First-class daughter

Chapter 858 Dangerous Approaching

Chapter 858 Dangerous Approaching
Chapter 858 Dangerous Approaching

This is the third day.

Xiao He had been whipped for three consecutive days, and his body was gradually unable to bear it anymore. However, for unknown reasons, the general Hu Du who was in charge of executing him on the first day died while patrolling the barracks the next day.

At this moment, Xiao He was again tied to the place where he was whipped.

There were scars all over his body and face, but his eyes were still piercing.

The physical torture is still painful, and it hasn't eroded his spirit for the time being.

The soldier in charge of execution looked at Xiao He coldly, and said, "If you change your mind, you can say it at any time, and I will report to the Queen Mother and let you go.

The caning was over immediately, and he resumed his position as a general, and entered the princess mansion as a son-in-law. "

Xiao He didn't speak, and slowly closed his eyes.

The soldier shook his head and said, "This is the first time I've seen such a ignorant person, he doesn't even want the position of consort! Come on, fight!"

"Wait!" At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded.

It turned out to be Jin Wu, the person who formed a beam with him on the hunting ground.Seeing Xiao He being tied and whipped, he laughed loudly——

"Xiao He, I never expected that within a few days of your comfortable life, you would turn into this ghostly appearance."

Xiao He glanced at him indifferently, not paying attention to people like him at all.

"Hmph. Your current aura doesn't have any effect on me." Jin Wu said, "I really didn't expect that the queen mother ordered me to divorce Princess Yan and let Princess Yan marry you, and you would openly resist the marriage?"

This is the most displeasing place for Jin Wu!
He couldn't get the person he wanted, but Xiao He, this person was delivered to him, but he actually said no.

This is a great shame and humiliation for him!Can't bear it!
"You are proud! You are proud! You dog of the Central Plains, today I will teach you a lesson from the Empress Dowager!" Jin Wu snatched the whip from the soldier beside him, and with all his strength, slapped Xiao He's head fiercely. Fell over.

I saw Xiao He's eyes froze, his upper body bent down quickly, and when he turned around, the whip was skewed and hit the pillar, even the whip flew away.

He looked at Jin Wu coldly, and said, "The Empress Dowager Renyi ordered whipping. Anyone in this barracks can carry out this order, except you!"

"You! Why?" Jin Wu was so angry that he asked angrily.

"Because I look down on you, you are like a dead dog." Xiao He said with a sarcasm in his cold eyes.

"You! You dare to scold me when you are about to die!" Jin Wu bent down to pick up the whip!

With a playful sneer on the corner of Xiao He's lips, he kicked neatly, and a stone flew over, impartially, and hit Jin Wu's hand fiercely. He screamed in pain, and the whip fell to the ground again.

He was furious, gritted his teeth, and raised his head suddenly, "Xiao He, you are just a piece of fish on the chopping board now, you dare to humiliate me, I will teach you a good lesson today, I don't believe it, how old are you?" your patience!"

As he said that, Jin Wu seemed to have gone mad, and slammed the whip on Xiao He's body.

Xiao He dodged left and right, every whip of Jin Wu passed by his body unexpectedly.

However, in order to protect the villain on his chest, Xiao He smiled slowly.

Jin Wu looked at her, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly put down his whip, with an evil smile on his face——

"Come on, catch him! As soon as he gave an order, several people immediately surrounded Xiaohe.

Jin Wu winked, and several soldiers rushed forward, hugging their legs, and hugging their arms, restraining Xiao He.

Xiao He frowned, this low-level stuff!
"Hey, you have something important on your chest, you're so afraid of losing it." Jin Wu smiled.

Xiao He was taken aback.

Jin Wu stepped forward and slowly stretched out his hand, approaching his chest.

Xiao He's eyes flashed, "Jin Wu, if you dare to move, I will definitely prevent you from getting out alive today!"

But Jin Wu didn't pay any attention, and stretched out his hand quickly, peeling off Xiao He's upper garment, only to hear a bang, and a puppet fell from the ground to the ground, rolling to Jin Wu's feet.

"Yo, it's a woman." Jin Wu bent down, looked carefully at the wooden figure on the ground, and picked her up with his hand, "It's still a beautiful woman."

"Give it back to me!" Xiao He warned coldly with a hint of danger in his eyes.

"It seems that you are very nervous about her. This woman does not look like Princess Yan. Who is this?" Jin Wu held the wooden figure in his hand and raised it up. "This is your former woman, no wonder you refused to be with her." Princess Yan succeeded because of this woman."

Xiao He pursed his lips tightly, his eyes fixed on the wooden figure held by Jin Wu, and he remained silent, but the anger had slowly gathered in his heart, and the circles of his eyes gradually turned red.

Because of his family relationship, this Jin Wu used to look like a handsome young man in Youzhou.

Now, being defeated by Xiao He on the hunting ground, and getting engaged by Empress Dowager Renyi, his whole temperament has changed drastically.

"Xiao He, the woman I found you, I must take her into my mansion, be my maidservant, let her serve me, make me happy every day, I will humiliate her in every possible way, hahaha." Jin Wu's eyes were red. , looked at Xiao He, deliberately said these unbearable words to stimulate Xiao He.

Xiao He clenched his fists tightly, and his joints made a clicking sound.

"Xiao He, look, it's like this now..." Jin Wu actually moved Ling Yue'er's wooden figurine to his mouth slowly, licking his lips evilly with his tongue, and blinking his eyes slightly.

"Ah!" Xiao He raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, using his extraordinary strength, he pulled the pillar out from the ground forcefully.

Turning around fiercely again, the pillar hit the soldiers restraining him, and several soldiers were immediately sent flying.

Jin Wu was stunned for a moment, his tongue suddenly retracted, and the hand holding the wooden figure was immediately put down, with a look of shock in his eyes.

This Xiao He actually had such supernatural power, he pulled out a pillar stuck in the ground with his bare hands.

"Give it back to me!" Xiao He, with a pillar on his back, approached Jin Wu step by step with red eyes.

Jin Wu suddenly panicked, his eyes flickered, he stepped back step by step, and ordered tremblingly, "Come on, come on, he's crazy, stop him!"

The soldiers who heard the order swarmed up and attacked Xiao He one after another, but Xiao He directly used the pillar on his back as a weapon. He bent down and turned around vigorously. The pillar was thrown out and hit the person's body, knocking out all the soldiers. Knocked down.

The pillar was impacted in this way, and the rope that bound his hands was also untied under his struggle.

He regained his freedom, and although he was seriously injured, he was still as powerful as a tiger.

He threw the rope wrapped around his wrist on the ground, his eyes were sharp, and with a hook of his foot, the sword on the ground returned to his hand.

The sword shone coldly in the air.Jin Wu swallowed, a chill rose up his spine.

(End of this chapter)

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