First-class daughter

Chapter 890 I'm Done

Chapter 890 I'm Done

Chapter 890 I'm Done

After everyone retreated one by one, Emperor Zhou Cheng finally couldn't hold on anymore, and leaned weakly on the chair, sweating profusely, his face was pale and weak, and his chest heaved up and down.

"Your Majesty..." Chief Eunuch Feng Degui hurried forward, "Your Majesty, I will help you to rest in your bedroom."

"..." However, Emperor Zhou Cheng waved his hand and said, "Call Jiang Keji in quickly, I have something important to explain, there is no delay, go quickly."

"Yes." Feng Degui hurried out to summon Jiang Keji.

A moment later, Jiang Keji, the commander of the imperial army, walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Majesty, the humble official is here."

"You all go down."

Emperor Zhou Cheng dismissed the others, leaving only Jiang Keji and Feng Degui, and said:

"Jiang Keji, I have something important that I need you to do."

"Your Majesty, please order." Jiang Keji nodded.

"Take off your shirt and turn your back to me." Emperor Zhou Cheng made a puzzling order.

"Yes." Jiang Keji took off his shirt, turned his back to the emperor, and knelt on the ground.

"Feng Degui, go get the needle and my jade seal." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered again.

"Your majesty, here they are." Soon, Feng Degui came with the things the emperor needed in both hands.

Emperor Zhou Cheng tried his best to adjust his state, and with Feng Degui's support, he sat up straight.

Taking the sharp needle, he leaned forward and began to tattoo on Jiang Keji's back. When the needle went down, Jiang Keji clenched his teeth.

Emperor Zhou Cheng held his breath, restrained his trembling hands, and tattooed characters all over Jiang Keji's back. After the tattooing, he was already panting from exhaustion, his face was pale, and he didn't even have the strength to hold the needle.

"Your Majesty, drink this bowl of ginseng tea quickly."

Feng Degui brought a bowl of ginseng tea to boost his energy. After Zhou Chengdi drank the ginseng tea, he slowly recovered, and Feng Degui wiped his sweat aside.

Looking at Jiang Keji, he said seriously, "Jiang Keji, I stabbed these on your back just in case.

This is the last guarantee I made for him. One day, if he doesn't succeed, you will announce the things I stabbed on your back in front of the world. This is my true will.

You must remember that no matter what, you cannot let anyone see it, and it must be a secret that only you know. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, I must swear to protect the Emperor's will to the death." Jiang Keji cupped his hands and said.

Feng Degui looked at the tattooed words on Jiang Keji's back, and thought: The emperor really worked so hard, that His Highness is blessed.

A weak smile appeared on Zhou Chengdi's face, and then supported by Feng Degui, he returned to the sleeping hall, and just touched the dragon bed, and fell down weakly.

"Emperor physician, imperial physician..."

The imperial physicians who were always waiting outside rushed into the hall.

Winter Palace.

After Concubine Xu Xian came back from Rongyuan Hall, she broke out in cold sweat from fright. She sat on the chair and couldn't move for a long time, as if she was frozen.

Zhou Chengdi's sentence "Your explanation is so flawless that I can't doubt you anymore" lingered in her ears all the time, making her uneasy and uneasy.

What does the emperor mean by saying that?
Could it be that he has decided that she is involved in the Wei family's affairs?Do you think she also provided information to the Wei family?Do you think she has evil intentions?

Or, will the emperor start to doubt Ye'er?
"Wei Guogong's move is to move Prince Heng's mansion and the Ninth Emperor's brother, and the mother and concubine have been so close to the Wei family recently, it is not surprising that the father will suspect that I also participated in planning this matter."

Concubine Xu Xian was uneasy, and when she was making guesses, Feng Ye walked in and calmly said what worried her most in her heart.

"Ye'er, then, what should we do, your royal father, will he take back your right to supervise the country, will he doubt you, will he no longer reuse you..."

Concubine Xu Xian stood up abruptly after hearing this, the phoenix crown on her head fell off again, the beads were scattered all over the ground, she looked very embarrassed, her face was very ugly, she was very regretful now.

She has been in the harem for decades, and her position is stable. Even Empress Duanwen fell into her hands, let alone those concubines and beauties.

However, ever since Lian Siyue confronted her, everything seemed to be no longer so smooth, from the exposure of Lian Jue to her entering the limbo, and now——she seemed to be getting more and more embarrassed, more and more It's not going well.

"At least one more thing to be thankful for is that I didn't marry Wei Ruhao, what do you think, concubine mother." Feng Ye sat down, raised the corners of his lips, and said, with a hint of love in that little smile. Satire.

"Ye'er, there is something, mother concubine, mother concubine kept it from you, didn't tell you, you let someone secretly feed Wei Ru good miscarriage medicine, she... didn't drink it, I asked someone to change it." Concubine Xu Xian His face was pale and his hands and feet were shaking.

Feng Ye stood up suddenly, his eyes burst out with extreme anger, "What did you say?"

"When... At the beginning, the mother and concubine thought that if Wei Ruhao had your flesh and blood, you would marry her anyway, but later saw that you were really dissatisfied with Wei Ruhao, and the mother and concubine also regretted it. I forced you, so I thought about finding an opportunity to give her the miscarriage medicine, but...already, the time limit has passed, and the miscarriage medicine has to be taken within two hours to be effective." Concubine Xu Xian said tremblingly.

Feng Ye suffered a fatal blow all over his body, and sat down weakly, with a strange smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He suddenly raised his head and laughed, his eyes were scarlet, as if he was being trampled by thousands of horses and horses.

"However, maybe, she is not so lucky to be pregnant with your flesh and blood..." Concubine Xu Xian said with a hint of expectation.


If Wei Ruhao has Feng Ye's flesh and blood, he will definitely stay and will not be expelled from the army. However, since Ye'er has a blood relationship with the sinner Wei's family, then he... can't get rid of the Wei family no matter what. shadows.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Concubine Xu Xian has never regretted it like this, never felt such fear like now, how she wished she had never asked Wei Ruhao to come to the capital, how she wished she had never used this method to force Ye'er. .

"Don't worry, concubine mother, concubine mother will find a way to make Wei Ruhao die within two days, leaving no hope for her, even if she is pregnant with your flesh and blood, no one will know.

Ye'er, concubine mother will listen to you in everything from now on, concubine mother is wrong, concubine mother is really wrong. "

As Concubine Xu Xian spoke, she tried to reach out and grab Feng Ye's sleeve.

"..." However, Feng Ye flicked his sleeve vigorously, Concubine Xu Xian staggered backwards and fell to the ground.


Feng Ye looked at her sharply, with deep hatred in his eyes, "You are satisfied! Are you satisfied now?"

"Ye'er, don't hate Concubine Mother, don't hate Concubine Mother, please..." Concubine Xu Xian begged with tears streaming down her face.

However, there was a frightening smile on Feng Ye's face.

"Ye'er..." Concubine Xu Xian cautiously called out, "You, what are you thinking?"

Feng Ye stood up, and walked out with a blank face - without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

"Ye'er, Ye'er..." Concubine Xu Xian crawled towards Feng Ye's back, but Feng Ye didn't look back.

Concubine Xu Xian sat on the ground dejectedly, she raised her hand, and slapped herself hard on the face, "I'm done, I'm done..."

Feng Ye walked out of Menghua Palace, when the wind blew, his chaotic and powerless head suddenly became clearer, and he slowly clenched his fists——

"Your Highness." Yin Huai walked over and nodded.

"This king wants to kill Wei Ruhao with his own hands." He said ruthlessly, his eyes were cold, without any hesitation.

"Yes, I'm going to prepare for the humble job." Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye's calm and ruthless glasses slowly lifted up, looking at the sun in the sky, it was very dazzling, very dazzling...

(End of this chapter)

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