Chapter 876
Chapter 876
"Yue'er, in your opinion, who will attack me this time?" Concubine Liang actually had a name in her heart, but she wanted to see if Lian Siyue wanted to go with her.

"Concubine Xu Xian is undoubtedly." Lian Siyue flashed the light of wisdom seriously, "From the moment His Highness the Eighth Prince took over the imperial decree to supervise the country, I expected that Concubine Xu Xian would not be willing to be suppressed by His Highness the Eleventh Prince. The resentment runs deep.

Moreover, now that the emperor is seriously ill, the position of crown prince and empress must be what she wants most. The original four concubines in the harem, Concubine Feng De, have nothing to do with the world. Although my aunt Lian Zhaoyi was promoted to concubine because of the birth of a prince, but Because of the previous incidents, it is also exhausted, and it will not be possible to cultivate power in a short time.

Therefore, the only one who threatens her the most is you, concubine mother. She will definitely take advantage of the time when the emperor's dragon body is not in good health and the empress dowager's energy is focused on the Rongyuan Hall, to get rid of you as a threat. "

Concubine Liang shook her head, "People's obsession is a terrible thing. Feng Ye has already supervised the country, and she is still not satisfied."

"The greed of the wicked will never be satisfied." Lian Siyue said with deep understanding.

"Then now, let's not make any noise, pour out the incense ash and replace it with a clean one, and don't startle the snake." Concubine Liang Gui said.

Lian Siyue nodded, and ordered Mother Li to change the prescription for Concubine Liang Gui. In order to get a more prepared result, she still asked Wu Qiao to take these incense ash and go secretly to the Imperial Hospital to find Imperial Physician Rong to confirm it.

After returning from Concubine Liang's bedchamber, Wu Qiao also came back. After seeing the incense ashes, Imperial Physician Rong saw that it was not much different from what Lian Siyue said.

"Wu Qiao, go and monitor this Lianwu."

"Understood." Wu Qiao nodded and ran out again.

With her clumsy appearance, it is hard for anyone to imagine that she is a hidden guard. Seeing Qingdai, she shuddered—it was too different from Lengmei.

Lian Siyue took off her shoes, and then took another look at the feet that had been bitten by ants.

"Princess, I found ants again! And this time it's not one, but a row!" At this time, the servant who had been quietly looking for the ants for a long time finally came back to report.

"Go and have a look!" Lian Siyue stood up and walked out with the servant.

"Princess, look here." Several servants gathered under a tree in the courtyard.

Lian Siyue hurried over and looked down, and sure enough, there were a few ants that were much bigger than ordinary ants crawling under the tree.

With such a big ant, it is not difficult to understand why the bitten place on the back of her foot is so red and swollen.

Lian Siyue looked at these wriggling ants, and a thought flashed in her mind, and said in a deep voice:
"Go get the torches!"

"Yes!" Qing Dai turned around quickly, took the torch and lit it.

Lian Siyue said:
"These ants may be only a small number. I'm afraid there is an ant nest under the root of the tree. When the root is lifted up, groups of ants may crawl out to bite people.

Sister Tai, when you dig up this tree later, burn the torches on it immediately. "


Everyone took a few steps back, and Nanny Tai and the two eunuchs dug away the roots vigorously.

"Ah, there are so many ants!"

Immediately, many black ants gathered together, forming a large mass of cow dung. Once disturbed by the outside world, the ants on the top layer crawled around one after another. It looked very scary, and the servants saw it , his face was numb, and he felt like ants were crawling all over his body.

"Princess, take a few steps back!" Several people quickly stepped forward to block Lian Siyue, stomping on the fleeing ants!
After Qing Dai was frightened, she immediately put the torch on it, only to hear a crackling sound, many ants were burned to death, and there was a burnt smell in the air, which was very choking to the nose.

Because there were too many ants, one of the slaves was also bitten.

Nanny Tai quickly lit another torch, and the ants were gradually burnt down.

It took about a quarter of an hour before the wriggling ants stopped, and there was a burst of smoke and a pungent smell from under the tree. Even Siyue looked up and saw the burnt ants' corpses spread thickly on the ground. Under the tree, it is uncomfortable to watch.

"Bring that thing here!" she ordered.

It turned out that when the ants were almost burned, a round thing the size of Cuju was left behind.

The ants are entrenched on this ball. It can be seen that these things attract the ants, and because these things are so attractive to the ants, that the cakes thrown on the ground during the day are useless and cannot attract the ants.

As soon as the ball was brought over, even Siyue took a closer look, and immediately felt uncomfortable, and his face changed slightly.

"Quick, take it away first!" Seeing this, Qing Dai quickly supported Lian Siyue, and ordered the others to take the Cuju-shaped thing away.

"Cut this thing up, mess it up, and show me a piece." Lian Siyue felt that this thing was harmful to her, otherwise she wouldn't have such a strong reaction.

So, Nanny Tai found a knife, split the thing open, and stomped on it a few times. After it was broken, she picked up one piece and gave it to Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue picked it up, took a closer look, stood up abruptly, with a look on his face, a chill flashed in his eyes, and threw the thing away!

"Princess, what's the matter with you?" Qing Dai asked worriedly, she had rarely seen such a panicked princess.

"Put this thing up and put it somewhere else in Menghua Palace, as far away from me as possible, then fill up the tree again, clean up the ants' corpses, and don't expose any flaws!"

After Lian Siyue gave her orders, she returned to the bedroom and sat on the wide rosewood chair. Her face was still a little pale, and her hand was tightly clutching the back of the chair. The veil in that hand was almost torn apart by her!
Qing Dai walked over cautiously, gently wiped the sweat off Lian Siyue's forehead with a handkerchief, and asked in a low voice:
"Princess, what the hell is that strange thing?"

"Things that will cause the fetus in my womb to abort within a few days, and if there is a little carelessness, I will follow along..." Lian Siyue said coldly, the tone was so cold that people could hear it. It was like being transferred into an ice cellar, and she couldn't say the word "death".

She was the one who had watched her child cut open from the stomach and died. This was the eternal pain in her heart!
After hearing this, Qing Dai gasped, "What, what? Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying thing! To deal with you and His Highness Ninth Prince's children? It's so vicious, but fortunately, the princess discovered it early, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Just thinking about it, Qing Dai trembled all over, and trembled when she spoke.

If the Ninth Highness knew about it, I'm afraid, I'm afraid he would completely destroy the person who killed the concubine and the child.

(End of this chapter)

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