First-class daughter

Chapter 868 Waiting

Chapter 868 Waiting
Chapter 868 Waiting
The two spoke with emotion while riding away on horseback.

The person under the low rail moved slowly.

Feng Qianyue let go of her embraced hands, turned around while holding on to the railing, and looked down——

He kicked away the thin layer of soil where he was sitting just now, and there were many sharp stones underneath. He opened his hands, and the palms of his hands were covered with a thick layer of calluses——

This is a sharp stone, which he ground out day and night. After a lot of blood was ground from the hand, it finally turned into a callus.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound in his stomach.

He picked up one of the stones, put it in his hand, slightly narrowed his cold and ruthless eyes, and looked towards the grassland——

He watched for a long time, and finally saw a white shadow flashing past in the withered grass, and the stone in his hand flew out immediately.

The white shadow fell to the ground abruptly.

He walked over step by step with a half-crippled leg, bent down, and picked up the dead rabbit on the ground. His face that couldn't see the flesh color seemed to finally show a little expression——

The stone he just threw pierced the rabbit's body precisely.

The rabbit's blood dripped down drop by drop with warmth.

A bloodthirsty coldness flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes. He raised the rabbit a little higher, raised his head, and caught the vomiting blood with his mouth.

His Adam's apple squirmed up and down following the movement of drinking blood, and the terrifying smile in his eyes gradually enlarged.

When he drank the whole rabbit's blood, he threw the rabbit to the ground with all his strength, and immediately, the rabbit's brain burst open, which was very terrifying.

Holding his heavy feet, he walked forward step by step, his back gradually became smaller, and his shadow became longer and longer under the winter sun.

Lian Siyue once said that what Feng Qianyue is best at is patience, waiting!In order to succeed, he can have any endurance that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this vast grassland, except for the smelly cattle and sheep, there is no one for a long time. He huddles with these cattle and sheep every day——

Greet the dawn, send away the sunset.

Day after day, long and boring. ,

He has listened to the sounds of cattle and sheep for a long time without speaking. Now, he can almost distinguish different sheep by their footsteps.

The long night, bleak, lonely, gloomy, and terrifying—he cuddled up with the cattle and sheep, looked at the stars all over the sky, and came to identify the direction of Kyoto.

After being here for a long time, my mind will occasionally go blank, forgetting where I am and where I want to go back.

Therefore, he wants to look at the stars every night, and don't forget the direction of Kyoto, because there - there is the person he hates the most!
He also sometimes remembers in other ways.

At this moment, he has arrived at a place where he can best look at the stars in the night sky, and he lifts up the felt coat on his body, revealing his scarred and engraved chest!

All engraved on it is a name - Lian Siyue!

Yes, Lian Siyue!

The person he wants to see the most, the person he hates the most!
His heart trembled, his hands trembled, and when he thought of these three words, the blood in his body seemed to be heated by a flame—it was so hot that he couldn't live comfortably.

Feng Qianyue lowered her head, aiming the sharpest point of the stone at the position of her chest.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, he drew a stroke on the skin, and immediately blood gushed out vigorously, and a burst of pain made him almost unable to stand still.

However, he didn't stop there, he gritted his teeth and continued to stroke bit by bit until he knew that the three characters "Lian Siyue" were engraved on his chest.

Blood flowed out along with the changes, he was sweating profusely from the pain, but still clenched his fists tightly, standing between the vast world, murmured, forcefully, one word at a time——

"Lian Siyue, Lian Siyue, Lian Siyue!

For the rest of my life, Feng Qianyue, every breath I take is to see you again!

I will live a good life, and you must live a good life too, waiting for the time when I see you! "

"Lian Siyue, hahaha, hahahaha..."

He raised his head, laughed wildly, and finally fell to the ground and fell asleep.

When he got up the next day, he opened his eyes and looked at the vast grassland——

Today is exactly the same as yesterday.

However, it seems to be different again.

The soldiers who came to inspect yesterday told him that this winter, there is very little food and grass, and it will be difficult for cattle and sheep to survive, so let him figure out a way for himself——

Then he should think of a way.



After traveling through mountains and rivers for a full month, the soldiers of the three armies led by the two princes Feng Yunzheng and Fengjue finally arrived at the garrison.

This is the coldest time in Shanhaiguan.

It was snowing heavily, and as far as the eye could see, it was a piece of white, desolate and cold everywhere.

Feng Jue was dressed in a golden and mighty battle robe, holding a long spear, standing high in the wind and snow. Wherever he looked, it was the territory he had fought in the past.

This is where his life began to shine.This is where he made his mark.

For the second time, things are different.

"His Eleventh Highness, His Ninth Highness and the generals are waiting for you to see the military formation map." At this moment, Night Breeze stepped forward and said with fists clasped.

"Understood, go now."

Feng Jue put away his thoughts and regained his composure. He knew that this time was more dangerous than the last time, because the enemies he had to face were probably Xiao's father and son.

As for the matter in the court, it seems that one piece is pressed in my heart.

Therefore, now is the most difficult time for him and Brother Nine Emperors, they must cheer up every moment, and there must be no negligence.

Go into the military tent.

His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was looking at the marching formation map. He was dressed in white, and he was free and elegant. Lian Yanfu and others stood in front of him.

Seeing Feng Jue come in, everyone knelt down on one knee and called out in unison, "Generalissimo."

Feng Jue nodded, motioning for everyone to get up.

Walking in front of Feng Yunzheng again, he asked, "Brother Jiuwang, how are you looking?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his head from the formation diagram and said:
"Who drew this?"

"Xiao Hu, the third son of the Xiao family." Lian Yanfu replied.

Xiao Hu is a master in military affairs, and he is very good at drawing military maps, which is well known to everyone.

A hint of thought appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, and he said, "Since it was drawn by Xiao Hu, then Xiao Zhenhai must also know it well."

Feng Jue nodded, and said, "That's right, that's right, and it's not just this one, all the pictures in the army over the past few years have been drawn by Xiao Hu."

Feng Yunzheng frowned slowly, and said, "This is a bit troublesome."

"Your Highness Ninth Prince, if this map needs to be redrawn, it will be a huge project, and it will indeed be difficult to achieve it in a short period of time." Lian Yanfu frowned and said.

This is too much, explain the characters in all aspects, and then come the main event

(End of this chapter)

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