Chapter 866
Chapter 866
Yeluyan finally opened the door and walked out.

"Congratulations princess, congratulations son-in-law."

As soon as the door was opened, the servants guarding outside the door knelt down one after another, congratulating beamingly.

And in the entire Princess Palace, happy words were pasted everywhere, and the servants were walking back and forth with trays in their hands, making it look very lively.

However, this scene seemed so ironic to Yeluyan at the moment!

Xiao He's expression, eyes, and the cruel words he said just now echoed in her ears word by word.

At this time, several nuns and maidservants came over with warm water basins, bowed their knees in front of Yeluyan, and said, "Princess, you are awake, servants and servants are going in to wash and change the son-in-law."

"Go away! Go away! Go away!"

Suddenly, Yeluyan took off the crown full of gold ornaments, and smashed it hard on the ground, and the crown was smashed to pieces.

"Princess calm down, princess calm down!"

When the servants saw the newly-married princess suddenly go into a rage, they all bowed their heads in fright and dared not make a sound.

in the room.

When Xiao He heard the noise outside, the sneer on his face became even more sinister and terrifying. He held the edge of the bed tightly with his hands, only to hear a click, and he grabbed a piece of wood from the edge of the bed.

As soon as he loosened his grip, he leaned against the head of the bed, lifeless, as if he suddenly lost all vitality and became a living dead without emotion or desire.

A bitter smile slowly appeared on his face, and cold tears rolled down his face.

Slowly, that sad and bitter smile turned into a painful expression, and he clutched the quilt by his side tightly, and finally broke down and cried.

He cried silently, he was holding back, tears kept falling that could not be stopped.

His heart is riddled with holes, his body has no strength—the innocent and romantic girl in his mind with a beautiful smile is slowly moving away from him.

She ran so fast, he shouted her name loudly, but she couldn't hear anything——

"Ling Yueer."

He used all his life's emotions to call the name.

I'm married, I'm married this way, should I give up seeing you, shouldn't I?
I didn't even keep your little wooden man!

I'm useless, I haven't been able to fight the Empress Dowager Renyi!I am useless!

Queen Mother Hall.

Empress Dowager Renyi was repairing the flower branches in the back garden, the maids stood aside with nodding heads, and Yeluchu showed a embarrassed expression on his face.

"Just say what you have, Aijia sees that if you don't let you talk, you will be suffocated." The Empress Dowager Renyi said without taking her eyes off the flower branch in front of her.

"Yes." Yeluchu stepped forward and said, "Grandson didn't expect the emperor's grandmother to do this, even Yan'er was deceived."

Empress Dowager Renyi heard this, her subordinates were slightly startled, and said, "Chu Er, you used the wrong word."

"Grandson is terrified." Yeluchu nodded, "It's just that grandson actually has other ideas. He has already sent people to the capital to rob Xiao He's sweetheart to Youzhou. With her as a hostage, Xiao He Will be willing to use it for us.

According to the information from Mo Dan, my people have already infiltrated the Lian family through Lian Yantao, the third master of the Lian family. It is not difficult to take away the young lady of the Lian family.

Unexpectedly, the imperial grandmother was one step ahead of me and used Yan'er as a bargaining chip. "

Empress Dowager Renyi put down the scissors in her hand and walked into the hall. Yeluchu hurried forward and stretched out his arms for her to support.

In the hall, Empress Dowager Renyi motioned Yeluchu to sit down, saying:
"I've heard people tell me about your plan, but you're still too naive.

That lady from the Lian family, do you know who she is?
What if she encourages Xiao He to escape?With Xiao He's personality, he would disregard life and death, listen to Miss Lian's words, and the two of them escaped together.

The Xiao family now has too much information about Khitan, the Ai family must not let any one of their family leave Youzhou.

And the Ai family let him marry Yan'er, then he will truly become a member of our Yelu family and have another child. No matter what, he won't leave in a cool way.

The most important thing is that your younger sister, Yeluyan, loves Xiao He so much, she has a rare wish, and as the emperor's grandmother, I must fulfill it for her. "

"But..." Yeluchu admired Xiao He when he left, and he also cherished Xiao He, so he had a feeling of sympathy for him, and did not intend to use this method of breaking with him.

"Chu'er, you have the same chivalrous heart as your father, your father died early because of this.

You are not the bosses of the rivers and lakes, nor the leaders of the martial arts. What you need is not chivalry, but a strategy, a strategy that pulls everyone to your side and makes them have to work by your side, understand? "

"Grandson is useless, thank you for your teaching." Yeluchu nodded and said.

"The empress dowager, the young prince, Princess Yan is seeking to see you outside." At this time, a slave came to report.

Empress Dowager Renyi was not in a hurry to summon Yeluyan, and asked, "What's going on at the Princess Palace now?"

"This..." The visitor hesitated, it was hard to say.

"It's okay, let's talk, the Ai family wants to hear the real situation." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"Back to the Empress Dowager, according to the report from the mother who was observing in the Princess Hall, the princess, the princess lost her temper after she came out of the bridal chamber. She chased away the serving servants and smashed the crown. It is also forbidden to People approached the son-in-law, and then ran to the Empress Dowager's Hall to see you?"

The slaves reported one by one.

"What about Xiao He, what's his reaction?" Yeluchu asked.

"The son-in-law didn't leave the room, I don't know what happened, because of the princess's order, no one dared to go in and see.

The imperial physician said that it will take some time for the son-in-law's legs to recover, and he is still unable to get out of bed and walk freely. "

"Understood, let's go down." Empress Dowager Renyi waved.

It turned out that the reason why Xiao He was poisoned by this unique Khitan poison was indeed caused by Yeluyan.

On that day, Yeluyan was in a daze in the palace, and Empress Dowager Renyi went to the Princess Hall to talk to her in person, and she took advantage of that time to apply the poison on Yeluyan's body.

Because she knew that her granddaughter was lying, and she would definitely go to rescue Xiao He.

However, because she had ordered someone to put an antidote in Yeluyan's tonic in advance, she was fine.

When she went to the dungeon to look for Xiao He, Xiao He had already been poisoned, and afterward, there were some people who walked close to Yeluyan.

This poison is colorless and odorless, even Xiao He didn't notice it, that's why it was poisoned when he was running away, and was caught by the Empress Dowager's people.

"Grandmother, haven't you seen Yan'er?" Yeluchu asked.

"See you, of course."

Empress Dowager Renyi walked back to the chair and sat upright, and ordered, "Go and bring the supplements prepared for Yan'er."


After a while, Yeluyan hurried into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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