First-class daughter

Chapter 886 You Have Problems 1

Chapter 886 You Have Problems 1
Chapter 886 You Have Problems 1
"Who wrote this, who cared so much about the Ai family and the emperor's health, and asked about the situation of the prince and his wife in such detail, that he wanted to know every bit of it." The queen mother had a very bad feeling, as if Same as monitoring.

"This is, this is a letter from Duke Wei, asking about the situation in Weichen's palace. These letters come about once a month." Zhang Kou wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tremblingly.

"Wei Guogong? You asked so clearly, even if the emperor is sick, you know where and when the imperial doctor came to see him." The queen mother looked displeased

Wei Guogong's heart sank, and he immediately said, "Empress Dowager, my humble minister..."

"Wei Guogong, you don't want to deny that these letters are yours, do you?" Lian Siyue looked at Wei Guogong aggressively and said, "In the past two days, the Duke of Wei has been showing off his literary talents in front of your highness, and I also got a poem by accident. , the handwriting on this letter is exactly the same as the handwriting on this letter."

"Hmph, Lian Siyue, what on earth are you trying to do? Are you looking for someone to frame my grandfather? Our Wei family has always been loyal to the court and never disobedient. It's not that simple if you want to frame me." Wei Ruhao said .

"Master Zhang, take out the letter you wrote back to Duke Wei and show it to the Empress Dowager." Lian Siyue Leng ignored Wei Ruhao's dissatisfaction and continued to order.

She didn't let Wei Guogong have any chance to refute.

"Yes, please take a look at the empress dowager. These letters are written by my minister to Wei Guogong." So Zhang Kou submitted another letter, and these letters wrote in great detail about the emperor's recent illness and what to eat. Medicine, how long to sleep, how much to eat, clearly.

The queen mother looked at it, and her face became more gloomy. A courtier from the outer city cared so much about the emperor's body that he asked about everything he ate and drank. What is his intention?
When Feng Ye heard these words, he finally understood that this Wei Guogong was doing this to grasp the information of the court and his father at any time, and then make use of it.

This Pearl is probably a careful use.

He suddenly began to understand what Lian Siyue wanted to do.

The emperor hates Wei Guogong's intentions the most. Once the emperor finds out, he will definitely not forgive him lightly.

He looked at his concubine mother, her face was pale, her hands trembling——

Concubine Xu Xian suddenly raised her head to look at Feng Ye, and seeing her expression, she probably finally realized that she had chosen the wrong person!
If Wei Guogong did this, he could be said to be spying on the emperor at any time, with bad intentions.

Concubine Xu Xian's close relationship with the Wei family would also be considered as intentionally providing information to the Wei family, so that Dongxi Palace and Feng Ye would be objects of suspicion.

"Master Zhang, you, this is an ordinary thing, you, if you bring it up like this, don't you mean that I am spying on the emperor?" Wei Guogong scolded angrily.

"Master Guo, I really can't hide it anymore, you..." Zhang Kou looked up at Duke Wei, and stopped talking immediately.

"Empress Dowager, in fact, I didn't discover this matter, but when His Royal Highness was still in the capital, he accidentally discovered that the people in the Imperial City Department had a close relationship with Shengdu.

So he sent someone to investigate secretly, and finally found out that it was Zhang Kou who was exchanging letters with Wei Guogong's mansion, and His Highness Ninth Highness also robbed a few letters, please have a look. "

Lian Siyue handed in two more letters, and explained that the Ninth Prince went to investigate the matter, so that she would not show her intentions.

While the Queen Mother was reading the letter, she continued, "His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince told me about this matter before leaving the capital, and told me to pay close attention to it, lest this Kou do anything that would damage the emperor's prestige, so I So he secretly sent people to continue to follow Zhang Kou.

Zhang Kou also admitted that over the years, Wei Guogong asked him for information about the palace on time. "

"Empress Dowager!" Seeing the empress dowager's face changed, Wei Guogong knew something was wrong, and said blindly, "I can't serve you and the emperor by my side, so when I came back to the capital, I made an agreement with Mr. Zhang that if the emperor has anything , Tell me all, it’s good for the humble minister to share the worries for the queen mother and queen in Shengdu!"

If the crime of monitoring the emperor and the prince is confirmed, then the Wei family will be over!
Wei Ruhao also realized the seriousness of the matter, and she hurriedly said, "The Empress Dowager Mingjian, our Wei family has always been loyal, and we will never have any wrong thoughts. These letters only represent grandfather's concern for you and the emperor." .

Princess Hengqin, you deliberately distorted my grandfather's mind and described concern as surveillance. What is your intention? "

"I'm concerned, I'm afraid not." Lian Siyue said coldly, "The purpose of grasping this information is to use it in a timely manner, so as to win the trust of the emperor."

"Princess Heng, my three generations of the Wei family have been loyal and loyal. I have served the late emperor and the emperor. I have never dared to be negligent. The accusation you have given this old man is exaggerated!"

Wei Guogong scolded angrily, "You are a woman, how do you know anything about court affairs, and you are not afraid of slipping your tongue if you talk about it here!"

"Women's family?" Concubine Feng De said, "Master, are you saying that the Empress Dowager is not worthy to uphold justice for this matter here? This is not appropriate..."

"...Wei Chen naturally doesn't mean that! What Wei Chen is talking about is Princess Heng. She is young, just married, and has never experienced any experience in her life. The Empress Dowager is a woman. Empress, don't deliberately distort the facts."

After all, Wei Guogong was old and cunning, and with a few words, he successfully belittled Lian Siyue and elevated the Queen Mother.

"Since Wei Guogong vetoed my inference so decisively, why not invite another person." Lian Siyue asked the queen mother again.

"Princess Heng, who is it this time?" the queen mother asked.

Lian Siyue knelt down and said, "Please forgive the empress dowager and the emperor. I know that the empress dowager, the emperor, and everyone in the palace are willing to believe in the role of this pearl when they see that the emperor is getting better. role, but doubts, will not say it.

Wei Guogong also said that this pearl is a gift from heaven to the emperor through him.

But if, there is no such pearl in this world.In order to gain the emperor's trust, Wei Guogong knew that the emperor was about to get better according to the information he got from Zhang Kou, so he took an ordinary pearl and called it a god to deceive the emperor! "

"What are you talking about? It's nonsense! The old man got this pearl by accident on the road. Because of the strange color, the old man thought it was strange, so he stepped forward to pick it up.

When the old man held it in his hand, he felt extra comfortable from the palm to the body.

So he regarded it as a fetish and enshrined it, and later it did heal several people, because he was worried about the emperor, so he brought it from Shengdu to Kyoto.

Empress Dowager, Mingjian, my minister is loyal and loyal, and the emperor's health will be better with this pearl. How can I allow a woman to slander my minister. "

Wei Guogong's face was livid with anger, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"Wei Guogong, don't worry, did you slander and ask that person to come in and take a look, won't the truth of the matter come to light?" Lian Siyue said calmly.

"Who is it, bring it in and have a look." The Empress Dowager actually once doubted, how could a pearl have more important effects than medicine?
However, after listening to Wei Guogong tell about the source of this bead, he also felt that it might be God's favor for the emperor, and it turned into a pearl to heal the disease.

Lian Siyue nodded to Feng Degui, and said, "Eunuch Feng, let someone come in."

"Yes." After a while, a man in Tsing Yi bowed and approached, knelt down and said, "Caomin Yuqing has met the empress dowager, and the empress is a thousand years old."

"Princess Hengqin, who is this and why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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