First-class daughter

Chapter 870 Writing a Letter

Chapter 870 Writing a Letter
Chapter 870 Writing a Letter
She said that if he thought of her once, he would write it down on this paper until half a year later.

He was taken aback, why did he think of her so easily?
Doesn't this mean that you have to make a note?
What a spooky girl!
A helpless smile appeared on Feng Jue's face, he opened the paper, and solemnly drew a horizontal line on it.

Kyoto, Imperial Palace.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's dragon body didn't improve, but became more and more serious. Before that, he could go down to the ground three times a day, but now his legs and feet trembled every time he stood on the ground, so he had to lie on the dragon bed to recuperate.

The imperial physicians of the Quantai Hospital did not dare to neglect at all, and developed new medicines for the emperor day and night, but they did not see much effect.

Everyone in the palace understood that this time the emperor's illness was likely to be cured only after the reincarnation of Hua Tuo.

But at this time, an unexpected episode happened in the palace—Duke Wei Guo of Shengjing came to Beijing. He went to Dongxi Palace first, and wept with Wei Ruhao. half an hour.

Concubine Xu Xian tried every means to comfort her and stopped her tears.

Wei Guogong said to Concubine Xu Xian, "Madam, I know my granddaughter's temper. There is no room for sand in my eyes. It seems that she was bullied, so she is so listless."

Concubine Xu Xian looked embarrassed, knowing that Wei Guogong said this on purpose, but it was difficult to answer for a while.

Shengjing used to be the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Wei family made great contributions to the late emperor's success. The emperor also took a fancy to the Wei family, and the Wei family's power in Shengjing was particularly strong.

Concubine Xu Xian wanted Wei Ruhao to marry Feng Ye in every possible way before, because of this.

It's just that she is Feng Ye's mother anyway, and her son's flesh fell from her body. Feng Ye refused to marry her at such a point. She was afraid that the relationship between mother and child would be completely broken, so she silently gave up.

This time, Wei Guogong came all the way here because he was afraid that the Emperor's dragon was not in good health.

"Grandpa, where is it? You just miss your family too much." Concubine Xu Xian said with a slight smile.

After exchanging pleasantries, Duke Wei led Wei Ruhao to leave Dongxi Palace together, and went to Shouning Hall to meet the Queen Mother.

Walking halfway, he happened to run into Lian Siyue who was entering the palace to greet Concubine Liang.

Wei Ruhao no longer has any taboos, and stares at her viciously, as if wishing to dig a hole in her body.

"This is..." Wei Guogong had never seen Lian Siyue.

"This is my Princess Heng." Qing Dai stepped forward, bent her knees, and said.

Wei Guogong let out a cry, but he didn't bend his knees according to the proper etiquette. Instead, he raised his chin and said condescendingly, "It turns out that she is Princess Heng, who has admired her name for a long time."

He made it clear that he didn't take the concubine Lian Siyue seriously, and Wei Ru was just a princess, and he didn't even say hello.

Even the corners of Siyue's lips smiled faintly, but she didn't show any concern, and said, "Wei Guogong has traveled a long distance, it's hard work."

As he said that, he walked past Wei Guogong without any disturbance, but he had the aura that a Prince Heng should have.

Wei Guogong was slightly taken aback. The princess seemed to be a young girl, but there was a natural force in her bones——

Even the powerful Wei Guogong felt a kind of pressure.

She is obviously just an ordinary princess, how could she give him such a feeling?

Especially the faint smile when she left, which is clearly only for those who have seen everything through the vicissitudes of life. She is a teenager, how can she have such a smile?
"Grandfather, what's the matter with you?" Wei Ruhao asked after seeing that his grandfather hadn't recovered for a long time after meeting Lian Siyue.

"Jian'an, is this Princess Heng really what you said in your letter?" Wei Guogong asked.

"Grandfather, it's much more vicious and disgusting than what Jian'an said in his letter." Wei Ruhao knelt in front of Wei Guogong and said, "Grandfather, Jian'an is only for you to meet with Xinjian. Let out a sigh of relief for Jian'an, otherwise, Jian'an's righteous indignation in the letter cannot be appeased!"

, Wei Guogong wanted to help his granddaughter up, and said, "Don't worry, grandfather came to pay his respects to the emperor when he was seriously ill, and the most important thing to do by the way is to have a good fight with Prince Heng."

Wei Ru was overjoyed, "Thank you, grandfather."

"But the most important thing right now is your marriage." Wei Guogong said, "You have been gifted and intelligent since you were a child, and your grandfather carefully cultivated you. When you were in Shengjing, you were never allowed to see other men. All the relatives were invited out by your grandfather." The gate of Wei Guofu.

Just because grandfather wanted you to marry into the harem, now is the time.Besides, you and His Highness the Eighth Prince are already husband and wife, there is no reason for the Empress Dowager not to agree to this marriage. "

Wei Ruhao's face burst into joy, and he said, "Fortunately, my grandfather is in charge of Jian'an. Jian'an is very grateful to grandfather."

"It's just..." Wei Guogong looked at Wei Ruhao, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Actually, the queen mother doesn't like women who take the initiative. If she knows that you took the initiative to go to Prince Yu's mansion to commit herself to the eighth highness, I'm afraid, you will die." There are quite a few complaints. Jian'an, before you came to the capital, your grandmother and mother told you to be careful, why did you commit such a foolish thing this time?"

Wei Ru listened, flustered, her eyes flickered, and she said, "Grandfather, actually, my granddaughter doesn't want to, and my granddaughter knows that she should be innocent. It's just that Aunt Xianfei has always asked Jian'an to do this. I just fell in love with brother Ye, and when I felt dizzy for a while, I just listened to what my aunt said."

When Wei Guogong mentioned Concubine Xu Xian, he looked annoyed, and said, "Your aunt has the intention of abandoning you. I just saw it. But, grandfather will never let her succeed. Go, go to Shouning Palace."

When we arrived at the Shouning Hall, we informed first, and after getting permission from the Empress Dowager, before entering the hall, Wei Guogong began to cry loudly:
"Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I deserve death for my crimes, and I have come to make amends to you."

As he spoke, he knelt down on the ground, moved three steps and kowtowed once to come to the Empress Dowager.

Seeing this, the queen mother stepped forward, bent down and helped Duke Wei up, and said, "The Ai family heard that you were coming, and when you were thinking about it, you came to the Ai family. Speaking of which, we should have been here for more than ten years." Haven't seen it before."

The Empress Dowager had lived in Shengdu for quite a while, and had personal friendship with the Wei family, and had a good relationship with Wei Guogong's old lady.

"Queen Mother, I am guilty of a crime. I haven't come to see you these years!" Wei Guogong snotted and burst into tears, acting realistically and touchingly.

(End of this chapter)

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