First-class daughter

Chapter 881 The Reckless Maid

Chapter 881 The Reckless Maid

Chapter 881 The Reckless Maid

"Each one is different." Nanny Gui said.

"It's different..." Wei Ruhao was a little disappointed.

"Master Jian'an likes it so much, just take it, Nanny Gui just go and get me another one." Lian Siyue said.

"Really? Then I won't be polite." Wei Ruhao happily pinned the purse on her body, touched it, took out a round brown medicine ball from it, put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it, Show it to Lian Siyue again, "Look, it turns out to be such a medicine ball, and it smells really good."

She did this because she was worried that Lian Siyue would be curious about the things in her purse, so she deliberately took them out to show her first, so as to save her from having to take them out later.

At this time, Nanny Gui went back to Dongxi Palace and brought another one to Lian Siyue.

Holding Lian Siyue in his hand, he suddenly said, "Let me take it out and have a look."

As he spoke, he reached out to touch his purse.

Seeing Wei Ru, he was startled, got up quickly, and said, "Don't worry about it, the contents of each purse are the same."

Lian Siyue looked at her with a little astonishment.

Wei Ru took a good look at Nanny Gui, and Nanny Gui hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Princess Wangfei, this medicine ball must be sealed, the smell won't dissipate when you take it out, the princess took it too fast just now, and the maidservant didn't have time to stop it."

"Oh." Lian Siyue nodded, "So that's the case, then I won't look at it, anyway, it's a round one, no different."

"Yes, they are all the same." Hearing what Lian Siyue said, Wei Ruhao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your maidservant will wear it for you." Nanny Gui stepped forward courteously and said respectfully.

"No need, I already have a jade pendant around my waist, go back and pick it off and wear it tomorrow, Qing Dai, please send it back to Menghua Palace for me first, so as not to accidentally lose it, this is the wish of the concubine Xian. Keep it safe." Saying that, unexpectedly, Lian Siyue turned around and put the purse in Qing Dai's hand, when their hands touched, she squeezed Qing Dai's fingertips.

"Yes, Wangfei, I will go now." Qing Dai turned around,
Seeing that Qing Dai was about to leave with her purse, Wei Ruhao hurriedly shouted, "Stop, don't leave."

Qing Dai turned around and looked at Wei Ruhao in puzzlement.

Even Siyue said, "Master Jian'an, did my servant bump into you?"

"Oh, no, I want to say, you should still wear it. Look, I have already worn it. If you don't wear it, the empress Xian will think that you despise her things." Wei Ru Well said.

Lian Siyue nodded, "What Princess Jian'an said is reasonable, Qingdai, come here and put it on for me."

"Yes." Qing Dai came over, knelt down in front of Lian Siyue, stretched out her hand to remove the jade pendant from her waist, and then hung the purse on it.

Lian Siyue squeezed the jade pendant in her hand and said, "This jade pendant is a gift from His Highness Ninth Prince, it is my most precious thing, hold it in your hand, be careful to throw it away, Qing Dai, send the jade pendant back and put it away properly. "

She put the jade pendant back into Qing Dai's hand, and took the opportunity to quickly write two words on her palm.

Qing Dai understood, nodded slightly, and left with the jade pendant.

"I really envy the princess." Wei Ruhao said sadly, "I have heard people say how His Highness Jiu spoils you, don't women just want to pursue such a pure love?"

"The princess of Jian'an County is both talented and beautiful, and has a prominent family background. Sooner or later, he will find a good husband." Lian Siyue said.

This time, Wei Ru's good mood really became gloomy, and a gloomy flashed in his eyes.

After a while, Qing Dai went back and forth, bowed to Lian Siyue, and said, "Princess, the jade pendant has been sent back." She raised her head, blinked at Lian Siyue, quietly opened her palms, and then immediately Hold tight.

There was a tacit understanding between her and Lian Siyue, and no one noticed the small movements between them.

"Understood, get up." Lian Siyue raised his hand and said.

At this time, the maids filed in and brought some pastries over. When Lian Siyue picked up a piece of chestnut cake and put it in his mouth, his expression suddenly flickered, with a distressed expression on his face, and the chestnut cake in his hand cracked. It fell to the ground and shattered.

"Princess!" Seeing this, Qing Dai hurried forward.

Wei Ru was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

Lian Siyue stroked her belly, with a painful expression on her face, and said, "I, I feel unwell in my stomach." Her body was trembling slightly, and her voice was trembling.

Wei Ru didn't expect such an unexpected situation to happen suddenly, and he didn't know what to do, so he immediately signaled Nanny Gui to find Concubine Xu Xian.

"Qingdai, help me go back to Menghua Palace, hurry up." Lian Siyue stood up.

"Yes, yes, princess, please don't move." Qingdai and Nanny Tai hurriedly supported Lian Siyue to get up, the two looked very anxious and flustered, and during this period, Nanny Tai accidentally got caught in Lian Siyue's On the purse bag.

Wei Ru was taken aback, but fortunately, the purse was not torn off.


Concubine Xu Xian was talking with several concubines and princesses, each of them was holding a purse made in her palace - it turned out that it was not only given to Lian Siyue, Wei Ruhao, but also others.

"These patterns are really beautiful and unique. I've never seen these patterns before." Beauty Li praised the purse presented by Concubine Xu Xian.

"This is Miao embroidery, and there are fewer in Kyoto." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"It's so beautiful. I didn't expect that the concubine Xian would be so thoughtful and embroider it according to each of us's different zodiac signs." Wang Bin said.

With a faint smile on Concubine Xu Xian's face, she said, "I have nothing to do today. I originally wanted to embroider one to pray for the emperor. Later, the slaves in the palace liked to embroider these patterns, so I simply asked each of them to embroider one according to the zodiac sign. gone."

At this time, Nanny Gui hurried over, leaned forward, and whispered something in Concubine Xu Xian's ear.

Concubine Xu Xian was slightly taken aback, then got up, and said to everyone, "Sisters and sisters rest, I will come whenever I go."

After speaking, he turned around and left, walked a few steps, and asked Nanny Gui in a low voice, "Is it serious?"

"It looks a little serious." Nanny Gui whispered.

"It stands to reason that it will take two more days to skate. Why does it start to hurt..." According to Concubine Xu Xian's plan, at least Lian Siyue will not start to have abdominal pain until after the emperor's birthday. The fetus—the empress dowager and the emperor are all there, so things may become a little complicated.


Concubine Xu Xian was concentrating on her thoughts while walking forward. At this moment, a rash maid suddenly rushed over and bumped into her body with such force that she fell to the ground.

And this damn palace lady fell down on top of her.

When Nanny Gui saw this, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurried forward, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Then she cursed the maid, "Where did you come from, this slave, get up quickly, you dare to press on the concubine Xian, you don't want to live! "

(End of this chapter)

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