Chapter 879
Chapter 879
And Lian Siyue has already prepared everything, and the only thing left is to lure the snake out of the hole.

Two days later, Emperor Zhou Cheng's complexion suddenly became better again, and it coincided with his birthday, so the Empress Dowager suggested inviting people to congratulate him in a small area.

Emperor Zhou Cheng hadn't seen anyone during the days when he was sick in bed, so he agreed, and the Queen Mother personally supervised the birthday party.

On the day of Emperor Zhou Cheng's birthday, only a few concubines in the harem, and a few princes and princesses were eligible to participate. In addition, Wei Guogong and Wei Ruhao's grandson and grandson were also there, which shows that these two people won the prize after dedicating that pearl. attention.

On the day of the birthday banquet, everyone went to the Hall of Rongyuan and kowtowed to Emperor Zhou Cheng, wishing long live, long live, and congratulating the emperor on the recovery of the dragon body.

Before the banquet began, several princes sat around the emperor to listen to the holy will, while the female relatives talked in the apse.

In the entire Hall of Rongyuan, Yan Yan was smiling and smiling. Emperor Zhou Cheng's complexion really recovered a lot, so no one thought that his body was almost healed, so they surrounded him and said prayers one by one.

At this time, the Eighth Prince Feng Ye said, "Wei Guogong, I didn't expect this pearl of yours to have such power, this time it is thanks to you for sending the pearl from thousands of miles away." There was an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his lips.

"Your Highness, the Emperor is really blessed." Wei Guogong said with a bow.

"Hahaha." Zhou Chengdi laughed. He hadn't laughed so heartily for a long time. Although there was still a sick look in his brows, he was generally in a good state of mind and had a drink.

"Your Majesty." At this time, Wei Guogong looked at the pearl inlaid on the small red sandalwood case, and suddenly closed his eyes to make up his mind.

"What's the situation, Duke Wei?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"According to the location of this pearl in Shengdu, it should be placed on the west side today and tomorrow." Wei Guogong said.

"To the west? That's the apse?" The second prince looked at the direction and said.

"Yes, Second Highness." Wei Guogong said.

"Then move it to the apse." Emperor Zhou Cheng agreed.

So, Feng Degui and several eunuchs carried it slowly to the apse.


The Empress Dowager was sitting at the top, Wei Ruhao, who was being favored, was standing beside her, and Concubine Xu Xian was also there, talking with Concubine Feng De, her eyes occasionally fell on Lian Siyue, showing an imperceptible faint smile.

The rest of the concubines sat on the left and right sides, and Lian Siyue sat two places away from the queen mother, talking to the fifth princess beside her.

"Princess Hengqin, why don't you see the imperial concubine come?"

At this time, Wei Ru looked around and asked.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Lian Siyue.

"Thank you, Princess Jian'an, for your concern. Last time, I personally delivered supplements. I am still thinking about it today. The concubine's health is indeed worse than before, and she can't get out of bed. She told me to go to the emperor early in the morning. This matter." Lian Siyue said worriedly.

"Why did this happen? I went to visit Menghua Palace that day, and the imperial concubine's complexion looked pretty good." Wei Ruhao said regretfully.

"Hey." Concubine Xu Xian frowned, sighed leisurely, and said, "It's really troublesome, the emperor's dragon body just got better, and the concubine's sister's body is not feeling well, it's really hard for Prince Heng. Even though she was pregnant, she insisted on staying with her in the palace. Speaking of which, the concubine and sister are also very lucky to have such a good daughter-in-law."

"Thank you for your concern, Concubine Xian. My concubine is not feeling well and wants someone to talk to. As a daughter-in-law, I should spend more time with her." Lian Siyue seemed embarrassed to accept such praise.

"Let Physician Rong pay more attention. Yun Zheng is away on an expedition. If he knows that his mother and concubine are not in good health, he should worry about things. Don't let that child worry." The queen mother said.

"Empress Dowager, don't worry, Yue'er and Concubine Mother didn't disclose this matter to His Highness because they were afraid that he would not be able to stay in the army with peace of mind. We will only give him good news and not bad news when we stay in the capital." Lian Siyue I understand that the empress dowager means to keep them tight-lipped, so as not to disturb the morale of the army.

The Queen Mother nodded, "You are quite right about this."

"If only my grandfather had two pearls, one for the emperor and one for the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine's body will also recover faster." Wei Ruhao said suddenly.

"Yes, Jian'an, is there only one like this in your family? Can you find another one for the concubine's younger sister, so that your brother can send it to the capital as soon as possible, and the concubine's sister's illness will be cured soon." Concubine Xu Xian Hearing what Wei Ruhao said, he actually asked seriously.

"Such a rare thing, I just found out by accident that there is no second one. If there is one, the imperial concubine will definitely recover." Wei Ruhao specially emphasized twice in front of everyone that the noble concubine Liang will recover soon after getting the pearl. .

"Yeah, what a pity, there is only one such rare thing, and you can't find it casually." Concubine Xu Xian also had a very regretful expression.

Lian Siyue listened to the conversation between the two of them, holding tea in her hand, the lid of the teacup skimmed over the water surface, her brows were like the slightly floating tea surface, secretly brushed a ripple, and soon disappeared.

"With the careful treatment of the imperial physician, I believe that the concubine's body will get better day by day."

At this time, Feng Degui came to report to the Queen Mother, saying, "Your Majesty, the Emperor said that today he will put this pearl in the back hall for offering."

"What's the reason?" The Queen Mother asked in confusion.

"This is Wei Guogong's intention. Today's celestial phenomena show that the pearl should be placed on the west side." Feng Degui said in all seriousness.

"Then let's go." The queen mother raised her hand and signaled.


The Empress Dowager stood up and said, "You can take care of yourself, Aijia is a bit tired, go and have a rest."

"Farewell to the Empress Dowager." Everyone immediately knelt down and said in unison.

After getting up.

The fifth princess was very interested and said, "I haven't seen that pearl yet, I really want to see it."

Hearing the Fifth Princess' initiative to make such a request, Wei Ruhao couldn't help smiling, and said, "When this pearl was enshrined in Shengdu, there were people who often went to pay their respects. Since the Fifth Princess wants to see it, why don't we go and have a look?" chant."

"So, that's great!" The fifth princess seemed very happy, she pulled Lian Siyue who was still drinking tea quietly, and said, "Go and have a look."

"I'm pregnant, and I'm afraid of any collision with that pearl, so I won't go." Lian Siyue rejected the kindness of the fifth princess.

When Wei Ruhao heard that Lian Siyue was unwilling to go, he subconsciously glanced at Concubine Xu Xian, and then said, "Princess Heng, don't worry, this pearl is a good thing, go and have a look, it's good for you and the fetus in your womb Woolen cloth."

Lian Siyue showed distress, and said, "I don't know what's wrong these two days, my legs and feet are a little tired, and occasionally there seems to be a breath of air flowing in my abdomen, and the imperial doctor also told me not to walk around."

(End of this chapter)

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