Chapter 878
Chapter 878
"Hey." Wu Qiao smiled slyly, blinked her eyes, and said, "Mama, I am different from her. My body is very soft and tender, and I don't even have calluses." (There is a typo in the previous chapter , I wrote that Wu Qiao also had calluses on his wrists, but he didn’t, so here’s a correction.)
"Really?" Mother Tai showed her disbelief.

"I don't believe you, mom." Wu Qiao took Tai's hand and asked her to touch his waist and shoulders.

Mother Tai sighed, "It's really soft, why is that, you have also practiced martial arts for many years."

"Because I want to get married, but I don't want to turn into a hard body." Wu Qiao shook his head, "So, the kung fu I practice is different from their hard ones. The kung fu I practice will make my body stronger. Soft, like a normal woman, this is what I agreed with my master at the beginning."

"Ah?" Mother Tai was startled, and couldn't help saying, "You really are different from Miss Lengbrow."

"Hee hee, I will take the initiative to ask the princess to find a good husband for me." Wu Qiao smiled mischievously. No one would have thought that this is a killer who is as quick as Leng Mei and kills without blinking an eye. .

Winter Palace.

Behind the curtain stood a pitch-black figure, she came to Dongxi Palace with great difficulty.

"How's the situation?" Concubine Xu Xian asked.

"Returning to the empress, so far, Menghua Palace is mostly quiet. The incense ash and incense box in Concubine Liang's room have not been found, and there is no movement under the tree in Wangfei's yard. Moreover, the more time Wangfei spends under the tree, It's been getting longer and longer, I heard that I feel a little dizzy these days..."

Lian Wu replied.

"Vertigo, that's right, miscarriage starts from dizziness..." Concubine Xu Xian sneered lightly, this time, she wanted Lian Siyue to taste the pain of losing a child!Let her experience the most extreme pain in the world.

"Your Majesty is wise." Lian Wu said.

"I sent a lot of nuns and maids to do these things before, but they didn't succeed. Calling a hidden guard like you is indeed more effective. Do it well. After the work is completed, the conditions I promised you will definitely be fulfilled." Concubine Xu Xian stretched out her hand, patted Lian Wu's shoulder, and agreed.

"Yes, that servant has gone out." Lian Wu left quietly.

She is also considered a master of agile skills, so it is not difficult to shuttle between the two palaces as a court lady.

However, after another two days, more and more people appeared around her, and it was not easy for her to display her skills at all.

The most important thing, Concubine Liang suddenly gave an order not to let her be in charge of burning incense, and found someone else, so she didn't even have the chance to get close to Concubine Liang and Si Yue.

If she can't accomplish anything, Concubine Xu Xian's promise will not be fulfilled!
Suddenly, she thought of Wu Qiaolai who was relegated to the laundry room.

Lian Wu decided to test Wu Qiao's depth, thinking, she saved a bun for her lunch, wrapped it in paper, and went to the laundry room.

She quietly walked to the laundry room, hiding in the dark and observing——

I saw that Wu Qiao was washing the clothes while wiping the sweat from her forehead. She was so tired that she was sweating profusely. Looking at her hands, it was probably because of washing too much that they were red and red, and the backs of her hands were covered with red. Swollen.

As she was washing, she began to shed tears, wiping her tears while washing.

"Crying, your mother is dead or your father is dead. It's unlucky to cry and cry all day long!" At this time, a nanny who had been in the laundry room for some years came over and kicked Wu Qiao in front of her. the laundry tub, scolded.

Seeing Wu Qiao, she stood up immediately and said, "You, you can scold me, but you can't scold my parents. My parents are sick and lying in bed, and you still curse them to death! I, I will fight with you!"

She threw away the washboard in her hand, and threw herself on the nanny who spoke rudely.

Lian Wu shook her head, "This idiot, when beating someone, throw away the beating guy before beating him, he deserves to be beaten hard."

Sure enough, after a while, Wu Qiao was severely beaten by this nanny, and this nanny is an old fritters, the way of beating people is very powerful, and she will not hit in the visible place at all. , so after Wu Qiao cried bitterly, he couldn't see any injuries.

In the end, Mammy warned her sternly and pinched her vigorously, "Wash my clothes honestly, and if you cry again, I will sue the princess, so that you can't even stay in the laundry room."

Wu Qiao didn't dare to speak anymore, and continued to sit back and wash clothes silently.

The moment she nodded, there was a sly smile on her face. As soon as Lian Wu appeared, she noticed that she had the sharpest hearing among all the master's disciples.

Lianwu decided to test Wu Qiao again.

When she was carrying the washed clothes to dry, she suddenly grabbed a stone on the ground and hit her.

But she didn't react at all, and let the stone hit her body.

"Who?" Wu Qiao suddenly covered the back of his head and turned around.

Lian Wu has now basically confirmed that the maid is fine. If she is a person with foundation, she will react differently when she is attacked suddenly, but Wu Qiao's reaction is the same as that of ordinary people.

In fact, what Lian Wu didn't know was that Wu Qiao's hearing was sharp. When she picked up a stone, she knew what she was going to do, so she could calmly pretend that there was no reaction.

In fact, it was all because Wu Qiao's skill was far superior to Lianwu's.

Even in the moon room.

While grooming Lian Siyue, Mother Tai said, "Princess, Leng Mei really has a heart. The Wu Qiao I found is really a reliable person."

Lian Siyue nodded, "Although Leng Mei is reticent and seems cold and heartless, he is actually a warm-hearted person. This time I sent someone to look for him. Maybe when we return to the palace, he has already been found."

"I hope so." Mother Tai said.

"I don't know what's going on with Wu Qiao." After Lian Siyue was agitated at the beginning because the fetus was coveted, now she has restored herself to the calmest and calmest state.

She knew that this time it was a desperate fight, and the enemy must die!
So, don't rush, you have to take your time.

Seeing Lianwu, Wu Qiao wiped away tears and said, "Sister Lianwu, why are you here?"

"Here, I'll eat it for you." Lian Wu said as she gave her the wrapped buns.

She was punished by the old mother for not eating, and when she saw the bun, she took it and ate it hungrily.

There was a touch of coldness in Lian Wu's eyes.

"Well, sister, can you lend me some copper coins?" Wu Qiao asked a little shyly after eating the buns.

"What's wrong?" Lian Wu asked.

"My parents are very sick and need medical expenses." Wu Qiao said with red eyes.

"Do you want to have more taels of silver?" Lian Wu quietly showed a piece of silver.

Wu Qiao's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, "Which master rewarded this?"

"Don't care who rewarded you. If you do something for me, the money will be yours. If you have this money, your parents will be saved." Lian Wu said seductively.

Wu Qiao asked cautiously, "Could it be harming others? Don't dare to do harm to others, no matter how much money you have, you won't do it."

"Of course not, don't worry, do you want to do it?" Lianwu explained.

Wu Qiao struggled for a while, finally nodded, and said, "What do I need to do?"

Lian Wu looked around, leaned close to Wu Qiao's ear, and gave some careful instructions.

Wu Qiao's eyes widened.

Lian Wu nodded to her—"Just do this little thing."

She put another small piece of silver into her hand. Concubine Xu Xian asked her to complete anything. When the task was blocked, she would naturally find a way, so she didn't need to report it.

The imperial palace is like a calm lake, everyone is performing their duties, and all the palaces are looking forward to the recovery of the emperor's body, but in fact, the lake is already turbulent and dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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