Chapter 864
Chapter 864
If you don't fight against the Lian family, our Xiao family won't be where it is today!
If, if you hadn't knocked He'er unconscious and tied him up to Youzhou, he wouldn't have died.

All of this was caused by you, Xiao Zhenhai! "

"Ma'am!" Xiao Zhenhai gritted his teeth tightly, "What's the use of talking about it to this day?"

"It's you, it's you, I hate you, I hate you, Xiao Zhenhai!" Mrs. Xiao was crying, and suddenly her eyes went dark, and she passed out.

"Mother, mother!" Seeing Mrs. Xiao fainting, Xiao He finally couldn't help it, stood up and shouted loudly.

"Don't move!" However, a few soldiers walked over quickly and pressed his shoulders firmly. A coldness flashed in his eyes, and he looked into the crowd through the moment he lowered his head——

Among them, several people in ambush nodded towards him.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Xiao He's lips——

He had heard a long time ago that among the Khitan people, there was a group of dead warriors who were highly skilled in martial arts, did not obey the orders of the court, and had no concept of a country. As long as they were given money, they would help with anything. These people were called—— -mercenary.

After he was tied up to Youzhou, he looked decadent on the surface and only knew to drink to numb himself.

But in fact, relying on his super-high combat effectiveness and acuity, he came out day and night to secretly explore the form of Youzhou. Later, he came to a conclusion that only by finding these mercenaries could he leave Youzhou.

And he left Youzhou to prevent a massacre, to save the names of his father and mother. He deeply understood that they were rebels, and rebels would not end well!

So, he wants to stop all this.

So, he found this group of mercenaries, and what he was waiting for was today.

And in a restaurant not far away, a woman was standing beside the bed. She was wearing black clothes, a bamboo hat on her head, and a black veil covering her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

"Princess, everything has been arranged. Later, our people will use smoke to cause chaos at the scene, and then take the opportunity to rescue Second Young Master Xiao." At this time, a guard in black came forward and said in a deep voice.

These are people who are loyal to Yeluyan.

"Well, after taking people away later, bring them here immediately. This princess has already arranged the escape route to Youzhou. You must follow the plan to make sure nothing goes wrong." Yeluyan ordered in a deep voice.

Xiao Hu, who was standing in the crowd, looked back, Yeluyan nodded slightly towards him, Xiao Hu's hands tightened——

Part of the tool that exudes confusion and disgust is on him, just waiting for the time to come.

The adult in charge of the execution looked up at the sky, and saw that the shining white sun had already reached the position of the sky, he hurriedly stood up, picked up the token on the table, threw it on the ground forcefully, and said loudly——

"It's noon, execute immediately!"

With an order, Mrs. Xiao woke up from the drowsiness, and saw the shirtless man with the big knife in his hands walking towards Xiao He, her whole body seemed to collapse, and she screamed and walked towards Xiao He.

Xiao He lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, his nerves were tense at this moment——

The executioner raised the knife in his hand high.

"Bang!" At this moment, there was only a loud bang, and suddenly, a burst of white smoke lingered around.

Xiao He stood up abruptly, and quickly let go of the rope in his hand!
It turned out that Xiao He had already untied the rope that bound him long ago. Yesterday afternoon, when Yeluyan came to see him, the moon he wanted was a tool to cut the rope.

His hawk's eyes flashed sharply, and the next moment, the knife in the executioner's hand was already in his hand, and he quickly killed him with one blow.

Then, taking advantage of the confusion, he quickly jumped off the platform.

"Quick! Quick! The prisoner wants to escape! Quickly, stop him!"

"Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!"

The soldiers at the scene were in chaos, but Xiao He, who had gained freedom, was like a fish in water, shuttling among the shadows of swords and swords.

"What's going on here?" Xiao Zhenhai was taken aback, and suddenly looked at Xiao Hu, Xiao Hu quickly hid his hand behind his back, then supported Mrs. Xiao, and said:

"Mother, let's get out of here quickly!"

While supporting Mrs. Xiao to a safe place, Xiao Hu shouted loudly on purpose, "Here, here, second brother, we are here, come quickly."

The scene is even more chaotic!
When the white smoke dissipated, the executioner was dumbfounded!

Xiao He had disappeared without a trace, and the person lying in the pool of blood was clearly the executioner in charge of the execution!
Lose the prisoner whom the queen mother named to kill, this, this will be a dead end!
"Quick, quick, chase! The city gate is closed, he can't escape!"

Under the cover of mercenaries, Xiao He quickly evacuated. He wanted to leave before the city gate was closed. This was his last and only chance.

But suddenly—

"Oh!" He suddenly felt dizzy in his mind, a blackness flashed in front of his eyes, and he staggered——

How is this going?

Why is the body different?

He gritted his teeth and accelerated his running speed, but the uncomfortable feeling in his mind became more and more serious, and the scene in front of him gradually became blurred.

what happened?He, he was poisoned?Or was someone drugged with ecstasy?
He staggered violently at his feet, and fell to the ground abruptly. He wanted to get up again, but his feet had no strength!

"Carry him on your back!" The mercenaries saw that something was wrong with him, and before they had time to think about the reason, they immediately ran over and carried him on their backs.

Xiao He held on with the last bit of clear consciousness, he felt more and more powerless, and the scene in front of him became more and more blurred, even if he ran out of the city gate, he might not be able to go far!
what happened?

"Xiao He, come with me!"

At this moment, a person wearing black clothes, a black hat, and a black veil on his face appeared in front of him.

Those mercenaries immediately drew their swords and aimed at her.

She ignored these people, approached Xiao He, and said, "Come with me, I have a way to take you out! And you, it must be too late to carry him out, he looks poisoned!"

When those mercenaries hesitated, Xiao He's vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

"Xiao He!"

Seeing this, Yeluyan hurried forward.

I don't know how long it has been.

Xiao He finally woke up from the drowsiness. He opened his eyes and looked around. Wherever his eyes could see was a strange scene.

"Hiss!" He had a severe headache.

Rubbing his temples, he forced himself to sit up, but when he saw everything around him, he suddenly froze——

How is this going?

A piece of red?

The red happy word, the red pull, the red curtain, and...

He suddenly looked down - the red auspicious suit!

(End of this chapter)

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