First-class daughter

Chapter 883 Be a shrew

Chapter 883 Be a shrew
Chapter 883 Be a shrew
"Okay, I didn't find anything." Wei Ruhao stuffed the medicinal bead back into Lian Siyue's sachet, but she was extremely puzzled.

How is this going?

Obviously she put the pearl into the sachet with her own hands.

Where did you go?

Concubine Xu Xian looked over the crowd to examine Lian Siyue deeply, and saw that her expression was no doubt the same as before, and she had the same expression of confusion and nervousness due to the loss of the pearl like everyone else.

She didn't seem to notice anything, but she felt faintly uneasy.

No, it's impossible for Lian Siyue to be unaware?

She has already seen Lian Siyue's methods after fighting so many times before.

So, this time, will she also make arrangements?

On the surface, Lian Siyue seems to have an ordinary expression, but in fact, she has already seen these people with ulterior motives in her eyes——

She understands:
In the beginning,
At first, Duke Wei explained that the pearl needed to be moved, so he moved the pearl to the west hall, which created a scene for her to make mistakes;

Then, Wei Ruhao deliberately said three times in front of everyone that Concubine Liang needed a pearl. This was her motive for stealing the pearl unconsciously. cleared of suspicion
Then Concubine Xu Xian took the opportunity to send a sachet;

Next, Wei Guogong found out that Mingzhu had been swapped, so it was logical to come to the back hall to search for the bodies of the female relatives who had visited Mingzhu.

In the end, they thought it must be found on Lian Siyue.

Originally, the arrangement of these steps can be considered step by step.

It's just that Wei Ruhao may have resented her too much and was too eager to show her the medicine beads on purpose to prevent her from returning to Menghua Palace, etc. There is no doubt that there is no silver 300 taels here.

In addition, she had guarded against them before coming, so it was expected that they would use Mingzhu to attack her.

So, when she untied the sachet for Qingdai to take back, she had quietly untied the sachet, took out the pearl, and when Qingdai sent the jade pendant back, she took the pearl away and replaced it with something else Tuck it in.

As for what was stuffed back into the sachet—it would definitely surprise Concubine Xu Xian.

All the servants searched around, but did not find the lost pearl on anyone.

"Could it be that someone has already taken it away?" The scheming Duke Wei also began to realize that there was something wrong with their plan, and maybe one of the circumstances was tampered with.

Is this Princess Heng?

"I know!" Wei Ruhao's eyes suddenly lit up, pointing at Lian Siyue's maid Qingdai, "She left, she just went back to Menghua Palace, she must have something wrong."

"What, Princess Heng's maid left?" Concubine Xu Xian asked in surprise.

After Qing Dai heard this, she quickly knelt down, "I am wronged, princess, it is just that the virtuous concubine sent a sachet to my wangfei, so the wangfei took off the jade pendant and made a sachet to hang it.

But that jade pendant was a precious gift given to the concubine by His Highness the Ninth Prince of my family, fearing that it would be accidentally broken, he entrusted his servants to send the jade pendant back to Menghua Palace, that's all, the servants did not take the emperor's pearl. "

Qingdai has been with Lian Siyue for a long time, and under her influence, she seems to be orderly when speaking and doing things. Now that the situation is like this, she will not panic, and her words are well-founded.

Wei Ruhao said in a cold voice, "You are just a slave, did you not take it if you said you didn't take it?"

"Master Jian'an, pay attention to your words and deeds!" Lian Siyue's face was cold and stern, and he scolded angrily, "Stealing the emperor's pearl is a serious crime of beheading. What's on your mind when you make a mistake?"

"I..." Wei Ruhao was forced by Lian Siyue's sudden momentum, and felt a little fear.

"My servant girl has been with me for a long time, her hands and feet are very clean, and she has no courage to touch the emperor's things. Do you mean that this princess ordered her to do this?" Lian Siyue took a few steps forward, step by step Forced, there was deep anger in his eyes, which made Wei Ruhao back a few steps involuntarily.

"Prince Hengqin, Jian'an didn't mean that. She was also worried that the emperor's pearl was lost, and you did go out halfway, so Jian'an raised a question. She is just wrong. Please don't be too harsh on the princess. .”

Seeing that his granddaughter was losing the upper hand, Wei Guogong came out and said at the right time, cleverly explaining Wei Ruhao's intentions - he was right about the matter and wrong about the person, which made it impossible for people to justify.

It really is an old fox.

Unfortunately, he messed with the wrong person.

He just offended a fearless person like Lian Siyue!

She can be an extremely calm woman, or a spoiled and distressed woman!
"That's right, Princess Heng, it's understandable that your servant girl left halfway and was suspected." Concubine Xu Xian also said flatly.

Lian Siyue remained silent, and cast a cold glance at Wei Guogong, walked up to the Queen Mother, knelt down, and said, "My Lady, I am pregnant with Liujia, and I was not feeling well just now, but Princess Jian'an and Wei Guogong publicly accused me of instigating my personal slaves to steal the pearl.

Is this baseless accusation intended to bully me, a pregnant woman who does not have a husband at home, in front of the empress dowager?
My mother and concubine are sick in bed, I am exhausted physically and mentally, and my fetus just moved. Princess Jian'an and Wei Guogong and others don't suspect it, but they only suspect me. All the empresses and princesses were searched by slaves just now.

But when it came to me, it was Princess Jian'an who searched himself. Did they just think I was the thief?
Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng, what should I do?You were ordered by the emperor to fight bloody battles in Shanhaiguan, but I was bullied in Kyoto!

How am I going to survive?

My mother was falsely accused of being a thief for no reason. Will our child have the face to face others after it is born?

Lian Siyue said, her voice trembling, her face was pale, and she looked out of breath.

Seeing Qing Dai, she hurriedly crawled over on her knees, holding her tightly.

Seeing this, Mother Tai quickly ran over from behind. She was so powerful that she bumped into Wei Guogong, and the majestic Wei Guogong was hit——

"You..." Wei Guogong was annoyed.

However, Nanny Tai knelt down beside Lian Siyue with a plop, supported her princess, and cried loudly, "Mother Empress, this old slave is guilty of the crime, you can beat this servant, but this servant wants to speak for my princess. In other words, the princess has been in poor health since she was pregnant. She is the one who presides over the mansion. In order to avoid distracting His Highness outside, she doesn't say anything, but bears it in her heart. My princess is really pitiful. Empress Dowager, you Say something fair for my princess."

All of a sudden, the three masters and servants were crying, and Wei Guogong was stunned——

This, how is this different from the imagined development?
Concubine Xu Xian and Wei Ruhao were also stunned, this is not Lian Siyue's routine, she has always been calm and calm, why is she still crying today.

Especially Concubine Xu Xian, she felt that this was too unlike Lian Siyue's style, how could she not be domineering, and this time she cried whenever she said she wanted?What is she worried about?She looked deeply at Lian Siyue, trying to find an answer from her face.

Lian Siyue now looks like a woman who has been wronged because her husband is not around.

"Okay, okay!" Seeing that Lian Siyue's mood was so unstable, the queen mother was afraid that there would be problems with the child in her womb. Although she didn't like Lian Siyue very much, she valued the prince and grandson very much, so she hurriedly comforted her softly , "Aijia judges that this matter has nothing to do with you, no one is allowed to doubt you, don't get excited, get up quickly, and have a good rest."

However, Lian Siyue refused to get up, and said, "Wei Guogong and Jian'an Princess made groundless accusations, which is a serious insult to me.

(End of this chapter)

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