First-class daughter

Chapter 888 Stretching Your Tendons 2

Chapter 888 Stretching Your Tendons 2
Chapter 888 Stretching Your Tendons 2
Although Wei Ruhao was trembling all over and his face turned pale, he still argued hard——

"Okay, even Siyue assumes that what you said is true, but the emperor's health is much better. This is also a fact, and everyone has seen it. This shows that my grandfather did not lie to the emperor, but this pearl has a miraculous effect."

"Hehe." Lian Siyue smiled, and then, his eyes slowly turned cold, and fell on Wei Guogong, saying, "That's because Wei Guogong knows the emperor's condition very well through his close contacts with the Imperial City Secretary.

He knew what medicine the emperor took, when he took it, what and how much he took for three meals a day, and of course, the emperor's pulse records in the imperial hospital, etc.

Therefore, he had already estimated that the emperor's body would improve due to the meticulous treatment by the Tai Hospital, so, taking advantage of this time, he went to the capital to present the orb.

This coincidence took away the credit of the Imperial Hospital and deceived the Emperor. After the expiration of the term, the Empress Dowager benefited a lot from the Wei family. Wei Guogong, tell me, am I right? "

Lian Siyue looked at Wei Guogong, his forehead was already sweating, and the corners of his eyes were beating faintly, but he still sneered,
"Princess Hengqin, if you want me to die, everything has already been arranged.

I am so happy to present the divine pearl to the emperor, how could I have imagined that you have already cast a fishing net, waiting to be caught. "

"Hehe, Wei Guogong really overestimated me. It wasn't that I asked someone from the Imperial City Department to write information to you. It was you who urged me to ask for it every month. You sent the Jiaozhu to the palace as a god, and you didn't want to send it to the emperor. I know I urged you to send it.

Wei Guogong wanted to put the blame on me, but I'm afraid that if I don't agree, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince will not agree either. " Lian Siyue replied forcefully.

The Empress Dowager looked at Wei Guogong, her expression had completely changed, no matter how unwilling she was to believe it, she couldn't protect the Wei family with so much evidence, she had to believe Wei Guogong's intentions!
"That's right, Wei Guogong, it's really creepy to think about how you monitor the emperor and the empress dowager in every detail. By the way, you haven't asked the concubine Xian's sister for any information about the harem, have you? After all, Princess Jian'an has been with Xian for so long. My concubine and sister live together."

Feng Defei Shi Shiran said.

Sure enough, De Fei, an old woman, started to take this opportunity to make trouble, and then approached Lian Siyue's camp!

There was an impatient smile on Lian Siyue's lips—as expected, the women in the harem didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Looking back on the previous life, she had almost no contact with Concubine De.

Because she didn't have a son, Feng Qianyue suppressed the empresses and princes in various palaces after Feng Qianyue came to the throne, but Concubine Feng De was not implicated in any way.

Thinking about it now, the reason why she was able to stay safe alone was inseparable from her strategy.

This helper is wonderful.

Concubine Xu Xian looked at Concubine Feng De abruptly, and said, "Sister De Concubine, the conscience of heaven and earth, although Jian'an lives in Dongxi Palace, between me and her we only chat about daily life, and never involve other aspects."

"Concubine De, the concubine mother is the concubine of the emperor, no matter what, she is on the side of the emperor, how can she help outsiders say things that shouldn't be said." Feng Ye looked at Feng Defei's words lightly, and said.

"If not, it would be the best. Sister Concubine Xian and His Highness the Eighth Highness don't need to worry, the Empress Dowager will see clearly." Concubine Feng De nodded slightly, and sat back in her seat, looking very quiet.

And the hand of the Queen Mother holding the back of the chair trembled, "Wei Guogong, Wei Guogong, the Ai family never expected that you would have such ulterior motives, you... are you worthy of your father, your uncle?
Your three generations of the Wei family are loyal and famous, and you actually did such a rebellious and deceitful thing, you..."

The queen mother has feelings for the Wei family, so at this moment, besides anger, she also has heartache!

Wei Guogong knew that this was the end and there was no room for maneuver, so he knelt on the ground with a plop and cried bitterly:
"Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, I am wronged, wronged for my loyalty to the emperor and you."


In fact, Lian Siyue understands that Wei Guogong is willing to accompany Concubine Xu Xian and Wei Ru to play some dirty tricks in the harem at this time, not just to target her as a woman.

His real purpose is to marry Wei Ruhao to His Highness the Eighth Highness who is currently the most powerful, to help His Highness, use her to suppress Princess Heng, and shake the foundation of His Highness Ninth!
It is not known whether His Highness the Eighth Highness participated in this.

However, no matter who it is, who wants to hurt her Yunzheng, or her child's father, that's absolutely impossible!
She will fight bloody and fight back with all her strength, not giving the enemy any chance!

Seeing Lian Siyue glance at him, Feng Ye's heart skipped a beat, but when he understood the meaning conveyed by this glance——

His heart sank.

She was sure that he and Wei Guogong were in the same group.

"The empress dowager's enlightenment, the empress dowager..."

Even though the evidence is solid, Wei Guogong and Wei Ruhao still deny it in every possible way and refuse to admit it.

The Empress Dowager squeezed the veil tightly, and seeing Wei Guogong a man crying so miserably, she looked at Lian Siyue with some contradictions and hesitation——

She was just a teenage princess, a woman who just seemed to be extremely weak because of her fetal gas, how could she have such courage and shake the Wei family.

Among them, will there be any hidden secrets.


"I came to Mingjian, how about it?" The queen mother was about to speak, but at this moment, the voice of Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly came.

I saw that Emperor Zhou Cheng walked over in a bright yellow dragon robe, his face was ashen, without any expression.

After being ill for a few days, his energy and spirit were not as good as before, but his complexion looked better than before, and the majesty of being an emperor was still there. .

"Emperor, Your Majesty."

Wei Guogong's heart skipped a beat and he stopped crying.

"Long live the emperor, long live."

Everyone knelt down and shouted.

"Emperor, why are you here?" The Queen Mother asked with concern.

Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't speak, he walked to the chair and sat down, looking coldly at Wei Guogong who was sitting under him.

"Crack!" He suddenly picked up the cup on the side, and slammed it viciously at Wei Guogong's head!Everyone was shocked and quickly prostrated themselves on the ground.

There was only a sound, and the bowl was broken, and immediately, blood flowed from his head,
However, he didn't move at all, he didn't dare to shout, his body was crooked by the smash, and he immediately knelt up straight again, trembling all over.

Seeing this scene, Wei Ruhao lost all three souls and seven souls immediately, crying in fright, but dared not say a word.

At this moment, the emperor was full of anger in his heart, and no one dared to say a word, even the queen mother was frightened.

"Jiang Keji, immediately take off the crown of Wei Guogong, put him in the dungeon, and ask to be executed tomorrow. Once all the titles of everyone in the Wei family are removed, everyone will be exiled to the army, slaves for generations, and never stand up!"

the emperor ordered.

Wei Guogong suddenly raised his head——

"Emperor, Your Majesty, the three generations of the Wei family have been loyal, Your Majesty forgives your sins, Your Majesty spares your life!"

Wei Guogong no longer dared to quibble about his crimes, no longer dared to deny the crimes he committed.

And when Wei Ruhao heard the emperor's words, he was stupefied, unable to recover for a long time——

Remove all titles, exile outside the Great Wall, and serve as slaves for generations!
Then she, is she no longer the princess?Can't go back to Shengdu again?
She suddenly burst into tears and kowtowed repeatedly, "The emperor spares my life, Jian'an knows I was wrong, Jian'an will never dare again, please don't take my position away, I don't want to be a slave, I don't want to be a slave. Zhongliang, for the sake of saving the grandfather of the late emperor, let the Wei family be spared."

(End of this chapter)

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