Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Jin Wu swallowed his saliva, feeling a chill on his back, and said in a trembling voice:

"You, you dare not kill me, Xiao He, if you kill me, my father and brother will not let you go, and the queen mother, the queen mother will immediately order you to be killed, you dare not kill me, you dare not kill me... ...Look, I will trample your wooden man on the ground, and you dare not kill me!"

In order to show his subordinates that he was not afraid of Xiao He, Jin Wu deliberately stepped on Ling Yue'er's wooden figure under his feet, looked at Xiao He with an evil smile, and swallowed.

"Shua!" A piercing chill flashed in Xiao He's eyes, and the sword flashed a light in the air. He bent down, only to hear a scream——

Jin Wu bent one knee and fell to the ground, howling fiercely, like killing a pig.

Xiao He actually cut off Jin Wu's sole alive. Jin Wu looked at the sole of his foot separated from his body in disbelief, his face was as pale as paper, and he almost lost consciousness due to the pain.

"Master, son!"

Frightened by Xiao He's ruthlessness, several guards hurried to Jin Wu's side——

"Catch, catch him!" Jin Wu ordered with the last bit of strength.

Several people drew their swords and approached Xiao He immediately, Xiao He took a step forward, they backed up a few steps in fright, and looked at him defensively, but they still dare not draw out the sword.

Xiao He bent down, picked up the little wooden man covered with dust on the ground, blew it with his mouth, wiped off the dust with his sleeve, looked coldly at Jin Wu who was bleeding all over the ground, and said:
"I, Xiao He, am a desperado. It is my destiny to live, and it is also my destiny not to live. I don't know how or when I will die.

You are not easy to provoke, but you want to provoke me, this sole of your foot is a lesson I taught you, "

"You..." Jin Wu trembled all over.

"Go to the doctor, or the whole leg will be useless!" Xiao He kicked that sole into Jin Wu's arms, Jin Wu saw his bloody sole, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

"Quick, quickly help the young master to find the doctor!" Several guards hurriedly lifted Jin Wu up and walked outside the barracks.

"Take the soles of your feet, maybe you can still connect them." Xiao He reminded with a smile.

One of the guards hurried back again, holding the sole of his foot in his arms and ran away tremblingly.

Xiao He put the cleaned wooden figure back on his chest, glanced at the mess on the ground, and showed a meaningful expression on his face.

Jin Wu, I just borrowed the soles of your feet, thank you very much.

"Princess, it's not good, it's not good, the Second Young Master Xiao, he, he..." the maid Zhuo Ma hurried over, shouting out of breath.

"What's wrong with my second brother?" Xiao Hu stepped forward and asked nervously.

"Zhuoma, what happened to Xiaohe?" Yeluyan's heart trembled, with an ominous premonition.

"Second Young Master, he looked at Young Master Jin Wu's feet. People from the Jin family are in the Empress Dowager's Hall, requesting that Second Young Master be executed immediately to seek justice for Young Master Jin Wu.

Now the members of the Jin family have trapped the second young master in the barracks, threatening to tear him apart. " Zhuoma said.

"What?" Xiao Hu was shocked, and immediately ran out, "I'm going to protect my second brother."

"Wait, I'll go together." Yeluyan was worried that because the Xiao family was from the Central Plains, the Jin family would kill Xiao He before the Queen Mother ordered.

Inside the barracks.

With a hint of indifference on Xiao He's face, he was wiping his sword with his back to the crowd.

Jin Wu's younger brother, Jin Zhu, drew his sword and pointed it at him, with deep malice in his eyes, if he hadn't considered that the Queen Mother still intended to recruit him as Princess Yan's consort, he would have killed Xiao He immediately to avenge his brother!

"Xiao He, you are so arrogant that you dare to attack my brother in Youzhou. I will make you pay a heavy price today!"

After hearing this, Xiao He stopped wiping his sword, turned around——

The crowd was actually forced by his momentum, and they backed away involuntarily.

I don't know why, even though his body is full of scars and he wears the gray cloth clothes of a soldier, he still has a natural heroism.

Jin Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "I will cut off your soles first and give it to my brother as a compensation, and then I will report to the Queen Mother! Someone, arrest me."

"Wait!" When all the soldiers were about to step forward to arrest Xiao He, there was a soft shout.

Everyone looked back and saw Princess Yelu Yanyan walking over, Xiao Hu hurriedly walked to Xiao He's side, and asked in a low voice, "Second brother, are you okay?"

Xiao He shook his head, raised his eyes to look at Yeluyan, and frowned slightly.

Xiao Hu hurriedly said, "Princess Yan heard that something happened to you, so she came with me. At that time, we were discussing some things together."

Yeluyan felt Xiao He's gaze and saw the welt marks on his body.

It is said that he has been whipped for three days without changing his mind, and he never made a sound when he was whipped. The scars on his body are all for the woman he loves.

"Princess Yan, you came at a good time. This Central Plains man injured my brother and cut off the sole of his foot, which made my brother unable to move in the future. I want to seek justice for my brother. The princess is here to be a witness." Said politely.

Yeluyan withdrew her gaze from Xiao He, raised her chin slightly, and had the aura of a princess.

She said slowly, "It's not very clear what's going on, Jin Zhu, Xiao He has a special status, you should know, everything will be decided by the Queen Mother."

Jin Zhu felt aggrieved in his heart, and said coldly, "Princess, is she favoring Xiao He? Princess, don't forget the status of the Jin family in Youzhou."

"Jinzhu, this princess is just talking about the facts, if you insist on saying that to me, then go back to the palace now and explain clearly in front of the Queen Mother."

When Jin Zhu heard Yeluyan say this, he hesitated a little. Everyone knew the importance of Princess Yan in the Queen Mother's heart, and no one dared to offend, including Jin Zhu naturally.

"Then no matter what, the princess can't take Xiao He away. I want to guard here until the Queen Mother's order comes down. This man is cunning and bold. I'm afraid he will run away." Jin Zhu said pointedly .

"It's up to you, this princess didn't intend to take Xiao He away." Yeluyan said lightly.

Then he walked in front of Xiao He and said, "Go inside the camp, the princess has a few questions for you, Jin Wu, you can send someone to surround the tent."

After entering the camp, Jin Zhu and his soldiers surrounded the entire tent, even if Xiao He spread his wings, he could not escape.

Xiao Hu immediately asked, "Second brother, why did you cut off Jin Wu's soles, you were already being whipped."

"I have my own considerations for my brother." Xiao He's eyes fell on Yeluyan again, his eyes thoughtful.

He has his own plan, and the sudden appearance of this princess is afraid that it will destroy his plan. He is thinking about how to distract her and prevent her from entering into his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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