First-class daughter

Chapter 887 Pull Your Skin 2

Chapter 887 Pull Your Skin 2
Chapter 887 Pull Your Skin 2
"Empress Dowager, this person is Yuqing, the third son of the Yu family, the largest pearl merchant in Shengdu." Lian Siyue introduced the empress dowager.

"When Ai's family was in Shengdu, they heard about Yu's family. These years, Yu's family also presented many treasures to the court. The third son of Yu's family suddenly came to Beijing. What does it have to do with Wei Guogong's pearl?" asked the queen mother road.

Yuqing untied a sachet from his waist, took out two or three pearls from the sachet, offered them with both hands, and said, "Madam and princesses, please have a look."

The queen mother nodded, and Feng Degui brought Mingzhu to her. She looked at it and was taken aback——

"These pearls seem to be the same as those presented by Duke Wei."

When Wei Guogong heard it, he was shocked and said, "Impossible, the pearl of my humble minister, time is unique, it is a rare fetish, how can it be exactly the same."

"However, after taking a closer look, these are indeed the same as yours, Duke Wei." The Fifth Princess Feng Ling, who knows pearls, picked up one of them, looked at it carefully, and said.

Wei Guogong didn't believe it, and took it from Feng Ling's hand. When he saw it, he was stunned - it was indeed the same, and there was more than one.

"No, empress dowager, this is a fake, this is a forgery, this is deliberately to frame the loyalty of this humble official!

Whoever is so vicious and doesn't want the emperor's dragon body to recover, must check it out! "

Wei Guogong looked very excited, with an expression of being wronged for life!
Yuqing smiled slightly, "My lord, if you want to imitate a pearl, you have to go through seven or seven 49 processes, and it will take a long time to complete, and there is no guarantee that it will be exactly the same as the original."

"Then what kind of beads are these?" asked the Queen Mother.

"Please take a look at the empress dowager." Yuqing took out another yellowed classic, opened it, and said, "It is recorded in this book that there is a kind of bright pearl, which is the pearl that sharks cry about, and it is called Jiaozhu."

Everyone came over to take a look, and the ancient book explained Jiaozhu in great detail.

"This jiaozhu is also a rare thing in the world, but it is not the only one. Our Yu family has four of them. These four jiaozhu were found by my great-grandfather in nearly ten years when he was alive. We Family heirlooms, not takeaway."

Yuqing explained to everyone without haste.

"Yuqing, you said that your Yu family has four of these jiao beads. How come they were sent to Ai's family, but there are only three. Is there another one?" asked the Queen Mother.

"This..." Yuqing paused, looked at Wei Guogong, and said, "On the night of the Shangyuan Festival a year ago, I saw my father sighing in the pavilion with a sad look on his face, so I went up to ask what happened.

He said that his former benefactor came to him and asked for a jiao bead, because his father had promised that as long as the benefactor came to find him, he would agree to any conditions, so although his great-grandfather had made a family rule, no one could touch the four jiao beads. beads.

But in order not to break his promise, his father had no choice but to be an unworthy descendant, and asked Jiaozhu to give it to his benefactor.

And my father, because he failed to hold on to this orb, became ill for several years and passed away a few months ago.

Originally, I didn't know who my father's benefactor was, until there was a place in Shengdu dedicated to offering body pearls, out of love for Mingzhu, I went to see it.

After looking at it, I realized that this so-called divine bead was actually the dragon bead that my father gave to my benefactor, and my father's benefactor turned out to be Wei Guogong. "

The Queen Mother was shocked!He looked at Wei Guogong suddenly.

Wei Guogong was in a trance for a moment, and immediately scolded, "It's nonsense! I have never been a benefactor of your Yu family, and I have never met your father. Why do you want Jiaozhu from your father?"

Yellow-mouthed boy, you want to smear the old man's feelings for the emperor with a few words, you can be punished for your crime! "

Although Wei Guogong was furious, Yuqing was still polite and said, "Wei Guogong, please calm down, Yuqing naturally dare not doubt your intentions for the emperor.

However, there are four jiao beads in the Yu family. These four jiao beads were obtained by my great-grandfather with great effort, but they are all known to the world. Later, four became three, and the other one was indeed in your hands. hands. "

Yuqing signaled the eunuch Feng Degui to take the pearls that had just fallen from Concubine Xu Xian, and put the four together, they were exactly the same without any difference.

Wei Guogong's face was ashen, and he clenched his fists.

Wei Ru was so panicked, she hurriedly said, "It's Lian Siyue, the Empress Dowager, this is all Lian Siyue's fault! This Zhang Kou and this Yuqing were all arranged by her on purpose.

Otherwise, why, it was a coincidence that they all appeared at the same time today to slander my grandfather and my Wei family's loyalty?
Lian Siyue, don't even think about succeeding, the empress dowager and the emperor won't believe you! "

Lian Siyue said seriously, "Master Jian'an, who is targeting whom? In the beginning, there was no evidence to say that I stole the Jiaozhu!

In the end, it was clearly the thief shouting "Stop the thief", and it was obvious that you and Concubine Xu Xian framed me together. "


"Besides, there's no such thing as a coincidence!" Lian Siyue said, turning to face the Queen Mother, and said, "It was His Highness the Ninth Prince who first discovered the connection between Zhang Kou and Shengdu. It is the family of three generations of Zhongliang, and even saved the life of the late emperor's grandfather.

Therefore, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince did not report to his father, but secretly investigated everything.

Then he found out about the Shenzhu. He felt that the origin of the Shenzhu was suspicious, so he traced it further and found the Yu family. Knowing the true face of Jiaozhu, he tried to get away with it and create some miracles about Shenzhu.
Originally, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince wanted to find an opportunity to explain to the emperor the matter of the Imperial City Division and Shenzhu.

However, the emperor's order came suddenly, and he and His Highness the Eleventh were stationed at Shanhaiguan, so there was no chance to speak.

However, he told me all these things, and asked me to pay more attention, and I will mention this matter when my father, the dragon, is in better health.

But by coincidence, Duke Wei did not expect Duke Wei to enshrine this jiaozhu as a fetish and hand it over to the emperor, falsely claiming that it can cure diseases!
So, I secretly arrested Zhang Kou, and also sent someone to secretly invite Yuqing to live in the Tongyun Inn in the capital, thinking of exposing the true face of Wei Guogong!

Today, you want to use Jiaozhu's matter and frame it on the head of this princess, so I think it's time to expose your conspiracy!

Wei Guogong, every case has conclusive evidence, do you still want to deny your intentions?

It turned out that the Wei family, known as the three generations of loyalty, turned out to be the ones who despised the emperor and the queen mother!Hmph, you are sorry for the plaques given to you by Grandpa Xiandi, and for the trust placed in you by the emperor and queen mother! "

What Lian Siyue said was clear, well-founded, and righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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