you married Princess Yan, treating each other like husband and wife, this does not affect your continuing to love her.

Think about what your father said, does it make sense? "

Xiao Hu, who has always been on Xiao He's side, couldn't help but comfort him, "Second brother, I think what my father said is reasonable, you can continue to love Princess Eleven, but you can also marry Princess Yan, both of which are fine. exist simultaneously."

Xiao He slowly raised his hand, arched his hands, bowed, and said, "Father, I have kept your teachings in mind. It's not suitable for you to stay here for a long time, you should go first."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards the barracks.

"Second brother!" Seeing this, Xiao Hu hurried forward.

"Forget it, stop chasing him!" Xiao Zhenhai stopped Xiao Hu, and said, "He is already terminally ill, there is no way to save him! Let him die, as a father, he will act as if he didn't have this son."

"Father..." Xiao Hu was very sad when he heard these words.

Xiao Zhenhai left with a cold face.

Xiao Hu looked around, sighed deeply, and walked behind Xiao Zhenhai.

After Xiao He walked to the tent beside him, he slowly took out the little figure on his heart and held it in his palm.

What his father said to him just now, recalled word by word in his mind, every word pierced his heart hard enough to make him feel suffocated.

"Will you? Ling Yue'er, have you forgotten me? I'm Xiao He, don't forget me, okay?"

Perhaps, this life is impossible, but I beg you, don't forget me, don't let me not exist in your memory.

that way...

I really can't survive.

He held the villain tightly in the palm of his hand, just like holding Ling Yue'er for the rest of his life, a life he couldn't ask for.

Except barracks.

Xiao Zhenhai stood at the same place, frowning tightly, and remained silent for a long time. Xiao He was disturbed and asked:
"Father, do you really want to give up your second brother?"

"No." Xiao Zhenhai shook his head as if he didn't hear Xiao Hu's words, and said, "Maybe, I'm thinking something wrong. The Empress Dowager Renyi has deep thoughts, and it's extremely difficult to guess. It doesn't seem like she will be tough." The person who forces someone to marry, will she... she is actually testing your second brother by doing this?"

"Test?" Xiao Hu was slightly taken aback.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhenhai's eyes suddenly brightened, "Hu'er, do you remember the last time you were on the hunting ground? Jin Wu and your second brother had a hunting competition. She used a group of Han captives to test your second brother. She was demoted to the last class of soldiers, there is no guarantee that it will be another test!

Although Empress Dowager Renyi is a woman, she is like a hero in troubled times, her vision is not above the love between men and women! "Xiao Zhenhai said with certainty.

"However, this is just our guess." Xiao Hu said.

"So, father, I'm going to see Princess Yan, give her a reassurance, and don't let her shake her heart for your second brother." Xiao Zhenhai made up his mind, and immediately went to the palace where Yeluyan lived.

When Yeluyan heard that Xiao Zhenhai asked for an audience, she knew that he would never see the imperial grandmother, so she had no choice but to come to her, so she agreed to Xiao Zhenhai's request.

"May the princess be safe!" Xiao Zhenhai led Xiao Hu and knelt in front of the hall together.

"Nanxiang, please, Third Young Master, please." Yeluyan raised his hand and said.

"The guilty minister dare not stand up!" Xiao Zhenhai was heartbroken, "The dog Xiao He didn't know good from bad, he failed the queen mother's order, and failed the princess' love. The guilty minister pleaded guilty to the princess on behalf of the traitor Xiao He."

"Nanxiang, there's no need to be like this! This princess didn't blame Xiao He." Seeing him like this, Yeluyan said hastily.

Xiao Zhenhai raised his head and said, "Thank you, princess, for your generosity. This is the blessing of Xiao He, the rebellious son, who cultivated in his previous life."

Yeluyan smiled bitterly, and said, "However, this so-called blessing brought him disaster."

Marriage, marriage, it's about your love and my wish. If there is one person who is not willing, this marriage contract will not be complete. Don't be impatient. After two days, the emperor's grandmother's anger has subsided, and I will go to beg again. She, please let Xiao He go, don't force me, I don't want anyone to be hurt because of me, especially... Xiao He.

I, Yeluyan, am also a person with integrity and self-esteem. I feel that my integrity and self-esteem have been hurt by detaining her like this. "

Yeluyan said calmly, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Xiao Zhenhai was slightly taken aback, he originally thought that Princess Yan, who was doted on by thousands of people, would try every means to get Xiao He like the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao back then.

Unexpectedly, she was not at all arrogant and willful, on the contrary, she refused to force her.

In this case, it is not conducive for him to use Yeluyan's infatuation to promote the marriage contract between the two.

"It's because he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. I also very much hope that the princess can marry him. I also ask the princess to give Xiao He a little more time. He just can't think about it for a while." He hurriedly expressed his position secretly.

"Nan Xiang, this princess is a bit tired, you can go down first, don't worry, Xiao He won't suffer for too long." But Yeluyan didn't intend to continue talking.

"...Yes." Xiao Zhenhai had no choice but to leave first.

"Is it okay for the third son to stay?" But she kept Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu was slightly taken aback, looked at Xiao Zhenhai, nodded and said, "Yes, princess."

After Xiao Zhenhai left, Yeluyan signaled Xiao Hu to sit down.

"I don't know what's the matter with the princess?" Xiao Hu was surprised to be left behind by Yeluyan.

"You have a good relationship with Xiao He, right?" Yeluyan asked.

Xiao Hu nodded and said, "Yes, the person I admire the most is my second brother. Many of my skills were taught by my second brother. He is really a very powerful person. He used to be so majestic in Kyoto. , Invincible!" Speaking of Xiao He's past, a smile appeared on Xiao Hu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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