First-class daughter

Chapter 885 Pearl has a problem 1

Chapter 885 Pearl has a problem 1
Chapter 885 Pearl has a problem 1
.Concubine Xu Xian originally wanted to use "it's useless for me to take the pearl" as an excuse to deny the theft and transfer of the pearl, but after Feng Defei said this, even if she denied it, she would still be suspected of deliberately framing someone.

This is really - a dilemma!

I can only emphasize one sentence at a time, "The Empress Dowager knows the lesson, the concubines never steal the pearls."

"It's so strange, this real pearl is on Concubine Xu Xian's body, and where did the fake pearl in the West Palace replace the real pearl, there must be a source.

Empress Dowager, since Concubine Xian said that she doesn't know why the Pearl appeared on her body.

Then it's better to find out where the fake pearl came from, and if you know where the fake pearl came from, the whereabouts of the real pearl will almost be revealed.

The real pearl must have been taken by the owner of the fake pearl. "

Lian Siyue said suddenly.

"That's right, where did this fake pearl come from?" Everyone also became curious.

"Jiang Keji, Feng Degui, you two, bring this fake pearl here, and let Aijia and you all see it." The queen mother ordered.

After taking the fake pearl, the empress dowager looked at it carefully, and then asked the rest of the people to come forward to have a look.

The fifth princess's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said, "Isn't this the one I gave to Princess Jian'an a few days ago?"

What?Is Wei Ru good?
Everyone was startled, and their eyes fell on the shocked Wei Ruhao.

Wei Guogong was also very surprised, he faintly felt that he might have unknowingly fallen into the trap set by Princess Heng.

His eyes narrowed slightly, overflowing with coldness——

The way she cried, made trouble and hanged herself just now was also intentional. She first put herself in a safe position of innocence, and then turned around and beat them!It's much more convenient.

This woman is much more powerful than he imagined.

"Feng Ling'er, don't talk nonsense, how could this belong to Princess Jian'an, this pearl was specially sent by Wei Guogong from Shengdu to your father, he can't be a thief calling for a thief."

Concubine Feng De hurriedly stopped her daughter, but it sounded a bit playful.

"Feng Ling'er, you can see clearly. Did you really give this to Jian'an? What proof do you have?" The Empress Dowager's face became more serious than before.

"Feng Ling'er, you must see clearly, don't make mistakes." Concubine Feng De seemed a little nervous.

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, firmly insisted, "It can't be wrong, I really gave it to Princess Jian'an. Jian'an, look, there is a red thread hidden in this end of the pearl, so you can't see it when you hold it like this." Come out and hold it up to the sun to see clearly."

As Feng Ling said, she lifted the pearl up in the direction of the light——

Sure enough, a red line is clearly visible.

"Look, I'm not talking nonsense. This pearl was indeed given to Princess Jian'an by me that day. At that time, Seventh Sister, Concubine Wang, and Princess Heng were all there. They also looked at this unique red line together. At that time, Princess Jian'an even gave this pearl a nice name, called "Beauty's Tears."

"I remembered, it's true." Lian Siyue nodded as if she just suddenly remembered.

The Seventh Princess met with the concubine Wang, and also said that there was such a thing, and that the pearl belonged to Princess Jian'an.

"What... what's going on here?" Wei Ru was stunned. It's true that this pearl was given to her by the fifth princess, but she kept it in her residence and never carried it with her. How could it...

There was even a faint smile on the face of the moon—it was Wu Qiao, who was like a ghost, shuttling through the various palaces. According to her, each dark guard is best at different things, and what she is best at is The art of concealment, from character to whereabouts, is elusive.

So when Qingdai returned to Menghua Palace just now, she had already sneaked into Wei Ruhao's room and took away her pearl, and the fake pearl in the West Palace came a second time.

This is called "returning the body of the person with the way of the person".

Naturally, Wei Ruhao didn't know this.

She hastily knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager and explained, "Empress Dowager, it is not wrong that this pearl was given by the fifth princess, but I did not let it go.

I, I remembered, this pearl disappeared yesterday, it must be, someone must have stolen it on purpose to frame me. "

Wei Guogong realizes that the problem is getting worse, and he must clear up the suspicion quickly, otherwise he will really lose his wife and lose his army!
He hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down, and said, "The empress dowager understands, this pearl was specially brought from Shengdu to present to the emperor, there must be no reason to steal it back.

If, as Empress De Concubine said, it was to frame Concubine Hengqin, then it would be even more impossible. Weichen and Concubine Hengqin have never met, so I really wouldn't send a pearl here just to frame her. "

"That's right, empress dowager, grandfather is in charge of affairs in Shengdu, how could he go to war for a mere concubine Hengqin, there is really no reason for that." Wei Ruhao also hastily defended
"The empress dowager forgive me." At this time, Lian Siyue stepped forward, knelt down on both knees, and said.

"What are you guilty of?" The queen mother frowned slightly and said.

"Please allow me to send someone in, Empress Dowager, so that you and the emperor can understand something." Lian Siyue asked for instructions.

"Sure." The Queen Mother nodded.

After a while, two guards escorted a middle-aged man in.

After he took a look at Wei Guogong, his face immediately turned ashen, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed repeatedly, and called the Queen Mother to forgive him.

When Wei Guogong saw this person clearly, he was stunned - when did this person fall into the hands of Princess Heng?

"Zhang Kou? Could it be that you have something to do with the Mingzhu matter?" The Queen Mother asked in confusion.

Zhang Kou is a civil servant of the Imperial City Division, which is an intelligence and secret service agency. The officials of the Imperial City Division are not under the management of the Sanya, but directly belong to the emperor's close ministers.

In other words, the people in the Imperial City Division knew much more about the emperor and the affairs of the palace than ordinary officials.

What did Lian Siyue bring this person here for?
Even Feng Ye's eyes flashed with doubt for a moment——

Lian Siyue looked at Zhang Kou and said sternly, "Master Zhang, you are a member of the Imperial City Department, that is, a close minister of the emperor, you should tell the empress dowager quickly, if you say anything false, you will be punished." of."

"Yes, yes." He had already seen how powerful this Princess Heng was. She could even investigate the [-]th generation of his ancestors, so how dare she not tell the truth.

Wei Guogong's forehead had begun to sweat slightly, and a cold feeling rose up his back.

"Empress Dowager, I deserve to die for my crimes, I confess, please forgive me, Empress Dowager." Zhang Kou said, and took out a stack of letter paper from his arms.

Lian Siyue took the letter and personally delivered it to the Empress Dowager, "Please have a look at the Empress Dowager."

With doubts, the Empress Dowager read the letters handed in by Zhang Kou one by one, she was startled, and said——

(End of this chapter)

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