Chapter 869
Chapter 869
"The so-called knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and winning every battle, Xiao Zhenhai has led the army for many years and knows our side well. This time, it is really difficult." Feng Jue's eyes became serious.

"Your Highness, a letter from Kyoto!" At this moment, Night Breeze's voice came from outside the account.

"Come in." Feng Yunzheng was overjoyed.

After a while, Feng Yunzheng's secret guard came in, knelt down on both knees, cupped his hands high, and said, "Your Highness, the princess ordered my subordinates to send a letter from home quickly."

Feng Yunzheng's heart jumped for joy, and he hurriedly said, "Submit it."

He took the letter and saw the familiar words on the letter paper, shaking his hands excitedly.

Seeing his appearance, the generals next to him all had usual smiles on their faces. We all know that His Highness Ninth Prince is usually unpredictable, which makes people dare not make mistakes.

Only when he meets the princess, he will become a man, a man who can't help but smile on his lips.

And when Feng Yunzheng read the letter, he was stunned. He couldn't recover from the shock of a certain news in his mind for a long time, and stood there blankly. Hey smirked, and laughed out loud.

Feng Jue, Lian Yanfu and other generals looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"Brother Jiuwang, what's wrong with you?"

"Hahaha, hahaha!" He suddenly laughed heartily and said excitedly, "This king is going to be a father, hahaha, this king is going to be a father! My Yue'er has my child! Hahaha ..."

His mood almost flew to the sky!
I can't wait to go back to his Yueer's side right away, hold her tightly, and say I love you ten thousand times in her ear.

He has a child!

He finally has a baby!
Unmarried in the previous life, he became a father in this life, and had a child with the person he loves the most——

God, Feng Yunzheng, thank you for treating me well.

After Feng Jue heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, sister already has a child?
However, he soon became happy with Feng Yunzheng. Brother Jiuwang and his sister had a child, which is a great thing, and he began to look forward to the child.

"Congratulations to His Highness Nine, congratulations to His Highness Ninth!"

Everyone knelt down and congratulated loudly.

Night Breeze was even happier. Only he knew how his Ninth Highness's long journey to chase his wife came, and he knew best.

Now, the two have a baby, which is great!
"Your Highness, congratulations!"

After everyone retreated, Feng Yunzheng read Lian Siyue's letter over and over again. She said in the letter that he had to think of two names first——

A boy's name and a girl's name.

His child, he must think of a name.

Children, children, how much the father looks forward to and looks forward to your arrival.

Thinking of a name is a prudent thing, and he is too excited to think of it all at once, but the reply to Yue'er must be written immediately.

So, he spread out the rice paper and began to write a letter to Lian Siyue:
"My month:
Letter has been read.

My mood was hard to calm down for a long time, and I couldn't imagine that my family, Yue'er, had my flesh and blood in her belly. I was so happy, I almost forgot who I was.

Yue'er, you make me so proud. For me, this is the best news.

I used to see that the empress in the palace was pregnant, and some of them were very hard.

I only hope that you will be safe and sound, pass through your pregnancy easily, and give birth to Kang Jian's child.

I really want to fly to your side immediately, hug you tightly, feel the child in your belly, the child that belongs to the two of us..."

Feng Yunzheng was so happy, there were countless things he wanted to say to Lian Siyue.

He really felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

outside the tent.

The dark guard was ready to leave after delivering the letter.

"Li Da!" Night Breeze walked over quickly.

"Master Night Breeze." Li Da cupped his fists.

"How's the cold brow?" he asked.

"She..." A look of embarrassment appeared on Li Da's face.

Night Breeze had a bad intuition, his heart turned cold, and he asked immediately, "What happened?"

"Master Lengmei left Prince Heng's mansion and was replaced by Wu Qiao. When I came to Shanhaiguan, Wu Qiao had already entered the mansion." Li Da said.

Night Breeze received a huge shock in his heart, "Why did this happen? Did the princess agree? What's going on, tell me quickly."

"Master Lengmei knelt down and begged the princess to let her go. The princess is beautiful when she is an adult. She said that she has other plans, and the princess is not good at forcing her." Li Da said sternly.

"Another plan?" For the first time, Ye Feng felt panicked and had no idea.

He suddenly discovered that he didn't know anything about Lengmei——

What is her plan, where will she go, where can she go?What is her hope?
He couldn't think of anything at once.

cold brow?

How can you go?

Have other plans?

No, something must have happened to you!

Night Breeze immediately came to this conclusion after panicking.

He grabbed Li Da's hand tightly and said solemnly, "Li Da, brother can't leave His Highness right now, please, after you return to the capital, find out the whereabouts of Leng Mei for me, and let me know as soon as you have news.

If you see her, be sure to keep her, just say, Night Breeze failed her, didn't get to know her well, death is inevitable. "

"Yes, my lord!"

"Thank you!" After Ye Feng finished his explanation, he hurried into Feng Yunzheng's tent and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head from the front of the case, looked at the person kneeling on the ground suspiciously, and asked:
"What happened? You look so heavy."

"Your Highness, Leng Mei left Prince Heng's mansion, and Wu Qiao took her place to serve beside the princess.

Something must have happened to her, and she didn't want to drag Wang Hao down, so she made such a decision. I implore Your Highness, and tell Wang Hao, if there is another whereabouts of Leng Mei, please keep her. "Night Breeze said with a trembling voice, suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart.

Feng Yunzheng was slightly stunned, "Is there such a thing?"

"Lengmei is quiet and reticent, but he is the most chivalrous. Please fulfill your humble post, Your Highness." Ye Feng kowtowed three times to Feng Yunzheng, pleading.

"This king will mention this matter to the princess in the letter, and instruct the hidden guards in the capital to find Leng Mei's whereabouts, don't worry.

Feng Yunzheng's words finally comforted Night Breeze's heart a little.

Inside Feng Jue's tent.

Today, the news of his sister's pregnancy made him really happy. When the child was born, he would love it very much.

"Your Highness, it's getting late, it's time to rest." Huang Chao reminded outside the account.

"En." Feng Jue nodded.

Huang Chao then came in and took off his armor until only white was left on his body.

He walked to the desk, intending to take another look at the formation map, but his eyes suddenly fell on the stack of papers at the corner of the table, which was given to her by Eleven before he left.

(End of this chapter)

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