Chapter 871

Chapter 871

Wei Guogong also presented a rare and rare pearl on the spot. Once the pearl was taken out, it exuded brilliant and dazzling brilliance, setting off the whole hall with a piece of Qinghua.

When the Queen Mother saw it, she showed joy, put it in her palm to enjoy it, and said, "This pearl looks extraordinary, I don't know where it came from?"

Wei Guogong replied that the pearl was obtained two years ago in a place known as the fairy mountain. He got up at night and found a place that exuded an unusual light. The light was purple. Pearl.

After getting the pearl back, he always felt that the pearl was really rare, so instead of keeping it at home, he built a Taoist temple, invited Taoists to chant scriptures, and placed it in the temple with incense to make offerings so that it could absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Aura.

"It's strange to say that this pearl seems to have an indescribable aura. On the eve of last year, my grandson Wei Dong was seriously ill, and the doctors in Shengdu couldn't think about it. Later, I tried it out, Take this pearl back to the house and put it on Dong'er's bedside. After a few days, his condition gradually improved.

After the Lantern Festival this year, Weichen's wife was weak and seriously ill, and almost passed away. She also put this pearl in the room, and her body gradually recovered.

This time I heard that the emperor's dragon is not in good health, so I came here with Mingzhu, even if I try it, it's always good. "

The queen mother was overjoyed when she heard this, and said, "There is such a strange thing. Tomorrow is just the first day of the new year. The Ai family asked Master Xuanwei to invite Mingzhu to the Hall of Rongyuan."

"Empress Dowager, I hope that this pearl that my grandmother brought from Shengjing will be useful for the recovery of the emperor's dragon body." Wei Ruhao said from the side.

"Useful or not, it's all in your Wei family's mind, the Ai family and the emperor will keep it in their hearts." The queen mother picked up the pearl and looked at it.

As expected, there was a purple halo faintly flowing in this pearl.

"At night, the light will be brighter." Wei Guogong said.

In other words, it is also strange, after the queen mother asked Master Xuanwei to invite Mingzhu to Rongyuan Hall for a few days, Emperor Zhou Cheng was able to walk on the ground, and when he was at his best, he even took a few steps outside the hall.

The empress dowager and the emperor were overjoyed, both believed that this rare pearl played a role, and gave the Wei family a great reward, and then added officials to Duke Wei, and even the descendants of the Wei family were honored.

Concubine Xu Xian stroked her heart in fear, and said, "Fortunately, she didn't make it too obvious about abandoning Wei Ruhao. Duke Wei really cannot be underestimated."

Therefore, she cared more about Wei Ruhao, but Wei Ruhao's attitude changed obviously, as if she was dissatisfied with Concubine Xu Xian.

But at this time, Concubine Liang of Menghua Palace fell ill and was not feeling well all day long. The doctor Rong saw it, but there was no obvious physical illness, which was finally explained as physical weakness, and she needed to rest and drink some supplements.

Lian Siyue came to visit the palace, in order to spend a few more days with Concubine Liang, she stayed in Menghua Palace for a few more days.

Concubine Liang was lying on the hospital bed, a little sick, she held Lian Siyue's hand, and said, "You are pregnant, and I want you to stay and take care of me. I am really disturbed. The slaves and imperial physicians in the palace, You'd better go back to the palace and have a good rest."

"Concubine Mu, it's okay. I'm in good health, and I want to spend more time with you." Lian Siyue comforted.

Concubine Liang looked at the sensible and filial daughter-in-law distressedly in front of her, and said, "It's hard for you, you have good news as soon as Yun Zheng left, I'm afraid he still doesn't know that he is already a father."

"Concubine Mu, Yun Zheng and I agree with each other and share our hearts. Although he is not by my side, I feel a little regretful, but I don't feel lonely and helpless. Sometimes, I always feel that he has not left and is always by my side.

Every day when I was pregnant with my child, I was happy in my heart.

I know that the current situation is compelling, so I just quietly look forward to his return here. "When Lian Siyue said this, there was a trace of a peaceful and quiet smile on his face. This is the kind of smile that can only be seen when one has to firmly believe in the other half after going through hardships.

He loves her and takes good care of her, and she can't feel it just because he's not around.

"Yunzheng has you, Sansheng is lucky." Concubine Liang was moved and said.

And Lian Siyue looked at the gradually dark night outside, with a deep look in his eyes, and said, "Mother Concubine, the sky is about to change."

Concubine Liang followed Lian Siyue's gaze, and was startled slightly, "Yue'er, what did you notice? Then Wei Guogong came here suddenly at this time, maybe it's not just to present that pearl."

"So, Yue'er has to stay and watch the tricks." Lian Siyue felt a faint sense of crisis from the day she met Wei Guogong.

After marrying Yunzheng, he protected her very well. Except for Lian Siyu's small role, which took her a little trouble, he blocked everything else, allowing her to enjoy being his princess with peace of mind.

However, a lion will always be a lion, and a tiger will not become a cat.

Even Siyue is the same as Lian Siyue, she will not be afraid of stepping on the tip of a knife.

She secretly held her hands, and the blood in her body burned again.

"Your Majesty, this servant has lit incense for you." At this moment, the maid in charge of lighting the incense came in and knelt down.

Concubine Liang waved her hand and said, "The princess will stay in Menghua Palace for a few days, she is pregnant, so there is no need to order it for a few days, just take it."

After hearing this, the court lady hurriedly said, "But, empress, this is what the imperial physician said, you are not in good spirits, this incense is good for your health."

Lian Siyue lowered her head to the soup bowl in her hand, and exhaled lightly. When she heard the lady's urgent voice, she paused slightly, raised her head, and looked at her. With eyes like the moon, she hurriedly lowered her head and said, "This servant is talking too much, I would like to obey your mother's orders."

As he said that, he prepared to take away the incense and the incense burner together.

"Come on." However, Lian Siyue stopped her and said to Concubine Liang, "Mother Concubine, I smelled this fragrance yesterday, and it feels very comfortable, so it's no problem to light it."

"Let's order then." Concubine Liang agreed.

"Yes." The maid didn't dare to show any more emotions, and after lighting the incense, she left the hall.

Lian Siyue's lips showed a cold smile that was not a smile.

"Yue'er..." Concubine Liang called softly, her face slightly solemn.

"Mother Concubine, Yue'er is also tired, you should rest quickly." Lian Siyue got up, tucked the quilt for Concubine Liang, and went out after she fell asleep, and returned to her own residence.

"Light my incense." After entering the room, Lian Siyue ordered.

After she was reborn, she first used incense for sleeping, and later developed the habit of using incense.

"Yes, Wangfei." Qing Dai lit the incense as instructed.

"Let Leng Mei come in, I have something to explain." Lian Siyue said.

Qing Dai's hand froze for a moment, then she said, "Princess, it's not Lengmei now, it's Wu Qiao, have you forgotten?"

Lian Siyue was stunned, lost his mind for a moment, and said, "I forgot for a while."

Qing Dai's eyes showed a hint of reluctance, and she said, "Don't say it's the princess, you're a servant, and the word Lengmei is always shouting out of her mouth."

"Speaking of which, I don't know where this girl with cold eyebrows has gone now? She suddenly wants to rest and settle down. Princess, do you think that girl with cold eyebrows has a sweetheart? She is a taciturn person, are you embarrassed to ask her?" Princess, are you telling the truth?" Mother Tai guessed.

"Don't worry, the real reason will be known soon." Lian Siyue said confidently.

Qing Dai was overjoyed immediately, "Princess, you..."

"Although I, Lian Siyue, am not a good person, and I am merciless towards my enemies. I should be killed and eliminated, but I still have a shortcoming. I protect the calf. Since Lengmei is my person, I sacrifice my life to protect him every time." Me, I will naturally not leave her alone and let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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