First-class daughter

Chapter 889 You Are Over

Chapter 889 You Are Over

Chapter 889 You Are Over

"Three generations of the Wei family are loyal and good, and there is one generation of traitors, and it will be over." Zhou Chengdi ended the intercession between Wei Guogong and Wei Ruhao with one sentence.

Concubine Xu Xian saw that the emperor was so heartless and decisive, she suddenly broke out in cold sweat, even her cheeks were sweating——

Fortunately, except that she wanted to marry the Wei family, she didn't have deep contact with the Wei family in other aspects, and later she had a rift with Wei Ruhao.

If they get in touch with each other more deeply, I'm afraid...I'm afraid that she and Ye'er will suffer today!

At the same time, she is very grateful that Ye'er is determined not to marry Wei Ruhao. If they do, all of Ye'er's future will be ruined.

These back fears made her footsteps weak, and if she hadn't supported herself, she would have almost lost her footing.

Wei Guogong was weak all over and fell to the ground. Suddenly, he lost the vigor of the Duke of that country.The tiara was removed, the gray hair was scattered—it was over, it was over, it was over.

A bright pearl ended the entire Wei family.

If he knew it would become like this, he would never make this trip to Kyoto.

However, everything is too late.

You are not joking, the words of the emperor have condemned the Wei family to death!
He was trembling all over, slowly raised his eyes, and looked at Lian Siyue opposite him - he underestimated her, he heard that Princess Heng was amazing, but he sneered a little.

No matter what, she is just a woman in the inner house.

Lian Siyue gave him a contemptuous sneer, that's all, no more.

Her meaning is very clear - you can't even get my redundant expressions!
Wei Ruhao prostrated herself on the ground, clenched her fists tightly—not reconciled!Unwilling!She is not willing to be a slave.

"Oh, my father said that he wants to be exiled outside the Great Wall. Wei Ruhao is a woman who is exiled outside the Great Wall. Could it be that she wants to be a military prostitute?"

Fifth Princess Feng Ling said suddenly.


Military prostitute?

Wei Ruhao raised her head abruptly, "No, no, Your Majesty, I don't want to be a military prostitute, I don't want to be a military prostitute..."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's face was cold, expressionless, and he ignored Wei Ruhao's plea.

Suddenly, Wei Ruhao looked at Lian Siyue suddenly, with deep jealousy and hatred in her eyes, she gritted her teeth, and quickly rushed towards Lian Siyue——

"It's you! It's all you! I want you to be buried with me!"

At the same time, she snapped off the hairpin on her head, and ruthlessly, with all her strength, pierced Lian Siyue's body!
"Ah!" Seeing Wei Ruhao's sudden madness, everyone screamed in fright.

Seeing this, Qingdai and Mother Tai didn't think about anything, they immediately stretched out their hands to stop Lian Siyue, blocking her for her!

"Ah!" Wei Ruhao only felt the bone in her arm break, she wailed in pain, sweat and tears rolled down at the same time, her hand was so painful that she couldn't lift it up, and the hairpin fell to the ground in response.

She raised her head, looked at Feng Ye sadly, and asked in tears, "Why, why?"

It turned out that when she pulled out the hairpin and was about to stab Lian Siyue to death, Feng Ye immediately rushed ahead of Jiang Keji and other guards, stopped her and saved Lian Siyue.

But Feng Ye was so cold that he tried hard, Wei Ruhao staggered backwards and fell to the ground.

He doesn't show any affection at all!Not at all!
"Brother Ye, I'm already your woman, why do you want to do this, how can you have the heart to attack me." Wei Ruhao said loudly.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, Wei Ruhao already had a physical relationship with His Highness the Eighth Prince?

Feng Ye's originally indifferent expression, when he heard Wei Ruhao suddenly go crazy and say these words.

His first reaction was to quickly look at Lian Siyue, his usual rebellious expression was even a little flustered, he felt as if he had betrayed Lian Siyue.

However, Lian Siyue's face was calm and expressionless, and there was nothing unusual because of this moment.

The queen mother frowned tightly, she never expected that Wei Ruhao, who seemed to be well-educated, had already committed herself to Ye'er.

It is really……

"Wei Ruhao, you will kill yourself if you do many unrighteous actions. You have to blame yourself for everything today, and have something to do with me? I just want to reveal your true colors and don't deceive the emperor."

Lian Siyue's aloof and cold expression was like a knife stabbing Wei Ruhao fiercely.

"Wei Ruhao intends to assassinate the prince and concubine, the crime will be increased, and the tattoo on the face will be escorted outside the Great Wall! Jiang Keji, take them away!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng had run out of patience and ordered.


So, Wei Guogong and Wei Ruhao were taken down together.

Everyone knelt down and said in unison, "Long live the emperor."

Lian Siyue raised her head slightly, looking at Emperor Zhou Cheng's face that seemed to be getting older——

Duke Wei had such an end today. He expected that Emperor Zhou Cheng was suspicious, and he would never tolerate it if he knew that Duke Wei was inquiring about him through the people of the Imperial City Department.

"Come here, drag Zhang Kou out, stick him to death, and punish the nine clans!"

Sure enough, one sentence condemned Zhang Kou to death again.

Lian Siyue knew that Emperor Zhou Cheng's health was not as good as before, and he wanted to take this opportunity to revive Longwei and let everyone understand that he is the emperor, and the emperor must not be despised!

Therefore, whether Wei Guogong, Wei Ruhao, or Zhang Kou, there is only one dead end.

In fact, what even Siyue didn't notice was that Emperor Zhou Cheng was actually holding on now, and he wanted to use this incident to frighten the former court and the harem.

"Concubine Xian..." Concubine Xu Xian was rejoicing that she was not caught in the center of the storm, when Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly called her name.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is here!"

Concubine Xu Xian's legs had long been weak. At this moment, being called, she bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice.

"Tell me, why is the jiaozhu presented by Duke Wei on your crown?" Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at her closely and asked.

"Chen Qie, Chen Qie doesn't know, Chen Qie is thinking, is it because Chen Qie and Wei Ru like to take advantage of Chen Qie's time with her, put this pearl on Chen Qie's head?
Your Majesty, no matter what, the love that the concubine has for the emperor is a lesson from heaven and earth. The concubine hopes that everything will be well for the emperor, and will never touch the emperor's things. "

She said cautiously.

"Your explanation is flawless, so that I can't doubt you anymore." Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't say that he believed it had nothing to do with Concubine Xu Xian, he said that Concubine Xu Xian explained well.

what does that mean?
Concubine Xu Xian felt uneasy.

"Let's all step back." Zhou Chengdi waved his hand and signaled.

"Yes, the emperor takes care of the dragon body."

Everyone saluted and retreated one by one.

Concubine Xu Xian breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart did not relax.

Lian Siyue walked to the gate of the hall, looked back, and finally breathed a sigh of relief——

Those who want to deal with Yun Zheng must be ruthless.

"Princess, are you tired? You should take a good rest when you go back." Qing Dai said distressedly when she saw the faint beads of sweat on Lian Siyue's forehead.

"Princess, wait a minute, the sedan chair will be here soon." Mother Tai said, looking at the road ahead and seeing the sedan chair approaching.


After such a life-and-death fight, she really felt exhausted and needed to take a good rest, otherwise the baby in her stomach would rebel.

She lowered her head, stroked her belly lightly, with a smile on her face, and said softly:

"Son, mother will never let anyone bully you and your father, mother will use all she has to protect you."

After a while, the sedan chair was wheeled over, Qingdai and Mother Tai carefully supported Lian Siyue to sit on it.

"Wei Guogong's matter has nothing to do with me, and I have never participated in it." At this time, a voice came from behind the sedan chair.

Feng Ye knew that she must think he was involved in it, because Wei Guogong wanted to help him get rid of Prince Heng's Mansion, she would be so misunderstood, it is understandable.

"Get up the sedan chair." Lian Siyue ordered with a cold face.

The sedan chair was lifted up and gradually walked away along the stone road. Feng Ye stood where he was and smiled bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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