First-class daughter

Chapter 882 How is it possible

Chapter 882 How is it possible
Chapter 882 How is it possible
The palace maid was trembling with fright, and wanted to get up quickly, but because she was too nervous, her hands and feet were weak, she supported herself twice, and then stuck it up again.

Concubine Xu Xian, who was always dignified and dignified, lay on the ground in embarrassment, and reprimanded, "You dog slave, get up quickly, I will stick you to death!"

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty forgives your sins, Your Majesty redeems your sins." After the maid scratched Concubine Xu Xian several times, she finally stood up under the pull of Nanny Gui.

Then the two of them worked together to help Concubine Xu Xian up, and the crown on her head was crooked.

"Your Majesty, forgive me." The maid hurriedly stepped forward in fright, and straightened the crown on her head for her (the crown is a very large one, occupying the entire top of her head.)
Then, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. Please forgive me, Your Majesty. My servant just acted recklessly and didn't see it."

"Bad maid! This old slave will tear your mouth apart!" Nanny Gui was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, "Which palace are you from?"

"Servant, servant is from the imperial dining room." She said tremblingly.

"That's all!" Concubine Xu Xian knew that the most important thing now was Lian Siyue's affairs, so she said it and left.

However, her back was really hurt, and after Lian Siyue's matter was resolved, she would treat this reckless servant girl well.

After taking Concubine Xu Xian and Nanny Gui away together, Wu Qiao finally raised his head slowly, looked at the backs of the two people going away, with a sly smile on his face——

Old hag, watching how my concubine puts you to death step by step, lifting a stone to shoot herself in the foot, is really ridiculous——

"No, it's not hitting your feet, it's hitting your pig's brain."

After the people left, Wu Qiao stood up, clapped her hands, picked up the tray again, and left as if nothing happened.

Now it's time to go and see that fool Lianwu.

Really, everyone thinks her Wu Qiao is a fool, she is the smartest among the hidden guards, okay?
At this time, Concubine Xu Xian hurried in, seeing Lian Siyue's uncomfortable appearance, she knew it well - it was the effect of those big medicine balls that she let Lian Wu bury in Menghua Palace.

This is a sign of slippery tires!

It's just that her tire slip came earlier than she expected, and she calculated that it should be two days later.

Wei Ruhao walked over quickly and grabbed Concubine Xu Xian's wrist. Concubine Xu Xian shook her head at her, signaling her to be calm.

And Lian Siyue moaned while slightly closing her eyes, the corner of her eyes fell on them, and the deep coldness in the corners of her eyes became even deeper.

Concubine Xu Xian walked over quickly, with a worried expression on her face, and said, "What's the matter, don't move yet, just sit here for a while, Nanny Gui, go and invite Imperial Physician Rong to come over."

Lian Siyue bit her lower lip and nodded, weakly said, "That's fine, I dare not move, and I can't."

Concubine Xu Xian quickly took off the cloak she was wearing, and put it on Lian Siyue's back, letting her lie on the wide chair to rest for a while.

It was heard that Lian Siyue was pregnant, the rest of the concubines hurried in, and even the Queen Mother arrived soon.

However, after only a while, Lian Siyue returned to normal, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The queen mother let out a sigh of relief, and said, "It frightened the Aijia. These days, you stayed in Menghua Palace to accompany Concubine Liang. I think you are too tired. After the emperor's birthday, Aijia will send you back to the palace in a sedan chair tomorrow. , good self-cultivation, your mother and concubine, you don't have to worry, Ai's family will entrust the imperial hospital to treat you well."

Lian Siyue said gratefully, "Yes, thank you, Empress Dowager."

Concubine Xu Xian had an unknown smile on her lips, it would be better to go back, she would be able to sit back and relax in Prince Heng's mansion, and no one would suspect that she would come to the palace.

What a blessing.

At this moment, the eunuch Feng Degui hurried in, knelt on the ground with a plop, and shouted:

"Empress Dowager, it's too bad! The pearl that was placed in the West Hall, which was used for the emperor's body recuperation, was stolen, and someone secretly took it away."

"What?" The queen mother stood up abruptly, "This is the emperor's important thing, and someone dares to drop it!"

Hearing this, the expression on Lian Siyue's face stretched—here we come!

Some people in the crowd couldn't help looking at the fifth princess who was always crazy about Mingzhu. She was the most active towards Mingzhu just now.

Sensing these gazes, the fifth princess hurriedly said, "Although I love the pearl, this princess is most looking forward to the recovery of my father's illness. Why would I take my father's pearl? Don't look at me. I didn't take it. Use it on the item." Head guarantee."

At this time, Wei Guogong and Jiang Keji had already walked in with several guards.

"Empress Dowager, the emperor ordered my servants to find this pearl." Wei Guogong stepped forward and asked the Queen Mother for instructions.

"Look for it, we must get it back! Someone has been tampering right under the emperor's nose. If you find out, the Ai family will want his body to be chopped into pieces!" The queen mother's face was very ugly, and she slapped the chair with her palm.

"Yes, I obey!"

Wei Guogong said, turned to look at the crowd, and said, "My ladies and princesses, I have offended you. In order to ensure that such an important pearl is not taken away by others, I want to search everyone."

After speaking, he turned to the queen mother again and said, "The queen mother, Commander Jiang, etc. are all men, so it's inconvenient. Could you please ask the nuns around you to do this?"

"Queen Mother, grandfather, I want to search too. This pearl is our Wei family's wish for the emperor. I will definitely catch that person and force her to hand over the pearl." Wei Ruhao stood up and said.

"Sure." The Queen Mother nodded.

So all the empresses and princesses stood up.

Under Wei Ruhao's surveillance, Nanny Wen and others knelt on the ground and searched the masters one by one.

"I just gave purses to my younger sisters and the princess, let's have a look in the purses too." Concubine Xu Xian said at the right time.


The nuns continued their searches.

When they finally found Lian Siyue, Wei Ruhao asked the nanny to get up, and said, "Princess Heng is feeling a little unwell just now, the servant's hands and feet are heavy, let me search."

When Wei Ruhao was about to search for Siyue's body, Wei Guogong and Concubine Xu Xian unconsciously showed a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

Lian Siyue, this is just your first catastrophe.

Soon, you will be thrown into prison by the emperor for stealing the pearl to treat that bitch, Concubine Liang.

"I've offended you, Princess." With a smile on his face, Wei Ruhao searched the rest of Lian Siyue's body hastily.

Then, she finally pinched her purse, she couldn't even hold back the mirth from the corners of her lips, and said, "I'm going to open the purse."

"Okay, please." Lian Siyue said lightly.

Wei Ruhao's hands couldn't help trembling, why did Lian Siyue's voice suddenly make her panic.

She reached out, took out a round thing inside, and said, "In..."

However, when she took the beads, her expression suddenly changed!

Concubine Xu Xian and Duke Wei who were waiting for a good show were also taken aback for a moment——

This, what's going on?

This is not the pearl that Lian Siyue planned to put in his purse at all!

Wei Ruhao looked astonished, holding the brown ball in his hand in a daze, and murmured, "This, how is this possible, impossible."

Wei Guogong specially reminded the emperor to put the Pearl in the West Hall today, which is the beginning of framing Lian Siyue, why, how could this happen?
Seeing Wei Ruhao's expression, Lian Siyue didn't feel it was funny, but deliberately showed a puzzled expression, "Princess, what's wrong with you? I don't have a pearl in my bag, how can it be impossible? Look, it's not a pearl ,What’s wrong with you?"

Wei Ruhao's face turned pale, as if she didn't give up, she turned all the purses upside down and checked again—it was empty.

"Princess, is the inspection done?" Lian Siyue asked, her tone unconsciously becoming stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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