First-class daughter

Chapter 884 Multiple Helpers

Chapter 884 Multiple Helpers
Chapter 884 Multiple Helpers
It is also an insult to His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and my mother and concubine. I want Duke Wei and Princess Jian'an to apologize to me in front of everyone! "

Apologize in public?

When Wei Guogong heard this, his face became ugly.

"What? An apology, Princess Heng, don't rely on having a child in your womb, just..." Wei Ruhao asked her to apologize, how could she be willing.

"If you two don't apologize, then I won't get up." Lian Siyue insisted with a cold face, expressionless.

"You!" Neither of them expected that Lian Siyue would dare to threaten them in front of the Queen Mother.

But Lian Siyue was sure that the Empress Dowager attached great importance to the child in her womb, so she never bowed her head.

"Jian'an, Wei Guogong, the two of you are indeed at fault today. There is no evidence and no evidence. How can you blame Princess Heng? If the royal blood in her belly is aroused, can you be responsible?" The queen mother realized the problem. The importance, said sternly.

"Yes, Empress Dowager!"

Wei Ruhao wanted to say something else, but Wei Guogong held her back, bowed to Lian Siyue together, cupped his hands and said:
"My lord, it was Weichen and Jian'an who were at fault. No matter what happened, you shouldn't be suspected. Please forgive us."

Lian Siyue took a good look at Wei Ru.

Although Wei Ruhao was unwilling in every possible way, but at this moment, with the Queen Mother here, he had to bow his head, so he also said, "Princess Heng, it was my fault, I shouldn't blame your maid, please forgive me."

Lian Siyue didn't speak, and returned to the chair with the support of Qingdai and Mother Tai, and didn't even look at the grandparents and grandchildren, but they could only keep silent.

"Okay, it's important to find the Pearl, Wei Guogong, this is the task entrusted to you by the emperor, within today, you must find this treasure." After a small disturbance, the queen mother said seriously.


In fact, Wei Guogong is only now feeling troublesome. Mingzhu was clearly installed in Lian Siyue's bag, so it is very likely that she discovered it and hid it somewhere secretly.

However, when she was crying just now, the queen mother has made it clear that she is not allowed to doubt her anymore.

So, where to find the Pearl now?
He suddenly felt like losing his wife and losing his army——

It's really not worth the candle.

"Meow meow……"

At this moment, when no one was paying attention, a stray cat suddenly rushed over from the outside and slammed into Concubine Xu Xian's body.

A naive figure flashed past, with a sly smile on his face.

Wu Qiao turned around and saw the Eighth Highness Feng Ye hurriedly approaching from a distance. She quickly lowered her head, carried the plate, and walked away from the side.

Feng Ye's eyes fell on her, thoughtfully, when Wu Qiao was about to turn a corner and walk into another corridor, he opened his mouth and shouted——


Wu Qiao tightened her hand holding the plate, turned around slowly, and looked at Feng Ye timidly like a common servant girl. When she saw his cold and deep glasses, she quickly knelt on the ground and said, "His Royal Highness .”

Feng Ye looked at her for a while and asked, "Whose maid are you?"

Wu Qiao said, "Returning to His Highness Eighth Highness, the slaves and servants entered the palace with Prince Heng."

"Go down." Feng Ye waved his hand.

"Ah!" At this moment, Concubine Xu Xian's scream suddenly came from the hall.

Feng Ye heard this, and immediately walked in quickly——

Concubine Xu Xian was thrown to the ground by a cat that jumped up suddenly, she was so embarrassed that even the crown on her head fell off.

She was about to scold her, but she heard the queen mother say, "Nurse Wen, what's going on, why did Ai's cat come here?"

The cat meowed and jumped into the Empress Dowager's embrace. The Empress Dowager stretched out her hand to stroke it and asked, "Concubine Xian, are you injured?"

"Thank you Empress Dowager for your care, my concubines are fine, but I'm a little scared." Upon hearing that the cat turned out to be the Empress Dowager's, Concubine Xu Xian could only eat Coptis chinensis in silence, unable to express her suffering.

Feng Ye had already walked in, helped Concubine Xu Xian up, and greeted the Queen Mother.

His gaze fell on Lian Siyue, but Lian Siyue's expression was stern, as if he hadn't seen him.

Wei Ruhao noticed that Feng Ye's gaze was attracted by Lian Siyue again, and she held hands tightly.

At this time, Nanny Gui went to pick up the crown, and as soon as she picked it up, a round object rolled down from the crown.

Concubine Xu Xian showed a puzzled look on her face——

"Ah, isn't this the pearl of the father?" Suddenly, the fifth princess stood up from the ground and said in surprise.

Concubine Xu Xian just felt that it was a big blow, how could there be no reason for her crown to appear, it should have been like the pearl in the moon sachet?

She looked at Lian Siyue suddenly - this little bitch finally showed her familiar look!

Feng Ye also saw the faint chill in the corners of Lian Siyue's eyes that he no longer concealed—his heart trembled, he looked at his mother and concubine suddenly, and clenched his fists—

Did she attack Yue'er again? !

"This..." Wei Guogong and Wei Ruhao were also stunned and froze.

How could this pearl, how could it be on Concubine Xu Xian's body?this--

The Queen Mother never expected that when her cat hit Concubine Xu Xian, a pearl came out——

"Wei Guogong, take a look, is it the one that was lost?" She asked coldly.

Wei Guogong took the pearl from the fifth princess, looked at it carefully, "Yes."

When Concubine Xu Xian heard that a basin of cold water was poured over her, she trembled all over, she couldn't help but grabbed Feng Ye's sleeves, and whispered, "Ye'er..."

"Concubine Xian, how come Mingzhu is with you?" Lian Siyue was the first to ask curiously.

"Concubine Xian, what is going on here? What is the purpose of you hiding the emperor's pearl in the crown?" The queen mother was angry, her face was ugly, and she asked sharply.

After Concubine Xu Xian panicked, she figured out that this must be Lian Siyue's conspiracy!
So now, it's the duel between the two!
She ordered herself to calm down, walked up to the Empress Dowager, knelt down and said, "The Empress Dowager understands, this concubine does not know about this matter, but the concubine did not steal the pearl, please investigate this matter strictly by the Empress Dowager."

Lian Siyue sneered in her heart, when she was just slandering her, she didn't think she would be able to get away, now it's her turn, and she began to ask for a strict investigation into the matter.

However, Mingzhu was found on Concubine Xu Xian, no matter what, she is inseparable from this matter.

"Sister Xianfei, after much deliberation, is it because you secretly hid the pearl in an unexpected place in order to frame Princess Heng?" At this moment, a person who even Siyue could not have expected suddenly appeared and said A word that surprised her.

Feng Defei?
This concubine who is said to have no idea about the successor.

Lian Siyue looked at her, and quickly figured out that in this harem, there is no unwanted position of power, only the method is different.Feng Degui's prince died young, and now he only has two daughters, the fifth princess and the seventh princess, so he will definitely be more concerned about his status in the harem.

Judging by her appearance, she is planning to attack.

Unintentionally having an extra helper can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

Sure enough, Concubine Feng De's words shocked Concubine Xu Xian greatly. Although she knew that Concubine Feng De was not as peaceful as she appeared on the surface, she never expected that she would give her a heavy blow at this time.

"Sister Defei, you can't talk nonsense without evidence!" Concubine Xu Xian was very annoyed that she was making trouble at this time.

Concubine Feng De said what she had to say, and she didn't want to make it too obvious, she said, "Sister Xianfei, don't mind, I'm just expressing what's in my heart, I don't want to say anything, the queen mother is here, and the queen mother is here. call the shots."

She stepped back, but inadvertently looked at Lian Siyue, who secretly nodded to her.

(End of this chapter)

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