Chapter 891
Chapter 891
Inside the Winter Palace.

After the Eighth Highness Feng Ye left, Nanny Gui cautiously walked to Concubine Xu Xian's side, helped her up, and said, "Your Majesty, it's cold on the ground, get up quickly."

Concubine Xu Xian struggled to get up from the ground,
At this time, her hair was loose behind her back, her fingers were trembling, and her face was bloodless. She grasped Nanny Gui's hand and said:
"Hurry up, think of a way quickly. We will get rid of Wei Ruhao in a few days. She must not be allowed to live. If she becomes pregnant, Ye'er will be doomed!"

"But, empress, Wei Ruhao is now locked in the dungeon. He is a felon, and ordinary people can't get close to him. Besides, we are on the cusp of the storm, if the empress does something, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that things will startle the snake," Gui Nanny said worriedly.

Concubine Xu Xian seemed to be discouraged, and felt overwhelmed for the first time—"You are right, the emperor has already suspected me, and maybe he has sent someone to watch me. It's easy to start, people who don't know the details will think that I am trying to keep Wei Ruhao's mouth shut, lest she will confess me and Ye'er when she is interrogated by the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

It's really a dilemma.

"Your Majesty, when I saw His Highness the Eighth Highness go out, I seemed to have an expression that I would not let Wei Ru go. Maybe, His Highness will think of a way." Nanny Gui comforted.

"Yes, yes, Ye'er will figure out a way by himself, he won't sit still.

It's just that in this way, the bond between mother and child has been weakened, because if Wei Ruhao has a child, he, he will kill the child with his own hands, and this child was brought by Ben Gong.

I hope, I hope Wei Ru is good, she has no children. "

Concubine Xu Xian can only pray over and over again that Wei Ruhao will not have children, that Feng Ye's future will not be affected, and her relationship with him will not be affected.

"Also, empress...the fact that Lianwu put medicine balls in Menghua Palace...would it also be exposed? This servant looks at this Princess Hengqin, she is too powerful, and this servant is still trembling with fright.

Who is Wei Guogong? He is a loyal family of three generations. He once saved the late emperor. Both the emperor and the queen mother valued him very much. The foundation of the entire Wei family in Shengdu is so behind.

However, this Princess Hengqin unexpectedly, within a day, caused great changes to the entire Wei family.The titles of the whole family were cut off and exiled outside the Great Wall.too frightening! "

Nanny Gui just talked, thinking of Lian Siyue's face, she tied a sachet for her today, her voice trembled with fright, thankfully Concubine Xu Xian was not deeply involved in today's matter.

Concubine Xu Xian broke into a cold sweat again, feeling a little scared, yes, the foundation of the Wei family in Shengdu is very solid, and since Shengdu is very close to the capital, the status of Wei Guogong is self-evident.

The Empress Dowager and the Wei family also have a lot of friendship. Today, when Wei Guogong pleaded for mercy, the Empress Dowager was even a little shaken.

However, even such a Wei family was turned upside down by Lian Siyue overnight.

"My lady..."

"Wait, wait, the Empress Dowager told her to go back to Prince Heng's mansion within two days, and wait until she returns to Prince Heng's mansion to have a miscarriage. At that time, no one will suspect us.

However, in these two days, Lian Wu had to get rid of the medicine ball, so as not to leave any trouble behind. "

Concubine Xu Xian forced herself to calm down.

"Yes." Nanny Gui said, wiping the sweat off her face.

"As long as Wei Ruhao is not pregnant, don't worry too much about other things." Concubine Xu Xian comforted Nanny Gui and comforted herself.

When Lian Siyue returned to Menghua Palace, Concubine Liang hurried over, pulling her up and down to look up and down——

"Yue'er, are you okay, are you feeling unwell, come here and lie down."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly. The concubine mother didn't ask about the Wei family's affairs at first, but now she cared about her body. Only those who really love her would care about her well.

"Mother, Yue'er is fine, but a little tired."

Such a fight is too exhausting, and it is normal to be a little tired.

"Mother Concubine has ordered someone to cook the nourishing soup, you lie down, Qing Dai will bring it." Concubine Liang Gui ordered.

The soup was brought over, but Concubine Liang took the bowl and spoon and fed Lian Siyue herself.

She felt a little sorry, and said, "Concubine Mu, Yue'er can't bear it, let the slaves come."

"Silly boy, you married Yunzheng, and you are my child. If you call me concubine mother, I will be your own mother. Besides, Yue'er, I have always liked you very much. This is the first time I saw you , I liked it very much, and in the end, you really became my daughter-in-law." Concubine Liang said with a smile.

After Lian Siyue heard this, she was so heartbroken and moved. She was exhausted after passing away today, and as soon as she came back, she received such care from her mother and concubine, and felt that the fatigue had disappeared.

How lucky she is to meet people like Yun Zheng and Concubine Mu in this life.

After eating the tonic, Lian Siyue went back to rest in the bedroom, Concubine Liang refused anyone to visit, and let Lian Siyue have a good rest.

But Lian Siyue took a break this time, and slept from the afternoon of this day until the morning of the next day.

When she woke up, Qing Dai said, "My princess slept for a long time, it's so good."

She ate lunch in her room, maybe she had slept for too long, but she actually added a bowl to this meal, Mother Tai said happily:
"Princess, you should eat like this, it will make you fat."

Lian Siyue said, "The chubby one won't be able to walk, and when he goes out, wouldn't he be rolling around like a ball?"

Everyone laughed. I didn't expect the princess to say such a joke.

Later, Imperial Physician Rong came and checked her pulse. After the diagnosis, he said, "Princess, your pulse is stable, and the fetus is fine."

All the servants were very happy to hear that, even with a slight smile on Siyue's face——

"Looking at it this way, after the princess became pregnant, something seems to have changed." Qing Dai felt that the smile that the princess sometimes inadvertently showed had a maternal radiance, and looked very gentle.

That's great, I hope the princess can be safe and sound, and wait for His Royal Highness to come back.

At this time, Nanny Li who was beside Concubine Liang came in and said, "Princess, Concubine Feng De is here to visit Concubine Gui."

Concubine Feng De is here?
Lian Ruyue revealed a slight smile on her lips——

Not long after she woke up, Concubine Feng De came. It seemed that she paid a lot of attention to Menghua Palace.

"Changing clothes for me, I'm going to visit Empress Defei." She got up and said.


Inside the hall.

Concubine Feng De sat opposite Concubine Liang, and said, "I know my sister is not well, and I always wanted to visit, but I never came. It's a sin, I hope my sister doesn't mind."

Concubine Liang said, "Sister, you don't have to be polite. Last time, you sent your palace servants to bring you supplements. The seventh and fifth princesses also came to visit. Both princesses are sensible and well-behaved. My sister really likes it."

"It's just two girls, they are not promising, not as promising as Yunzheng, I only hope that the two of them will marry well, and the husband and wife will be harmonious and beautiful, and I will be satisfied."

"Both the fifth son-in-law and the seventh son-in-law hold important positions in the imperial court. I once mentioned by Yun Zheng that the two son-in-laws are very promising, sister can rest assured." Concubine Liang said.

"Hey..." Concubine Feng De sighed slightly, "Where can I rest assured, in this court, there are always changes in the blink of an eye, you need a lot of strategy and courage to keep a bright future, and you have to guard against villains. A girl is not considered a smart person. So, in my heart, I often worry about them, and it would be nice if I had someone to rely on."

Concubine Liang gradually understood what Concubine Feng De meant. She heard from Yue'er that Concubine De unexpectedly helped Concubine De in the Rongyuan Palace yesterday.

Now it seems that he wants to stand in the same camp as them.

(End of this chapter)

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