Chapter 860
Chapter 860
Yeluyan also looked at him quietly, with deep thought in his eyes, as if he was weighing something.

Xiao Hu silently looked at the flowing eyes between the two, thinking that it was inconvenient to leave his mind now, so he walked out automatically, leaving the two of them alone.

"Xiao He, I heard Xiao Hu talk about you and your sweetheart, so I understand why you care so much about the little wooden figure you carved." After a while, Yeluyan said suddenly.

Xiao He was slightly taken aback, turned around, and said, "Xiao Hu is talkative."

"It's what I want to hear, because I want to know where I lost. You would rather be humiliated and whipped than...won't marry me." Yeluyan said, with a faint wry smile on her face .

Xiao He was silent and did not speak.

He still doesn't understand the intention of the princess.

"After listening to it, I understand that I will never be able to enter your heart." Yeluyan felt a pang in her heart when she said this.

She had never felt this way before.I've never felt so disgusted before.

These two feelings, Xiao He gave her at the same time.

"Princess, what on earth are you trying to say? The Jin family will not let me go, I will definitely die, you'd better not get involved in it, and don't do anything for me, I won't appreciate it, I can't bear the title of son-in-law." .” Xiao He said.

"No, I'm afraid you didn't cut off Jin Wu's soles for death. It's Jin Wu's bad luck to break into your plan and touch your blade." Yeluyan lowered her voice and said with a faint smile.

"..." Xiao He frowned.

"You love her so much, why are you willing to die? What you want to do in your life should be to try your best to go back to her, or you won't go back to her, but you will live for her , Am I right?" Yeluyan looked at the indifferent and heroic man in front of her through her teary eyes, and said.

There was a slight surprise in Xiao He's eyes, she actually saw his real intention?

"Since the princess knows my true intentions, why do you want to break into my plan? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you in this tent like I did Jin Wu?" Xiao He narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a hint of Dangerous breath, "I don't have any thoughts of sympathy."

"I know, you won't feel pity for anyone but her, I already knew." That day, because she was curious, he touched her wooden figure, and he was fierce to you, wishing to strangle her to death, She just knew it.

"I don't know what your specific plan is, but I know that you will definitely not seek death."

"You go, leave me alone, I have my own plan." Xiao He always looked very indifferent.

He didn't want to plan a change and bring in irrelevant people, especially this Princess Yan.

"Xiao He, tell me your plan and let me help you." Yeluyan said suddenly.

Xiao He frowned slightly, and said, "I don't like to owe favors."

"However, I have already broken into your plan, so I can't pretend that I don't know anything and get out, because..." She paused for a moment and said, "I want to confirm that your plan will not hurt me Grandmother and elder brother."

"They are not so easy to hurt. Don't worry, I can also assure you that killing them is not part of my plan." Xiao He has already admitted in his heart that the Empress Dowager Renyi is not an ordinary harem woman. He's got a lot of artifice--a very terrible man.

Yeluyan knew that Xiao He was explicitly refusing her to enter his world, except for that woman, his world was full of defenses.

It's really hard to imagine that this indifferent man in front of him could actually dote on a woman so much.

Yeluyan sighed lightly, and said, "Originally, Xiaohu and I were also discussing the strategy of how to rescue you, or we were also discussing the strategy of how to rescue you if you wanted to leave Youzhou.

It's just that I didn't expect that you already had a plan.Moreover, you are not willing to share this plan with me.

Well, Xiao He, please do it yourself. "

Yeluyan turned and walked out. When she opened the tent, she turned her head again, looked at his indifferent profile, and said:
"She is very happy."

Xiao He's heart trembled slightly.

Yeluyan had already walked out decisively.

Xiao He loosened his tightly clenched fists, hoping that this princess would really withdraw from his plan and not get involved, because every step of this plan had been approved several times.

"The empress dowager has orders!"

When he was thinking in the tent, the voice of the eunuch in the palace finally came from outside.

"Immediately arrest Xiao He and bring him into the palace."

With an order, the guards in the palace surrounded the tent, holding the sword tightly in their hands, not daring to relax for a moment and looking in the direction of the curtain.

After a while, Xiao He opened the tent and walked out.

"Second brother..." Xiao Hu stepped forward and called out.

"Third Brother, don't worry." He nodded towards Xiao Hu.

Several guards came over, locked him firmly with iron shackles, and detained him back to the palace.

Yeluyan stood where he was, looking at his back neither far nor near——

His hands and feet were chained, but his back was still straight.

Xiao He, I hope your plan succeeds.

Yeluyan said silently in her heart.

"Princess..." Xiao Hu walked over, seeing the forbearing emotion in this woman's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little heartache for her.

A smile appeared on Yeluyan's face, and said, "It's all right."

"Is our plan still going on?" he asked.

Is it still going on?

He refused to appreciate it?

Yeluyan kept her lips tightly shut and walked outside the barracks step by step.

After Xiao Hu stood there for a moment, he immediately followed.


Mrs. Renyi sat on the phoenix chair expressionlessly, her lips were tightly pressed, and there was a chill in her eyes.

The Patriarch of the Jin Family, Jin Chong, knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, my Jin Family has made great contributions to the court, but now, our child has been cut off by a powerless and arrogant Central Plains man and has become a disabled person~
Please the Empress Dowager immediately order me to kill her with my own hands to avenge Jin Wu, because the entire Khitan will get back their face. "

At this time, Xiao Zhenhai also rushed over, sweating profusely, knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager Renyi, and said, "Xiao He, the rebellious son, made mistakes, and he never dared to cover up the truth."

When Jin Chong saw Xiao Zhenhai, he was very excited. He got up from the ground suddenly, glared at Xiao Zhenhai, and said, "Nan Xiang, you are originally from the Zhou Dynasty and came here for refuge, but my Khitan treats your Xiao family well, your son Today, I blatantly chopped off the soles of my Jin Wu's feet in front of everyone, I will definitely settle this account severely! I will never let Xiao He go!"

(End of this chapter)

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