First-class daughter

Chapter 867 I'm going to hell

Chapter 867 I'm going to hell
Chapter 867 I'm going to hell
Yeluyan clenched her fists by her side, staring closely at Empress Dowager Renyi, her eye circles were red, she never imagined that her respected imperial grandmother would use her like this.

She felt a chill in her heart, and she suddenly understood that the high and powerful person in front of her was the Empress Dowager Renyi of Khitan first, and her grandmother second.

"Yan'er, you came just in time. You worked hard yesterday, Tabu (the maid's name), bring the prepared soup and let the princess have a taste." Empress Dowager Renyi greeted Yeluyan as usual.

Seeing the flawless and calm expression of Empress Dowager Renyi, Yeluyan burst into tears, but there was a trace of stubbornness in her eyes that refused to give in.

When Tabu brought the soup to her, she didn't pick it up.

Seeing this, Yeluchu hurried to Yeluyan's side, held her hand, and whispered, "Yan'er, don't be self-willed, drink the soup that the imperial grandmother made for you."

Yeluyan turned her head and looked at her brother——

Their father died young, and all the power was in the hands of the emperor's grandmother, and the two brothers and sisters were also brought up by the emperor's grandmother.

"Yan'er." Yelu Chu held Yelu Yan's hand, secretly exerting force, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

She knew that her elder brother was very demanding of the emperor's honor, and she was looking forward to doing a lot in the future, but whether he could ascend to the throne and how far he could act in the future were all in the hands of the emperor's grandmother.


She raised her hand, brushed Yeluchu's hand away, stepped forward two steps, walked up to Empress Dowager Renyi, and asked tremblingly, "Grandmother, why did you deceive Yan'er?"

"Yan'er, just like your brother, you used the wrong word." Empress Dowager Renyi narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her lips were tense.

"Yan'er!" Yeluchu clearly noticed the slight change in Empress Dowager Renyi's expression, and wanted to stop Yeluyan from continuing.

"In Yan'er's mind, the imperial grandmother is the most supreme woman in the entire Khitan. You represent the justice, order, and system of the Khitan. But Yan'er never imagined that the imperial grandmother would use me and use such despicable methods!"

Yeluyan gritted her teeth tightly and shouted these words angrily.

"Is there any more, Yan'er, tell me all at once." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"I love Xiao He, but I don't want to sacrifice my self-esteem. I would rather not have the marriage contract I got by sacrificing my self-esteem. I don't want to be a despicable person. I want to be a noble person." Yeluyan couldn't forget Xiao He woke up After looking at her eyes, those eyes made her feel more hopeless than any other eyes.

"Yan'er, you have to remember that it is easy for a person to keep his self-esteem, but if he let go of his self-esteem, he is really noble, unnecessary self-esteem is no different from rubbish.

On this point, your son-in-law Xiao He did a great job. He let go of his pride earlier, went to the barracks, dived deep, and then took the opportunity to fight back.

It's just that he is still a little young, and underestimated the strategy of an old man like me. "

Empress Dowager Renyi spoke every word with such force and vigor that Yeluyan couldn't find anything to refute.

"Yan'er, you are still the favorite granddaughter of the Ai family, the imperial grandmother will give you everything you want, including—Xiao He, your son-in-law.

After drinking the soup, let's go back, I just had a big wedding in the bridal chamber yesterday, and it's not a good thing to run out today.

I'm tired of mourning, I've spent some time thinking about your affairs these days.

Today's young people have too many thoughts, and I have to cheer up to keep up with your rhythm. "

Empress Dowager Renyi finished speaking, got up and went back to the bedroom.

The two remaining brothers and sisters, Yeluyan and Yeluchu, stood in the hall, Yeluyan's body went limp, and he fell to the ground, biting the back of his hands tightly and crying.

Yeluchu sighed deeply, walked over, hugged Yeluyan in his arms, and said, "Sister, thank you for your hard work."

After crying for an unknown amount of time, Yeluyan supported herself and walked out slowly.

"Sister, where are you going?" Yeluchu hurried to catch up.

Yeluyan stopped, paused, and said, "Hell."

Xiao He said that he prepared a hell for her, from now on, she will spend in hell.

(On Xiao He's side, it's time to come to an end.)
Northern Xinjiang.

It's winter, the grass leaves are withered and yellow, and the cattle and sheep are curled up in a ball, still looking for work.

Under the low rail, a man in a thick gray felt coat hugged his hands and curled up into a ball.

He was very dirty and smelly, and his hair was matted into hard locks. If you looked closely, there were big black lice crawling around in it, and some even burrowed into his body along the collar.

His face, hands, where the flesh could be seen, had already been covered with a thick layer of dirt, and he could not see any skin color, except for those two eyeballs, which let people know that he was still alive.

There were countless unknown bugs crawling around the foot that lacked a mass of flesh.

He is always hungry.

He grabbed the food on the side and stuffed it into his mouth.

He didn't know what he was eating, as long as he could fill his stomach.


Those hungry sheep made tearing sounds.

This winter is going to be tough.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps reaching out.

Feng Qianyue herded the sheep here, and rarely heard any footsteps, so his eyes moved.

"Listen well, no matter what the weather is like, one of these cattle and sheep must not be missing. If one is missing, report it to the report, and you can't finish eating and go around."

The guard who came to inspect it after a while said loudly.

Feng Qianyue turned around, nodded, and said, "Yes, my lord, I understand."

When he nodded, the lice on his head landed on the dark clothes one by one.

When the two guards saw it, they immediately felt sick in their stomachs.

I can't wait any longer.

The two rode on the horses they had come and left the place quickly.

"It's hard to imagine that this is His Royal Highness, who grew up with a golden key in his mouth. How can he endure these dirty and smelly lice and bugs?" One of the guards shook his head and said.

"He's never been here, and he hasn't even taken a shower. Can he stop smelling and get lice?" Another said.

"By the way, he has been here for more than half a year, and the only thing he has ever said to us is that one sentence—yes, my lord, I understand. It seems that he is completely desperate."

"Is it possible not to despair? He is now living rather than dying. A prince was relegated to northern Xinjiang to herd sheep. His future is completely ruined, especially the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue doesn't even have a powerful mother concubine or grandfather. Come Here, it is equivalent to seeing death."

"Hey, it's better to die like this. What's the point of living like this? I really don't know how he persisted."

"Hey, it seems that there is nothing good about being a prince. There are prosperity and wealth, there are hunger and cold, there are precariousness, and there are also times of waiting for death like this."

(End of this chapter)

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