First-class daughter

Chapter 865 I didn't lie to you

Chapter 865 I didn't lie to you
Chapter 865 I didn't lie to you
Red Jifu?All right, why would he wear this kind of clothes?
His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly turned his head to look, only to see a woman lying beside him. She was also wearing a red wedding dress and a thick and gorgeous crown on her head, but her face was covered with red. Hijab. ,

who is this ,

Why are you sleeping with him?
From the looks of it, they are the groom's and bride's attire.

With a cold face, Xiao He stretched out his hand, slowly pinched the corner of the red hijab, and then lifted it up suddenly——

He was taken aback for a moment!
This woman in the bride's wedding dress is actually Yeluyan, the jewel in the palm of Empress Dowager Renyi!
This is how the same thing?

Xiao He's heart trembled, his hands loosened, and the red hijab fell to the ground. He shook his head vigorously, carefully recalling every detail before.

However, as soon as he shook his head, a sense of dizziness hit him, and he quickly used his hands to touch the edge of the bed.

He remembered that he robbed the execution ground according to the plan, but there was an accident, his body suddenly had a problem, and he couldn't move his feet before he could run out of the city gate.

At that time, Yeluyan appeared in time, and then he passed out.

and so!
Xiao He's hand slowly clenched the edge of the bed, his knuckles creaked, and the edge of the bed shook slightly——

He looked closely at Yeluyan's sleeping face, with raging anger and deep hatred bursting out in his eyes - it was this woman with ulterior motives who took advantage of his slight trust in her!

betrayed him!
Then, while he was fainting, he was forced to put on auspicious clothes, forced him into the bridal chamber, and married!

This woman, he was confused, he misjudged her!

He wished he could destroy this room, this bed, everything, including her, in an instant!

He suddenly turned over and was about to get out of bed, but to his surprise, his legs were numb and lost feeling, unable to move!

Thoughts flashed in his eyes—yes, the medicine that made him faint would make his limbs weak and unable to move, so now, the poison on his body has not been cured.

The hatred in Xiao He's heart was like a surging river, and his whole body seemed to be ignited by anger.

He suddenly remembered something, and hastily reached out to touch his chest - there was nothing!nothing left!Ling Yue'er's villain is gone!
He gritted his teeth tightly, quickly untied the red suit on his body, took it off, and threw it on the ground fiercely, the redness hurt his eyes!
He has thought about thousands of times, wearing a red auspicious suit, but in his imagination, there is always only one person holding hands with him!

"Hmm..." At this time, Yeluyan who was on the side finally responded.

She frowned, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened them. A splitting headache hit her, and she almost fell asleep again.

"You're awake." A cold voice sounded, with the coldness of wanting to tear her to pieces.

She froze for a moment, turned her head and saw Xiao He was sitting beside her, the shepherd seemed to want to kill her.

"What's going on here?"

She rubbed her splitting head, and when she looked again, she realized that there was a piece of red in the room, the Chinese characters for happiness, candles for happiness, and...

She was wearing a luxurious and elegant red wedding dress.

All of this caught her off guard. How could this be?
She and Xiao He are... married?

"Yeluyan, you are amazing. I have planned for several months, but it was ruined by you. I told you, I don't like you at all, so don't waste your feelings on me.

You keep saying that you don't force me to be with you, don't pester me, and you are even willing to help me escape.

But, in the end, you used my rare trust in you to design such a good show, and let me marry you! "

Xiao He's hands were tightly clenched, his eyes were scarlet, revealing the most terrifying disgust and deep hatred!

Yeluyan panicked, and hurriedly said, "Xiao He, I am, I am, I really want to help you escape, but I don't know how this happened, I really don't know, you believe me, you Believe me, I really want to help you escape. Really, Xiao He, I didn't lie to you!"

She stretched out her hand to grab Xiao He's sleeve, hoping that he would believe her, but Xiao He shook off her hand forcefully and disgustedly, and said coldly:

"Don't touch me, you don't deserve it!"

"It's the emperor's grandmother, it's the emperor's grandmother, it must be the emperor's grandmother, she used me!" Yeluyan thought hard, what was the problem, and only Queen Renyi could think of it!

"Hmph!" Xiao He mocked, "Is there any difference?"

"Xiao He, please believe me. I really want you to escape. I didn't conspire with the emperor's grandmother. I have been secretly helping you. In order to prevent the emperor's grandmother from suspecting me, I deliberately closed the palace door. Man, I kicked your parents and brother away too!
But, I think, I think there must be something wrong with it, and the emperor's grandmother saw it.

I told you that my imperial grandmother is much more powerful than you imagined. "

Yeluyan spoke anxiously, trying to prove her innocence.

"Enough!" Xiao He scolded, "Your goal has been achieved, why bother performing in front of me, your tears make me sick!"

"Xiao He!" Yeluyan wanted to explain something, but she herself felt that the explanation was so powerless.

After all, she knew he had a plan, which he never denied in front of her.

But now, with things like this, how could he believe her?
"Yeluyan, listen, from the moment you put on your wedding dress and shared the bed with me, you have stepped into hell with one foot, the hell that belongs to me, Xiaohe, and this hell has been prepared for you for the rest of your life! Get ready to be tortured by me, you will taste the most painful taste in this world!"

There is no warmth in Xiao He's eyes. At this moment, he is like a demon who has opened the gate of hell, making people shiver.

Under his gaze, Yeluyan was almost out of breath, and his words were like sharp knives, stabbing hard at her heart.

She forced back her tears and said, "I know, you won't believe what I say now. I'll go to the emperor's grandmother now and ask him what's going on? I'll get you the antidote, set you free."

As Yeluyan said, she supported the edge of the bed and got out of bed, but she almost fell down as soon as her feet touched the ground.

She closed her eyes, walked out of the bridal chamber with heavy steps.

After walking halfway, he couldn't hold back after all, turned his head, tears rolled down, and said, "Xiao He, believe it or not, I didn't lie to you, I didn't use you."

And Xiao He sat coldly, without any expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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