First-class daughter

Chapter 877 My Body Is Soft

Chapter 877 My Body Is Soft
Chapter 877 My Body Is Soft
"Princess, what the hell is this? Who is so vicious and dares to frame our little prince and princess, find out, and the old slave will slap her to death with a slap and sit on her to death!" Nanny Tai turned pale and trembled in anger.

"There are musk, three-lens, curcuma, and trichosanthes in this thing. These things are mixed together, and the weight is so large. I often sit under that tree and rest for an hour or two. Under the influence, the child in my stomach will easily disappear. .”

When Lian Siyue said this, there was no warmth in his eyes.

"It turned out to be these dirty things!" Madam Tai is an old woman, so she naturally knows the power of these things. Just one musk is powerful enough, and adding others will make the effect much stronger.

If it wasn't for these ants liking this smell, and happened to bite the back of Wang Hao's instep, I'm afraid it will take a while to find this thing, and Wang Hao's fetus will have suffered a lot from it.

Thinking about it, Mother Tai shuddered suddenly, and a strong sense of dread occupied her.

"Qingdai, we need to protect the princess more carefully, not to miss a single bit of it, and we will carefully check every corner of the courtyard later, for fear that there are other places."

"Yes, mother, Qing Dai has remembered!" Qing Dai's voice trembled a little.

Lian Siyue's eyes were cold, without a trace of warmth, she clenched the handkerchief tightly and said, "Whatever you do, you shouldn't touch my child, if that's the case, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The tranquility of the years did not make her willing to feel love, but it did not make her a meek and useless person——

She is still her, the Lian Siyue who meets gods and gods, ghosts and ghosts.

"If someone respects me, I will pay him back three points; if someone harms me, I will pay him back three points. Since it has touched my child, let's try it."

In the previous life, because she was useless, her child was taken away while she was still in the womb. This time, she will never let this happen again.

"Come here!" Lian Siyue got up and ordered, "Mrs. Tai, the servant girl Wu Qiao ran into the imperial concubine and my concubine. I really can't stay by my side to serve you. I will send her to the laundry room for the next few days to wash us. clothes."

Mother Tai was taken aback, "This..."

"...Mommy Tai!" Qing Dai nudged her with her elbow and winked at her.

"Yes! I'm going now, slave!" Mother Tai understood immediately, and hurried out, announcing Lian Siyue's decision.

Qing Dai still looked scared, she saw Lian Siyue's slightly pale face, walked over, and comforted, "Princess, take a break, this servant is going to make you a bowl of calming soup, this servant is with you It's been a long time, and it's the first time I've seen you so nervous."

"Qingdai, you won't understand the heart of being a parent." Lian Siyue stretched out her hand, stroked her still flat stomach, and said.

"Princess, you have worked hard. His Highness Ninth Prince is not here, and you are still worried about having a child." Qing Dai's eyes were red, and she was really hurt like a moon.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect the child." Lian Siyue gave Qing Dai a reassuring expression.

"I'll make soup for you." Qing Dai went out wiping her tears.

After a while, they came to report again, and sure enough, they found three more harmful things in other places!
Three, plus the total of four just now, it really will affect Siyue no matter where she rests!

"This net is dense enough, so I'll weave one and give it back to you." Lian Siyue was exuding chills all over her body, her eyes were like cold blades, and she wanted to kill the person with bad intentions with a sharp sword!
"What!" Concubine Liang almost fainted when she heard the news whispered by Nanny Li, her face turned pale, and her heart was pounding.

"Young lady, don't worry, the concubine is very smart, she has already thrown away that dirty thing, and buried the others in." Nanny Li hurriedly said in relief.

Concubine Liang squeezed the veil tightly in her hand, and said, "Back then, she used such a terrible and despicable method to take away my second child. Without evidence, she could still distort the miscarriage into the fact that I couldn't keep the baby in my womb because of eating indiscriminately. The emperor and the queen mother ignored me for a long time because of this.

Now, she is repeating her old tricks and trying to harm Bengong's daughter-in-law. This time, Bengong will never stand idly by! "Concubine Liang, who was always dignified and elegant, rarely showed a fierce expression on her face.

Mother Tai stopped Wu Qiao, gave her a cold look, and said angrily, "Kneel down!"

Wu Qiao was taken aback, knelt down quickly, and said tremblingly, "Nurse, what, what's the matter?"

"The princess said that you are reckless and rash, and it is not suitable to stay by her side to serve, so she sent you to the laundry room, and you will stay there in the future."

"What, this, this..." Wu Qiao burst into tears when she heard this, and said in tears, "Nurse, please, please, please, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again. I will be very careful in what I say and do.”

"It's useless for you to beg me. This is the order of the princess. The princess always says what, and what you say is useless. Pack up your things and leave quickly." After explaining, Nanny Tai shook her head and left.

Wu Qiao stood up in frustration, packed her things and went to the laundry room.

Before going to the laundry room, she went to find Lian Wu again, and cried to her, with a miserable look on her face.

Lian Wu comforted her for a while, and even wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Sister, I'm afraid I'm going to stay in the laundry room for the rest of my life. There's no future in that place. My parents are seriously ill, and my younger brother is going to marry a wife. They all count on my monthly money. I used to follow the princess, and from time to time There are some bounties, but now there is nothing, what should I do?"

She was crying like she was about to collapse.

Lian Wu watched, sighed, but still remained vigilant, and said distantly, "Well, I'm just a slave, I really can't help you, you should think of other ways, please ask the people around the princess .”

Wu Qiao lowered her head and continued to cry, a sneer flashed in her eyes, she thought to herself, "Xiao Mian, you are quite vigilant, after I let you, you have to ask me for help, hmph."

She cried a few more words and went back to the laundry room.

For the next two consecutive days, Lian Wu found that there were suddenly more people in front of her room, as if they were here to monitor her, making it impossible for her to carry out the tasks assigned by Concubine Xu Xian.

At night, quiet.

Taking advantage of this time, Wu Qiao went back to Lian Siyue's place and reported some things to her.

When she was leaving, Nanny Tai couldn't help pulling Wu Qiao, and asked curiously, "Miss Wu Qiao, you can find so many questions by touching that Lianwu's body, I think she touched you too, she will I won’t realize that you are not an ordinary maid.”

(End of this chapter)

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